Lucent (the name comes from Luc-ifer Ent-erprises) is the colossus company that was created from the merging of the well-known AT&T (American Telegraph & Telecom ) and the Bell Labs.
As it says on one of its advertisments, Lucent is the company who invented the phone,transistor
and the laser and has been awarded with 8 Nobel prises.
The company Lucent (Lucifer Enterprises) is the one who has invented UNIX the mostly used operating system across the Internet and also the programming languages C,C++
that are the most famous for various computer applications.
It's sign is a red circle.
To occultists, the circle represents their Satanic deity, the great and
fearsome Solar Serpent. The fiery, red, sun orb, or circle, is his image.
Scriptures reveal him as the "great red dragon" and his global system as
the scarlet (red-colored) beast (Revelation 12:3 and 17:3-5). How
interesting that the logo for Lucent Technologies is a red circle.
However,the most outrageous, is the name of the new operating system for the Internet they have
invented.It is called Inferno !!
The communications protocols designed into
Lucent's Inferno software are called Styx.It is the name of the mythological river of Hades, across
which the boatman, Charon, rowed the souls of the dead.
Inferno (internet/computer) applications are
written in a new language called Limbo which was designed specifically for the Inferno environment.Limbo's meaning is to be suspended in a lower compartment of hell, awaiting judgment or punishment!
Crains's (formally, Crain's New York Business) is one of America's most
influential and respected business publications. It is eagerly read by New
Yorkers and the Wall Street crowd. In Crain's July 1-7 issue, on page one,
we find this staggering bit of information, repeated here exactly as it
was printed:
Lucent Technologies, the $21 billion former equipment
division of AT&T, is cruising Manhattan for space. The
company has already signed a lease for 40,000 square
feet at 666 Fifth Ave.

Bell Labs
Styx FAQ
Apple has sold its first 299 Computers Apple I for 666.666 dollars ! (Wall Street. Journal 11-11-81)
All the IRC ports (Internet Relay Chat-a popular service of the Internet) that you can connect to begin with the number 666 (specifically they are 6666-6669)
Many computer games like Diablo,Doom,Quake I,Quake II have satanistic symbols in them like
pentalphas and devils.Moreover many games such as Carmageddon,Postal etc. urge the user to kill
innocent civilians.