TOPICAL INDEX of TLEE's Christian Home Page

NOTE: This index has been produced to make it easier to examine my works by subject. I have entered a reference for each chapter and many of the sections of each book, for each Sunday School lesson, for each essay from my Liberty University studies, for each Chapter Commentary, and for each Critique. For simplicity, I have used a shortened notation to represent each book/commentary. 

Click on the letter of the alphabet for the article in which you are interested.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

  • "Creation" stands for Rediscovering The Truth About Creation

  • "Logic" stands for The Undeniable Logic in God's Salvation Plan

  • "Finding Way Home" stands for Finding My Way Home - A Christian Testimony

  • "Right Living" stands for The Truth About Right Living

  • "About God" stands for What I Believe About God and Why I Believe It

  • "End Near" stands for The End May Be Much Nearer Than We Think

  • "Thesis" stands for my William and Mary thesis

  • "Family" stands for Career, Family, and Living For The Lord

  • "James_C1" stands for A Commentary On The Epistle Of James, Chapter One

  • "James_C2" stands for A Commentary On The Epistle Of James, Chapter Two

  • "Matthew_C5" stands for A Commentary On The Gospel Of Matthew, Chapter Five

  • "Reincarn" stands for Against "Reincarnation in the New Testament"

  • "Daily" stands for Daily Devotions for a 366-day Calendar

  • "Daily BC" stands for Bible Character Daily Devotions for a 366-day Calendar

  • "Iwill" stands for "I Will Build My Church"

  • "Matthew" stands for A Comprehensive Study of The Gospel of Matthew

  • "Debate" stands for my Internet debate with avowed atheist, Daniel Adams.
  • Where a small letter follows the chapter number, it means that the reader will get the whole chapter and need to scroll down to the particular section. I hope that this index will make my home page more accessible.


    Aaron Made a Costly Mistake (09 March) (Daily BC, MAR09) {387 words} Abiathar the Priest Deserved to Die (16 December) (Daily BC, DEC16) {376 words} Abner Died Like a Fool (16 March) (Daily BC, MAR16) {378 words} Abner Switched to David's Side (31 August) (Daily BC, AUG31) {369 words} Abraham Made the Same Mistake Twice (03 January) (Daily BC, JAN03) {394 words} Abraham Passed His Biggest Test (15 March) (Daily BC, MAR15) {397 words} Abraham Took Matters into his Own Hands (19 May) (Daily BC, MAY19) {390 words} Abraham was Promised a Seed and some Land (25 August) (Daily BC, AUG25) {374 words} Absalom Betrayed His Father (21 February) (Daily BC, FEB21) {405 words} Absalom Fled to the King of Geshur (19 August) (Daily BC, AUG19) {417 words} Absolute Absurdity Of Their Position (Creation, chapter 7) {339 words} Absolute Attributes of Jesus, The (Iwill, Lesson 26) {740 words} Absurdity of the Inflationary Model - Illustrated, The (Creation, chapter 32d) {638 words} Abuse of the Cosmological Argument, An (Creation, chapter 11g) {215 words} Accept Jesus and be Saved (05 April) (Daily, APR05) {382 words} Accept Responsibility (Matthew 7 and James 4) {578 words} Accepted Resurrection Facts (Creation, chapter 18i) {63 words} Accepting An Infinite Universe (About God, Chapter 3c) (186 Words) Accepting My Calling (Family, chapter 13) {257 words} Accepting Positive Criticism (Proverbs 9) {613 words} Accepting The Big Bang Theory (About God, Chapter 3a) (1,453 Words) Accepting The Genesis Account (About God, Chapter 3d) (1,193 Words) Accepting The Theory Of Evolution (About God, Chapter 3b) (1,438 Words) Accrediting Each Book (Creation, chapter 23b) {1,028 words} Accrediting The Difficult Books (Creation, chapter 23c) {797 words} Accumulated Carefully And Managed Effectively (Proverbs 30, Proverbs 19,) {592 words} Accuracy of the Scribes, The (Creation, chapter 25c) {198 words} Achan Brought Down the Whole Camp (29 October) (Daily BC, OCT29) {360 words} Acquired Honestly (Psalms 24, Deuteronomy 10, Haggai 2, Leviticus 25,) {619 words} Acquiring Wisdom (1:5-8) (James_C1, chapter 1c) {1,585 words} Acquiring Worthwhile Profit (Proverbs 14) {633 words} Active Duty and Finding A Church (Family, chapter 2) {213 words} Active Duty In Norfolk - Studying Assembler Language (Family, chapter 2c) {372 words} Acts {502 words} Adam and Eve Taught Their Children God's Plan (16 April) (Daily BC, APR16) {404 words} Adam Fathered Sons and Daughters (09 April) (Daily BC, APR09) {395 words} Adam Sinned (24 February) (Daily BC, FEB24) {407 words} Adam was the First Believer (17 April) (Daily BC, APR17) {397 words} Administered Cooperatively (Joshua 1, Deuteronomy 14,) {552 words} Adonijah was Executed Because of his Request (11 August) (Daily BC, AUG11) {383 words} Adultery and Purity (Matthew_C5, chapter 5g) {2,137 words} Advancing the Cause of Christ (09 October) (Daily, OCT09) {402 words} Against "Reincarnation in the New Testament" (Reincarn, Introduction) {234 words} Age Cannot Be Known For Certain, The (Creation, chapter 6c) {164 words} Age Estimate Is Too Low, The (Creation, chapter 6b) {179 words} Agrippa Would not be Persuaded (28 January) (Daily BC, JAN28) {384 words} Ahab Married Into Idolatry (01 May) (Daily BC, MAY01) {372 words} Ahab Stole a Vineyard (05 May) (05 May) (Daily BC, MAY05) {403 words} Ahaziah was an Ungodly King (05 November) (Daily BC, NOV05) {389 words} All are Sinners Because of Adam (08 September) (Daily, SEP08) {365 words} All Right Program That Did Not Stay All Right, An (Finding Way Home, chapter 5c) {317 words} All Things Really Do Become New (10 July) (Daily, JUL10) {406 words} Allusion of Worldly Desires, The (03 October) (Daily, OCT03) {400 words} Amazing Discovery, An (Creation, chapter 34b) {428 words} Amnon Raped His Sister (20 March) (Daily BC, MAR20) {383 words} AMORT.BAS - My First Program (Family, chapter 1d) {822 words} Amos Wrote About the Day of the Lord (31 October) (Daily BC, OCT31) {404 words} Analysis of "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1-4 {3,130 words} Analyzing The Antichrist (End Near, chapter 4c) {488 words} Analyzing the Definition of the Church {696 words} Ancent Philosophies Do Not Count (Reincarn, Section C) {902 words} Andrew Brought People to Jesus (01 February) (Daily BC, FEB01) {375 words} Andrew was Part of Jesus' Inner Circle (05 September) (Daily BC, SEP05) {366 words} Angelology {229 words} Anger and Reconciliation (Matthew_C5, chapter 5f) {1,161 words} Another Potential Setback - What To Do! (Finding Way Home, chapter 16a) {295 words} Another Strange Observation (Right Living, chapter 5b) {266 words} Another Very Useful Equation (Family, chapter 10b) {265 words} Answers About The Tribulation (End Near, chapter 4) {114 words} Answers to Two Difficult Questions, The (Logic, chapter 6d) {2,602 words} Ante-Nicene Literature I {1,053 words} Ante-Nicene Literature II {925 words} Anthropology (part 1) {1,083 words} Antichrist, The {560 words} Apathy (Romans 12 and Revelation 3) {555 words} Apocrypha is not Part of the Bible, The (18 August) (Daily, AUG18) {358 words} Apostle John Wrote About Separation and Living Right, The (10 September) (Daily, SEP10) {408 words} Apostolic Witness, The {772 words} Applying These Four Spiritual Facts (Logic, chapter 5c) {2,537 words} Applying To College (Finding Way Home, chapter 7a) {398 words} Appreciating the Ox, Being Honest, and Being Attentive (14 November) (Daily, NOV14) {404 words} April 1979 - Designing and Developing Positional Analysis Graphics (Family, chapter 7e) {1,460 words} April 1982 - Our Third Grandchild (Austin) (Family, chapter 9a) {63 words} April 23, 1989 - Losing My Job (Family, chapter 12a) {706 words} Aquila and Priscilla Were Faithful Christian Workers (11 September) (Daily BC, SEP11) {389 words} Archippus Helped Philemon Run a Home Church (13 September) (Daily BC, SEP13) {374 words} Arguments Against the Resurrection (Logic, chapter 3b) {3,528 words} Arguments of the Opposition (Creation, chapter 33e) {304 words} Aristarchus Shared Paul's Difficulties (14 December) (Daily BC, DEC14) {386 words} Asa Even Deposed his Grandmother, Maacah (10 April) (Daily BC, APR10) {411 words} Ascension of Jesus into Heaven, The (Logic, chapter 7e) {737 words} Asher was the Eighth Son of Jacob (06 April) (Daily BC, APR06) {357 words} At The Bottom Of The Barrel (Finding Way Home, chapter 10d) {476 words} Attending Liberty University (Finding Way Home, chapter 20c) {150 words} Attributes And Properties Of God, The {563 words} Attributes of God, The (03 February) (Daily, FEB03) {323 words} August 1973 - Starting Graduate School (Family, chapter 3) {628 words} August 1978 - Losing Pam (Family, chapter 7c) {529 words} Authorship, Date, and Authenticity (1:1) (James_C1, chapter 1a) {726 words} Authorship, Date, and Authenticity (James_C2, chapter 2a) {711 words} Avoid Fools, Foolishness, and Wrong Behavior (21 November) (Daily, NOV21) {379 words} Avoid Inappropriate Pledges, Laziness, And Wicked People (Proverbs 6) {665 words} Avoid Wrongdoing (1:16-21) (James_C1, chapter 1i) {2,695 words} Avoiding Conflicts by Obeying Sound Biblical Teachings (12 July) (Daily, JUL12) {379 words} Away From Home (Finding Way Home, chapter 7c) {303 words}


    Back To Studying (End Near, chapter 2d) {286 words} Balaam was Talked to by his Donkey (13 May) (Daily BC, MAY13) {412 words} Baptism {490 words} Barnabas was an Encourager (04 March) (Daily BC, MAR04) {381 words} Basis for Right and Wrong, The (Genesis 3, Mark 10, I John 1, I Peter 1,) {558 words} Be a Student of the Whole Word of God (21 August) (Daily, AUG21) {393 words} Be Driven by Godliness Instead of Money (10 August) (Daily, AUG10) {389 words} Be Encouragers (II Corinthians 1) {640 words} Be Faithful to God, Family, and Self (07 November) (Daily, NOV07) {390 words} Be Humble and Avoid Selfishness (26 June) (Daily, JUN26) {377 words} Be Not A Respecter Of Persons (2:1-4) (James_C2, chapter 2b) {2,602 words} Be on Guard and Be Alert (05 November) (Daily, NOV05) {410 words} Be Overcomers (II Corinthians 4) {675 words} Be Reconciled (Genesis 50, Matthew 5, and Colossians 3) {622 words} Be Reconcilers (II Corinthians 5-6) {629 words} Be Righteous And Avoid Being Slothful (Proverbs 12) {679 words} Be Sharers (II Corinthians 9) {704 words} Be Wise and Trust Jesus with your Life (25 July) (Daily, JUL25) {377 words} Beatitudes, The (Matthew_C5, chapter 5b) {6,898 words} Beautiful Rose in an Ugly Swampland, A (18 December) (Daily, DEC18) {394 words} Beauty Of Everything Falling Into Place, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 16b) {178 words} Become A Point Of Light (Matthew 5, Matthew 9, Matthew 28, and Philippians 4) {664 words} Becoming A Christian - Accepting God's Provision (Right Living, chapter 3d) {240 words} Becoming A Christian - Seeing Jesus As Saviour (Right Living, chapter 3c) {276 words} Becoming A Christian - Seeing Yourself As A Sinner (Right Living, chapter 3a) {158 words} Becoming A Christian - Understanding The Penalty Of Sin (Right Living, chapter 3b) {250 words} Becoming A Part of the Local Assembly (18 March) (Daily, MAR18) {364 words} Becoming A Specialist For The Navy (Family, chapter 7) {1,476 words} "Before" And "After" Proofs, The (Creation, chapter 16) {198 words} Beginning Of My Difficult Years, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 4) {390 words} Beginning Of The End, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 7e) {277 words} Behavior and Parables (Matthew, Chapter 18) {2,277 words} Behavior Was Shameful, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 6c) {403 words} Behavioral Theories: Behavioral Self-Control {1,010 words} Behavioral Theories: Jay Adams {1,053 words} Behavioral Theories: Operant and Social Learning {909 words} Behavioral Theories: Systematic Desensitization {912 words} Being A Good Steward (01 March) (Daily, MAR01) {375 words} Being Able To Trust The Lord In All Things (Creation, chapter 36f) {282 words} Being Angry Biblically (21 October) (Daily, OCT21) {394 words} Being Biblically Smart In Relationships (19 July) (Daily, JUL19) {377 words} Being Born Again (10 April) (Daily, APR10) {384 words} Being Born Again (John 3) {667 words} Being Conformed to the Image of Christ (28 March) (Daily, MAR28) {393 words} Being Constantly Aware of Our Adversary (Creation, chapter 35a) {488 words} Being Faithful and Earnestly Serving Are Most Important (26 August) (Daily, AUG26) {380 words} Being Forgiven For All My Ill Deeds (Finding Way Home, chapter 10f) {501 words} Being Good Stewards in all Areas of Life (08 March) (Daily, MAR08) {360 words} Being Honest (Proverbs 12) {545 words} Being Honest and Living Right Brings Blessings (05 September) (Daily, SEP05) {378 words} Being Human (Genesis 1, Psalms 8, and Matthew 12) {628 words} Being Influenced by the Holy Spirit (18 May) (Daily, MAY18) {402 words} Being Justified By WORKS !!! (2:23-26) (James_C2, chapter 2h) {1,973 words} Being Obedient and Seeking Godly Wisdom (11 April) (Daily, APR11) {388 words} Being Obedient And Seeking Godly Wisdom (Proverbs 7) {635 words} Being On Life's Wrong Highway (Creation, chapter 13c) {131 words} Being Open to Positive Criticism (23 May) (Daily, MAY23) {369 words} Being Quick to Forgive Others (14 June) (Daily, JUN14) {371 words} Being Satisfied With What You Have (14 March) (Daily, MAR14) {355 words} Being Satisfied With Your Own (Proverbs 5) {655 words} Being Segregated From The Others (Family, chapter 2b) {324 words} Being Single; Being Married (Matthew 19, I Corinthians 7, Ephesians 5,) {601 words} Being the Son of Someone (Reincarn, Section J) {1,016 words} Being Under the Discipline and Direction of the Word of God (28 August) (Daily, AUG28) {382 words} Being Victorious in Relationships and over Sin (27 September) (Daily, SEP27) {378 words} Believing on Jesus, Now and Then (28 January) (Daily, JAN28) {376 words} Believing the Lies of the Devil (Creation, chapter 36e) {265 words} Believing the Old Testament - (Part I) (Iwill, Lesson 5) {1,754 words} Believing the Old Testament - (Part II) (Iwill, Lesson 6) {522 words} Belshazzar saw the Handwriting on the Wall (06 August) (Daily BC, AUG06) {399 words} Benefit of Extra Matter, The (Creation, chapter 6g) {258 words} Benjamin was the Twelfth Son of Jacob (28 April) (Daily BC, APR28) {388 words} Best Estimated Position (BEPOS) Algorithm, My (Family, Appendix G) {263 words} Betrayal By Scientists, A (Creation, chapter 7c) {149 words} Better Approach To Life, A (Right Living, chapter 7c) {208 words} Beware the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matthew, Chapter 16) {2,692 words} Bible Is Still Current and Still Relevant, The (11 September) (Daily, SEP11) {308 words} Bible And Its Consistency With The Proofs For God's Existence, The {707 words} Bible And Proving God's Existence, The {461 words} Bible and the Arguments for God's Existence, The (23 January) (Daily, JAN23) {344 words} Bible and Trying to Prove God's Existence, The (21 January) (Daily, JAN21) {374 words} Bible Compared To Evolution, The (Creation, chapter 12b) {173 words} Bible Compared To The Big Bang Theory, The (Creation, chapter 12c) {164 words} Bible is the Christian’s Guidebook Through Life, The (28 July) (Daily, JUL28) {393 words} Bible Truth 2: Legitimate Hermeneutics {343 words} Bible Truth 4: Hebrews 4:12 {373 words} Bible Truth 7: Colossians 3:15 {419 words} Bible Truth 9: Matthew 5:33-37 {286 words} Bible Truth 10: Romans 8:28 {467 words} Bible Truth 11: Hebrews 10:26-27 {585 words} Bible Truth 14: Opening the Bible to a Particular Page {355 words} Bible Truth 16: I Corinthians 12 {416 words} Bible Truth 17: Matthew 9:18-26 {454 words} Bible Truth 18: Ephesians 4:26 {626 words} Bible Truth 19: Matthew 5:22 {499 words} Bible Truth 20: II Corinthians 7:10 {320 words} Bible Truth 23: Romans 9:13 {394 words} Bible Truth 24: II Corinthians 5:17 {486 words} Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Bible Truth 26: Continuity versus Discontinuity {437 words} Bible Truth 27: Romans 13:8 {644 words} Bible Truth 28: I Timothy 3:3 {338 words} Bible Truth 29: I Corinthians 6:12 {415 words} Bible Truth 30: Relevancy of the Old Testament {369 words} Bible Truth 31: Psalm 37:4 compared to Mark 11:24 {903 words} Biblical Narrative (Part I){887 words} Biblical Narrative (Part II) {791 words} Biblical Narrative was Often Used to tell Bible Stories (20 August) (Daily, AUG20) {383 words} Biblical Teaching About The Rapture (01 October) (Daily, OCT01) {371 words} Biblical Theology {641 words} BIBLIOGRAPHY (James_C1, Bibliography) {306 words} Bibliology Revelation {1,056 words} Big Bang Theory as a Threat to the Bible, The (Iwill, Lesson 10) {1,143 words} Big Bang Theory - More Bogus Instruction, The (Creation, chapter 5) {241 words} Bildad Falsely Proclaimed Job to be Evil (30 September) (Daily BC, SEP30) {379 words} Birth of the Roman Catholic Church - Baptism, The (Iwill, Lesson 39) {523 words} Birth of the Roman Catholic Church - Church Authority, The (Iwill, Lesson 38) {839 words} Boaz was a Kind, Thoughtful Man (05 April) (Daily BC, APR05) {407 words} Book Endings {628 words} Book of Hebrews, The {699 words} Book of Jonah, The {705 words} Book Review of "A Survey of the Old Testament", A {1,438 words} Boundaries {678 words} Boundaries and Early Leaders {685 words} Bowenian Family Counseling {915 words} Bowling Alley, A Night At The (Finding Way Home, chapter 11e) {374 words} Breakdown in the Churches, A (Creation, chapter 2a) {202 words} Breakdown in the Entertainment Industry, A (Creation, chapter 2b) {730 words} Breakdown in the Public Schools, A (Creation, chapter 2c) {298 words} Brief History of the New Testament, A {475 words} Building A Support Network (Ruth 1, Ruth 2, and Ruth 4) {556 words} Buying And Selling Algorithm (Family, chapter 11f) {956 words}


    Caleb and Joshua Understood God’s Will (08 February) (Daily BC, FEB08) {379 words} Caleb was Given Hebron (18 November) (Daily BC, NOV18) {393 words} Call For Openness In Education, A (Creation, chapter 8i) {161 words} Called To Carry The Light (Acts 26, Galatians 2, Acts 13, and Acts 14) {498 words} Can Everyone Be At Least A Little Right? (Creation, chapter 26) {678 words} Can Others Make These Same Claims (Creation, chapter 15f) {145 words} Candid Conversation, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 11f) {155 words} Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {179 words} Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} Canonization and Ante-Nicene Literature {1,118 words} Can’t We All Just Get Along (Genesis 6, Psalms 55, Jonah 3, and I Peter 3) {710 words} Care For Others (Right Living, chapter 10h) {110 words} Care For Self (Right Living, chapter 10a) {246 words} Care Of One's Family (Right Living, chapter 10f) {148 words} Care Of Possessions (Right Living, chapter 10l) {395 words} CDC 3100 Computer System, The (Thesis, chapter 1) {6 words} Celebrate A Job Well Done (Nehemiah 6 and Nehemiah 12) {529 words} Celebrating a Job Well Done (29 November) (Daily, NOV29) {336 words} Celebrating Christ’s Birth (25 December) (Daily, DEC25) {425 words} Celebrating Freedom (Romans 8) {771 words} Changing Program In An Everchanging System, A (Thesis, chapter 1c) {1,005 words} Choose The First Resurrection and Live (26 March) (Daily, MAR26) {381 words} Choose to do Right and to get Along (24 August) (Daily, AUG24) {389 words} Choose Wisdom And Hard Work (Proverbs 13) {683 words} Choose Wisdom, Work Hard, and Maintain Hope (10 October) (Daily, OCT10) {373 words} Choosing Not To Be A Good Steward (Right Living, chapter 11b) {203 words} Choosing Not To Receive Christ (Right Living, chapter 11d) {152 words} Choosing Other Religions (Right Living, chapter 11e) {209 words} Choosing The Inferior Theories Of Science (Right Living, chapter 11f) {242 words} Choosing The Superior Evidence (Right Living, chapter 11g) {384 words} Choosing To Be Worldly-Minded (Right Living, chapter 11c) {267 words} Choosing To Live Right (Proverbs 10) {660 words} Choosing Wisdom And Uprightness (Proverbs 14) {534 words} Christ - The Bread Of Life {876 words} Christ - The Center Of Attraction {257 words} Christ - The Coming One {609 words} Christ - The Creator {557 words} Christ - The Deity {454 words} Christ - The Faithful One {646 words} Christ - The Good Shepherd {422 words} Christ - The Great Shepherd, Part I {535 words} Christ - The Great Shepherd, Part II {486 words} Christ - The Heavenly One {472 words} Christ - The Intercessor {251 words} Christ - The Lamb Of God {286 words} Christ - The Light Of The World (In Moral Darkness) {556 words} Christ - The Light Of The World (In Physical Darkness) {331 words} Christ - The Preeminent One {202 words} Christ - The Resurrection {535 words} Christ - The Savior {576 words} Christ - The Servant {457 words} Christ - The Victorious One {610 words} Christ - The Vine {528 words} Christ - The Water of Life {651 words} Christ - The Will of God {390 words} Christ - The Word of God {278 words} Christ's Earthly Kingdom - Literal or Figurative {3,326 words} Christ's Experience Was Totally Unique (Creation, chapter 17e) {362 words} Christian Apocryphal Literature {422 words} Christian or non-Christian (03 December) (Daily, DEC03) {398 words} Christians Can and Should Minister to Others (15 October) (Daily, OCT15) {383 words} Christians Can Learn From The Jerusalem Church (02 July) (Daily, JUL02) {373 words} Christians Cannot Do Anything Without The Holy Spirit (25 August) (Daily, AUG25) {408 words} Christians Should be Missions-Minded (28 December) (Daily, DEC28) {369 words} Christians Should Get Along With Each Other (05 July) (Daily, JUL05) {375 words} Christians Should Not Be Able To Keep Quiet (21 December) (Daily, DEC21) {402 words} Christians Should Obey the Leading of the Spirit (18 September) (Daily, SEP18) {391 words} Christians Should Remain Diligent and Devoted (21 June) (Daily, JUN21) {357 words} Christians Should Share Their Faith With Others (21 September) (Daily, SEP21) {375 words} Christians Should Yield to the Holy Spirit (23 September) (Daily, SEP23) {355 words} Christians will Someday Reign with Christ (10 March) (Daily, MAR10) {355 words} Christianity Became an Illegal Religion Within the Roman Empire (Iwill, Lesson 33) {376 words} Christianity versus Heresy - Gnosticism (Iwill, Lesson 35) {941 words} Christianity versus Heresy - Legalism (Iwill, Lesson 36) {364 words} Christianity versus Judaism (Iwill, Lesson 32) {653 words} Christology Deity, Pre-existence {1,410 words} Church at Antioch is a Good Model for Churches, The (05 March) (Daily, MAR05) {368 words} Church Denomination and Organization {345 words} Church Has a Lot of Work to Do, The (14 August) (Daily, AUG14) {386 words} Church in 325 AD, The {1,192 words} Church is an Organism and an Organization, The (21 May) (Daily, MAY21) {345 words} Church Membership {470 words} Church: The Family's Partner, The (Titus 1:5-16 and Titus 2:1-15) {1,216 words} Church Under Condemnation, A (Creation, chapter 14b) {159 words} Church Without the Gospel is a Social Club, A (23 December) (Daily, DEC23) {396 words} Church Worship in 100AD and 325AD (Iwill, Lesson 37) {464 words} Churches of the New Testament, The {369 words} Classification of Experimental Designs (Part I) {872 words} Classification of Experimental Designs (Part II) {1,192 words} Clear Conclusion, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 3c) {171 words} Closing Comments (Thesis, chapter 5) {966 words} Closing Remarks (End Near, chapter 4i) {182 words} COBE Explorer, The (Creation, chapter 32c) {799 words} Cognitive-Behavior Modification: Meichenbaum: {1,038 words} Cognitive Behavioral Family Counseling {761 words} Cognitive Theories: Beck's Treatment of Depression {1,407 words} Cognitive Theories: Ellis {871 words} Cognitive Theories: Larry Crabb {898 words} Cognitive Theories: Raimy and Kelly {1,101 words} Cognitive Theories: Rogers {498 words} Coming Holy Spirit, The (John 14) {747 words} Coming of Our Champion, The (Logic, chapter 6a) {1,334 words} Coming To Know God {462 words} Coming to Terms with Death (25 January) (Daily, JAN25) {399 words} Coming To Terms With Death (John 11) {687 words} Coming Up With My Own Plan (Finding Way Home, chapter 15c) {332 words} Comment About the Analytical Approach, A (Creation, chapter 31a) {234 words} Communicating Discovered Truths {894 words} Communion is an Ordinance of the Church (29 July) (Daily, JUL29) {379 words} Community of Love, A (I Corinthians 12 and 13) {576 words} Comparative Attributes of Jesus, The (Iwill, Lesson 27) {678 words} Concept 1: Getting A Hold Of God (Right Living, chapter 4) {265 words} Concept 2: The Right Approach To Life (Right Living, chapter 7) {169 words} Concept 3: Being A Faithful Steward (Right Living, chapter 9) {92 words} Conclusion (Matthew_C5, chapter 5l) {468 words} Conclusion About God's Existence, The (Creation, chapter 16h) {147 words} Conclusion of the Whole Matter, The (Creation, chapter 36j) {320 words} Conclusions (Reincarn, Section L) {964 words} Condition of the Tomb, The (Creation, chapter 20j) {160 words} Confirmation Through Archaeology (Creation, chapter 24) {144 words} Confront In Love (Matthew 18, Galatians 5, and Galatians 6) {647 words} Confrontation Number Five - Jesus at Calvary (Creation, chapter 29i) {371 words} Confrontation Number Four - The Tower of Babel (Creation, chapter 29e) {262 words} Confrontation Number Seven (Creation, chapter 29k) {138 words} Confrontation Number Seven (End Near, chapter 4g) {119 words} Confrontation Number Six - the Antichrist Is Revealed (Creation, chapter 29j) {169 words} Confrontation Number Three - Noah and the Flood (Creation, chapter 29b) {540 words} Confronting Sexual Abuse (11 January) (Daily, JAN11) {358 words} Confronting Sexual Abuse (II Samuel 13) {618 words} Considering the "AFTER" Proof (Creation, chapter 16a) {373 words} Considering the BEFORE Proof (Creation, chapter 16c) {348 words} Constancy Of God's Plan, The {578 words} Contemporary Issues and Early Theorists {588 words} Continued Blessings From Above (Finding Way Home, chapter 20b) {328 words} Contrasts Between Right Living And Faulty Living (Proverbs 10) {631 words} Controlling Oneself (Proverbs 14) {594 words} Cool Reception, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 8d) {310 words} Cornelius Had the Right Kind of Heart (19 February) (Daily BC, FEB19) {395 words} Corollary To The First Criterion, A (Creation, chapter 12e) {175 words} Cosmological Proof From Causality, The (Creation, chapter 10a) {300 words} Cosmology Versus A Divine Creator (Creation, chapter 9g) {133 words} Costs Borne By Society, The (Creation, chapter 33l) {199 words} Costs Of Increase, The (Proverbs 14) {678 words} Counseling 520 - Study Notes For The Final Exam (short essay) {3,428 words} Counseling 520 - Important Terms In Chapters One Through Eight {5,787 words} Counseling The Terminally Ill {3,503 words} Countering the "LAZY" Creator (Creation, chapter 11i) {259 words} Couple of Lingering Questions, A (Creation, chapter 14e) {224 words} Creation (About God, Chapter 3) (169 Words) Creation Took Place In Our Absence (Creation, chapter 9b) {167 words} Criterion Four - A New Creature In Christ (Creation, chapter 15) {175 words} Criterion Four - Having a New Life in Christ (Logic, chapter 2d) {1,457 words} Criterion One - Acknowledging the Continual Presence of God’s Things (Logic, chapter 2a) {1,596 words} Criterion One - The Survival Of God's Things (Creation, chapter 12) {367 words} Criterion Three - Satisfying That Internal Void (Logic, chapter 2c) {1,276 words} Criterion Three - The Void Satisfied (Creation, chapter 14) {209 words} Criterion Two - Feeling An Inner Emptiness (Logic, chapter 2b) {1,698 words} Criterion Two - The Spiritual Void (Creation, chapter 13) {228 words} Critique of 'A General Introduction To The New Testament' {1,070 words} Critique of II Samuel 13:1-14 From a Family Systems Perspective {892 words} Critique of 'Introduction to the New Testament' {1,072 words} Critique of "Major Bible Themes" {702 words} Critique of "Things To Come - A Study In Biblical Eschatology" {825 words} Critique of 'Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism' {1,116 words} Critiquing Bible Passages {502 words} Crown Of Life (1:12b), The (James_C1, chapter 1f) {1,534 words} Crusades I, The {1,323 words} Crusades II, The {1,025 words} Cyrus let God's People Go (02 August) (Daily BC, AUG02) {395 words}


    Dan was not Included in the Book of Revelation (01 June) (Daily BC, JUN01) {374 words} Dan was the Fifth Son of Jacob (29 March) (Daily BC, MAR29) {373 words} Dangerous "Best" Friend, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 9b) {188 words} Daniel Always Maintained High Standards (22 February) (Daily BC, FEB22) {413 words} Daniel in the Lion's Den (27 April) (Daily BC, APR27) {394 words} Daniel Wrote About the Abomination (30 December) (Daily BC, DEC30) {386 words} Daring To Dream (Finding Way Home, chapter 12) {367 words} Data Dump, The (Thesis, chapter 3) {1,952 words} Dathan Took on the Wrong Man (02 April) (Daily BC, APR02) {398 words} David Described the Lord as his Shepherd (08 November) (Daily BC, NOV08) {394 words} David Experienced True Repentance (26 June) (Daily BC, JUN26) {396 words} David had Multiple Wives (11 April) (Daily BC, APR11) {395 words} David Knew the Lord by Faith (02 February) (Daily BC, FEB02) {372 words} David Made a Very Bad Decision (11 January) (Daily BC, JAN11) {406 words} David Made Some Bad Decisions as a Parent (26 February) (Daily BC, FEB26) {423 words} David Passed up the Opportunity to Kill Saul (03 December) (Daily BC, DEC03) {435 words} David Reached a Low Point with Saul (08 August) (Daily BC, AUG08) {408 words} David Took on a Giant Named Goliath (04 January) (Daily BC, JAN04) {394 words} David was a Man After God’s Own Heart (05 March) (Daily BC, MAR05) {399 words} David was Chosen by God and Anointed by Samuel (20 June) (Daily BC, JUN20) {419 words} David Wrote Against his Enemies (27 October) (Daily BC, OCT27) {387 words} David's Throne is Eternal (14 July) (Daily BC, JUL14) {381 words} Day of Battle, The (Creation, chapter 28e) {129 words} Dead Sea Scrolls, The (Creation, chapter 25b) {233 words} Dealing With Failures (Genesis 24, Genesis 25, Genesis 27, Genesis 32,) {532 words} Dealing with Temptations (19 January) (Daily, JAN19) {329 words} Dealing With The Reality Of Life After Death (Right Living, chapter 8) {332 words} Deborah Did What No Man Would (15 January) (Daily BC, JAN15) {413 words} December 14, 1967 - The Best Day Of My Life (Finding Way Home, chapter 10e) {668 words} December 1976 - Giving My First And Only Haircut (Family, chapter 6a) {1,424 words} December 1979 - Getting A Special Assignment (Family, chapter 8) {194 words} Decline Completed, The (Creation, chapter 2f) {439 words} Declining Moral Standards of a Whole Nation (Creation, chapter 8f) {162 words} Defining And Understanding The Roles Of The Local Church {5,729 words} Definitions and Coping Strategies {494 words} Deity of Christ, The (09 January) (Daily, JAN09) {355 words} Deity of Jesus, The (Iwill, Lesson 25) {735 words} Demas Loved the World more than Christ (27 September) (Daily BC, SEP27) {392 words} Demetrius Tried to Start a Revolt Against Paul (15 September) (Daily BC, SEP15) {385 words} Demonology {448 words} Department of Defense Computer Systems (Family, chapter 5) {401 words} Descriptions of the Church {520 words} Descriptive and Survey Research {944 words} Descriptive Statistics {741 words} Destiny of the Lost, The {596 words} Determined To Get Rid Of Jesus (30 April) (Daily, APR30) {378 words} Develop Self-control, Be Kind, and Be Good (05 December) (Daily, DEC05) {363 words} Developing Systems At The Pentagon (Family, chapter 9) {775 words} devil and Eve, The (Creation, chapter 28f) {421 words} Devil Is At Every Level Of Our Existence, The (Right Living, chapter 2f) {253 words} Devil Is Very Thorough, The (Right Living, chapter 2c) {247 words} Devil Tempts Jesus and He Begins His Galilean Ministry, The (Matthew, Chapter 4) {2,139 words} Devil's Arsenal - Deception And Distraction, The (Right Living, chapter 2a) {139 words} Devil's Cleverness At Church Number Three, The (Right Living, chapter 5g) {442 words} Devil's History, The (Creation, chapter 28d) {463 words} devil's Not-So-Secret Agenda, The (Creation, chapter 29c) {152 words} Devil's Persuasiveness At Church Number Two, The (Right Living, chapter 5f) {466 words} Devil's Second Device, The (Right Living, chapter 2d) {227 words} Devil's Use Of Deception, The (Right Living, chapter 2b) {426 words} Devil's Use Of Distraction, The (Right Living, chapter 2e) {277 words} Devil's Work Is Not By Accident, The (Right Living, chapter 5h) {430 words} Devilish To The End (Finding Way Home, chapter 8a) {292 words} Diagnostic System, The (Thesis, chapter 4) {2,576 words} Dichotomous or Trichotomous is Secondary (11 November) (Daily, NOV11) {372 words} Difficult For A Nation To Believe In God (Creation, chapter 8d) {242 words} Difficult For Individuals To Believe In God (Creation, chapter 8c) {306 words} Dinah was the Eleventh Child of Jacob (22 April) (Daily BC, APR22) {409 words} Disciples Pick Grain and the Pharisees Accuse Jesus (Matthew, Chapter 12) {3,101 words} Dispensationalism and Prophesy {425 words} Dispensations and Covenants {643 words} Dispensations as Taught in the Bible (06 October) (Daily, OCT06) {343 words} Divorce and Remarriage (Matthew_C5, chapter 5h) {518 words} Divorce and Riches (Matthew, Chapter 19) {2,376 words} Do the Poor in Spirit Automatically Go To Heaven? (05 January) (Daily, JAN05) {371 words} Doctrinal Controversies (Arian) {842 words} Doctrinal Controversies (Nestorian) {1,051 words} Doctrinal Controversies (Pelagian and Iconoclastic) {1,112 words} Documentary Hypothesis Must Be Rejected, The (27 May) (Daily, MAY27) {374 words} Doeg the Edomite was Responsible for Many Deaths (25 October) (Daily BC, OCT25) {402 words} Doing Good for the Lord (09 March) (Daily, MAR09) {386 words} Doing Right and Working Hard (27 June) (Daily, JUN27) {386 words} Drawing Closer and Closer to the Lord (Creation, chapter 35b) {287 words} Drawing It All Together: Summary of Main Points {353 words} Dream Accomplished, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 18) {178 words} Dream Realized, The First (Finding Way Home, chapter 17a) {222 words} Dream Realized, The Second (Finding Way Home, chapter 17b) {266 words} Dualistic Perspective, A (Creation, chapter 9f) {229 words} Dying For Love (I John 3 and 4) {606 words}


    Each Person Can Be Forgiven (20 July) (Daily, JUL20) {400 words} Early January 1968 - Taking That First Step (Finding Way Home, chapter 13) {585 words} Early Leaders (Part II) {539 words} Early Leaders (Part III) {709 words} Early Leaders (Part IV) {522 words} Early Leaders and Definitions {776 words} Early Life of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 6b) {702 words} Earthly Ministry of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 6c) {1,767 words} Easy Going At First (End Near, chapter 1b) {89 words} Ebed-Melech, a Cushite, Saved Jeremiah's Life (01 October) (Daily BC, OCT01) {375 words} Ecclesiology (part 1) {1,360 words} ECDAPS Software System, The (Thesis, chapter 1b) {561 words} Economic Environment, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 2c) {318 words} Effectiveness of Psychotherapy {1,168 words} Effects of Divorce on Adolescents, The {1,033 words} El Elyon - The Most High (About God, Chapter 4a) (439 Words) El Olam - The Lord God Everlasting (About God, Chapter 4e) (105 Words) El Qanno - THE JEALOUS GOD (About God, Chapter 4i) (247 Words) El Roi - The God Who Sees (About God, Chapter 4d) (312 Words) El Roi is One of God’s Names (07 July) (Daily, JUL07) {410 words} El Shaddai - The Lord God Almighty (About God, Chapter 4c) (296 Words) Elaborate Copying Procedures (Creation, chapter 25) {136 words} Elaborate Copying Procedures (Logic, chapter 4d) {1,421 words} Eliezer Almost Became Abraham's Heir (12 August) (Daily BC, AUG12) {421 words} Elijah Called Down Fire From Heaven (19 November) (Daily BC, NOV19) {417 words} Elijah Divided the Jordan River (26 October) (Daily BC, OCT26) {400 words} Elijah Heard the Gentle Voice (18 September) (Daily BC, SEP18) {414 words} Elijah Said No Rain for a While (10 May) (Daily BC, MAY10) {421 words} Elijah Took on a King and Some False Prophets (01 March) (Daily BC, MAR01) {413 words} Elijah was Fed by Ravens (13 March) (Daily BC, MAR13) {402 words} Elijah was Taken in a Whirlwind (05 August) (Daily BC, AUG05) {396 words} Eliphaz Declared Job to be Wicked and Sinful (22 November) (Daily BC, NOV22) {405 words} Elisha Freely Received and Freely Gave (22 June) (Daily BC, JUN22) {394 words} Elisha Got a Double Portion (02 March) (Daily BC, MAR02) {436 words} Elisha Healed the Bad Water (27 August) (Daily BC, AUG27) {396 words} Elisha Retrieved an Axhead (20 July) (Daily BC, JUL20) {401 words} Elisha Struck the Arameans with Blindness (29 September) (Daily BC, SEP29) {384 words} Elohim - The God To Be Feared And Reverenced (About God, Chapter 4b) (167 Words) Elohim Shows The Trinity (08 May) (Daily, MAY08) {388 words} End of the Age, The (Matthew, Chapter 24) {4,099 words} Endless Search For Truth, The (Creation, chapter 9d) {137 words} Enduring Chastening (31 January) (Daily, JAN31) {368 words} Enduring Chastening (Proverbs 3) {672 words} Enduring Temptation (1:12a) (James_C1, chapter 1e) {2,194 words} Enduring The Financial Hardships (Family, chapter 3a) {944 words} Enoch Walked With God (02 May) (Daily BC, MAY02) {396 words} Entering into God’s Rest (15 May) (Daily, MAY15) {379 words} Epaphras Ministered to the Church at Colosse (14 June) (Daily BC, JUN14) {384 words} Epistle of James, Chapter One, The (James_C1) {680 words} Epistle of James, Chapter Two, The (James_C2, chapter 2) {689 words} Epistles of John, The {249 words} Erickson's Association Of Creation To Evolution {692 words} Erickson's Moderately Calvinistic View Of God's Plan {649 words} Esau Married the Wrong Kind of Women (07 October) (Daily BC, OCT07) {370 words} Esau Sold His Birthright for Some Lentil Stew (21 June) (Daily BC, JUN21) {403 words} Eschatology (part 1) {1,998 words} Essence of New Testament Stewardship, The (Creation, chapter 36i) {471 words} Establishing Criteria For Christ's Lordship (Creation, chapter 17a) {402 words} Establishing Meaningful Criteria (Creation, chapter 11j) {401 words} Establishing the Truth (Creation, chapter 26a) {264 words} Esther and Mordecai Were Destined for Greatness (04 February) (Daily BC, FEB04) {398 words} Esther Became the Queen (02 September) (Daily BC, SEP02) {369 words} Eternal Home of the Saved, The {284 words} Eternal Procession of the Holy Spirit, The (13 May) (Daily, MAY13) {378 words} Ethical and Legal Considerations {399 words} Eunice was a Faithful Mother (13 July) (Daily BC, JUL13) {380 words} Eutychus was Brought Back to Life by Paul (06 December) (Daily BC, DEC06) {413 words} Eve was Deceived (23 February) (Daily BC, FEB23) {386 words} Even Job Struggled with Difficulty (20 October) (Daily, OCT20) {417 words} Events of the Great Tribulation, The (05 June) (Daily, JUN05) {346 words} Every Word of God is Flawless (02 December) (Daily, DEC02) {386 words} Everyone can Learn from Peter's Denial (16 March) (Daily, MAR16) {384 words} Everything Begins with Jesus on the Cross (09 July) (Daily, JUL09) {365 words} Everything Was All Wrong (Finding Way Home, chapter 1) {347 words} Everything Was Happening So Slowly (Finding Way Home, chapter 11d) {205 words} Evidence of Archaeological Data, The (Logic, chapter 4c) {1,530 words} Evil Works Of That Generation, The (End Near, chapter 3d) {124 words} Executable Instructions (Thesis, chapter 2c) {63 words} Existence Of God, The (About God, Chapter 2) (82 Words) Expansion of the Papacy {1,198 words} Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Experiential Family Counseling {673 words} Experimental Validity (Part I) {829 words} Experimental Validity (Part II) {777 words} Explanation of the Hallucination Theory (Creation, chapter 19b) {178 words} Explanation of the Legend Theory (Creation, chapter 19c) {210 words} Explanation of the Stolen Body Theory (Creation, chapter 19d) {206 words} Explanation of the Swoon Theory (Creation, chapter 19a) {170 words} Exploring The System Around Us (Creation, chapter 1) {319 words} Expressing God's Love to Others (15 February) (Daily, FEB15) {361 words} Expressions (Thesis, chapter 2f) {188 words} Ezekiel Cut Off his Hair to Send a Message (28 July) (Daily BC, JUL28) {386 words} Ezekiel Preached that Israelis Would Return to Their Land (03 November) (Daily BC, NOV03) {409 words} Ezekiel saw a Valley of Dry Bones (18 August) (Daily BC, AUG18) {415 words} Ezekiel Told a Riddle About two Eagles and a Vine (28 November) (Daily BC, NOV28) {380 words} Ezekiel was a Watchman over Israel (04 August) (Daily BC, AUG04) {437 words} Ezekiel was Called into the Ministry (09 July) (Daily BC, JUL09) {401 words} Ezra Preached Against Mixed Marriages (23 May) (Daily BC, MAY23) {368 words}


    Facts and Observations - God's Existence (Creation, Appendix-D) {495 words} Facts and Observations - God's Existence (Creation, chapter 27h) {495 words} Facts and Observations - God's Word (Creation, Appendix-F) {183 words} Facts and Observations - God's Word (Creation, chapter 27j) {309 words} Facts and Observations - Jesus as Lord (Creation, Appendix-E) {288 words} Facts and Observations - Jesus as Lord (Creation, chapter 27i) {288 words} Facts and Observations - Some New Information (Creation, Appendix-G) {299 words} Facts and Observations - System Around Us (Creation, chapter 27d) {213 words} Facts and Observations - System Impact (Creation, Appendix-C) {477 words} Facts and Observations - System Impact (Creation, chapter 27g) {477 words} Facts and Observations - The Big Bang Theory (Creation, Appendix-B) {521 words} Facts and Observations - The Big Bang Theory (Creation, chapter 27f) {521 words} Facts and Observations - The Theory of Evolution (Creation, Appendix-A) {170 words} Facts and Observations - The Theory of Evolution (Creation, chapter 27e) {170 words} Faith That Is Real, A (Creation, chapter 23f) {315 words} Faith Without Works - Loving Thy Neighbor (2:14-18) (James_C2, chapter 2f) {2,013 words} Faithful Following Leads to Favorable Results (18 October) (Daily, OCT18) {409 words} Faithfully Using One’s Spiritual Gifts (11 May) (Daily, MAY11) {385 words} False Gods are like Broken Cisterns (08 December) (Daily, DEC08) {350 words} Family Life In Crown Point (Family, chapter 4a) {889 words} Family Therapies: Haley {456 words} Fashioned By The Spirit (Galatians 5) {637 words} Fearing the Lord Brings a Fountain of Life (12 December) (Daily, DEC12) {403 words} February 2, 1975 - Drawing Even Closer To The Lord (Family, chapter 4) {853 words} February 1976 - Economic Problems, A Failed Inspection, and A Blessing (Family, chapter 5d) {1,195 words} February 1981 - Going To California and Meeting Ken (Family, chapter 8a) {609 words} February 1984 - Our Fifth Grandchild (Joey) (Family, chapter 9f) {407 words} Feeling Like A Prisoner (Finding Way Home, chapter 5d) {569 words} Feeling Secure Or Being Secure (Jeremiah 7) {584 words} Feeling Some Of My Own Doubts (Right Living, chapter 5d) {283 words} Feeling The Need For Church (Family, chapter 2d) {689 words} Fight the Good Fight for the Lord (15 November) (Daily, NOV15) {393 words} {FIGURE} Illustration of the Least Squares Curve Fitting Technique, An (Family, chapter 1a) {343 words} {FIGURE} My First Program - AMORT.BAS (Family, chapter 1d) {822 words} {FIGURE} Output From FINSYS.BAS (With Social Security) (Family, chapter 10c) {1,880 words} {FIGURE} Output From FINSYS.BAS (Without Social Security) (Family, chapter 10c) {1,880 words} {FIGURE} Theory Of Evolution Cannot Be Proved, The (Creation, chapter 4) Figures of Speech {820 words} Final Hours of Jesus, The (02 April) (Daily, APR02) {399 words} Finally Finding A Church (Family, chapter 2e) {315 words} Finally Getting An Answer (Finding Way Home, chapter 17) {177 words} Financing My Comeback (Finding Way Home, chapter 16c) {340 words} Finding An Important Answer (End Near, chapter 2e) {242 words} Finding Health and Strength (17 January) (Daily, JAN17) {384 words} Finding Health And Strength (Proverbs 3) {666 words} Finding Hope in the Risen Jesus (12 April) (Daily, APR12) {410 words} Finding Peace, Long Life, Favor, And Understanding (Proverbs 3) {639 words} Finding Strength and Blessings in the Lord (28 June) (Daily, JUN28) {391 words} Finding Strength And Understanding In The Word (Proverbs 13) {606 words} Finding The Real Cause (Finding Way Home, chapter 3) {464 words} Finding the Strength to Share the Gospel with Others (20 September) (Daily, SEP20) {396 words} Finding The True Faith (Right Living, chapter 3) {206 words} Finding The True Wisdom And Understanding (Proverbs 2) {568 words} First Days Of My New Life, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 11) {371 words} First Miracle of Jesus, The (10 June) (Daily, JUN10) {387 words} First Pass, The (Thesis, chapter 2a) {4,215 words} First Seven Days of Jesus' Earthly Ministry, The (06 August) (Daily, AUG06) {401 words} Five Approaches For Explaining The Presence Of Evil {436 words} Five Of The Names For God {862 words} Focusing In On The Most Logical Solution (Creation, chapter 27b) {218 words} Foolishness Of Such A Response, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 13a) {293 words} Fools Almost Always Miss The Mark (29 August) (Daily, AUG29) {366 words} Fools Walk Away from the Lord (24 October) (Daily, OCT24) {370 words} Forgiveness by God Creates Love for God (10 December) (Daily, DEC10) {435 words} Forgiving Others is the Mark of True Christianity (26 July) (Daily, JUL26) {393 words} Formal Search for a Creator, The (Logic, chapter 1a) {2,683 words} Formation of the New Testament Canon, The {601 words} Fortunate Recipient Of God's Goodness, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 16d) {337 words} Four Good Reasons For Going Back (Finding Way Home, chapter 19b) {180 words} Four Lepers Ended a Severe Famine in Samaria (16 September) (Daily BC, SEP16) {414 words} Four Reasons That The Coming Tribulation May Be Near (End Near, chapter 3l) {1,101 words} Four Spiritual Facts (Logic, chapter 5b) {1,719 words} Free Will Versus Election (Right Living, chapter 4e) {239 words} Freed to Sin No More (23 February) (Daily, FEB23) {392 words} Friends Are Friends Forever (01 February) (Daily, FEB01) {393 words} Friends Are Friends Forever (I Samuel 20) {626 words} Friendship Gone Sour - Very Sour!!!, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 9c) {374 words} From Where Does Temptation Come? (27 February) (Daily, FEB27) {385 words} Fulfilling the Old Testament (Matthew_C5, chapter 5e) {1,584 words} Fulfilling Your Responsibilities (Ephesians 6, Genesis 47, Esther 2,) {494 words} Function Accuracy (Thesis, appendix b) {405 words} Further Demonstration of the AFTER Proof (Creation, chapter 16b) {268 words} Future of Psychotherapy, The {888 words}


    Gad was the Seventh Son of Jacob (01 April) (Daily BC, APR01) {379 words} Gaining The Blessings Of Godly Understanding (Proverbs 8) {581 words} Gallio Would not Help the Jews Against Paul (09 September) (Daily BC, SEP09) {395 words} Gearing Up For Another Attempt (End Near, chapter 3k) {228 words} Gehazi was Greedy for Gain (06 June) (Daily BC, JUN06) {368 words} General Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude, The {275 words} Geographical Mathematics (Great Circle and Rhumbline) (Family, chapter 7a) {1,143 words} Geography of Israel, The {785 words} Getting Away With It For A While (Finding Way Home, chapter 4b) {430 words} Getting Into Consulting (Finding Way Home, chapter 20a) {308 words} Getting Into Retirement Analysis (Family, chapter 10) {291 words} Getting Into The Officer Candidate Program (Finding Way Home, chapter 15) {253 words} Getting My Second Job (Finding Way Home, chapter 9a) {409 words} Getting Myself Turned Around (Creation, chapter 1a) {341 words} Getting Off To A Good Start (Finding Way Home, chapter 7d) {255 words} Getting Out the Gospel is a Team Effort (17 July) (Daily, JUL17) {410 words} Getting the Bible and Having a Free Will (21 April) (Daily, APR21) {365 words} Getting The Lord's Simple Answer (Right Living, chapter 6c) {202 words} Getting The Results (Finding Way Home, chapter 14b) {465 words} Getting Through (Finding Way Home, chapter 10g) {280 words} Getting Through to the Lord (01 June) (Daily, JUN01) {387 words} Getting to Know the Devil (Creation, chapter 28a) {103 words} Getting Wisdom and Knowledge (03 January) (Daily, JAN03) {336 words} Getting Wisdom And Knowledge (Proverbs 2) {622 words} Gideon did the Impossible (07 March) (Daily BC, MAR07) {404 words} Gideon was Especially Picked for Battle (02 July) (Daily BC, JUL02) {419 words} Given Obediently (Psalms 24, Proverbs 3, and Luke 18) {537 words} Giving Freely to the Lord's Work (22 March) (Daily, MAR22) {391 words} Giving Jesus Control (Matthew 26) {453 words} Giving One’s All To Reach Others (22 June) (Daily, JUN22) {393 words} Giving The Credit To Whom It Is Due (Finding Way Home, chapter 19e) {263 words} Giving Wholeheartedly (Psalms 50 and Psalms 66) {522 words} Go In The Way Of Understanding (Proverbs 9) {666 words} God - Transcendent and Personal (12 January) (Daily, JAN12) {337 words} God as Father, Lawgiver, and Judge in the New and Old Testaments (27 January) (Daily, JAN27) {369 words} God Commands His Angels to Watch Over His Children (26 February) (Daily, FEB26) {384 words} God Did Not Love Jacob More Than Esau (18 November) (Daily, NOV18) {412 words} God Does Not Change But People Do (05 August) (Daily, AUG05) {375 words} God Does Not Play Games With His Prophets (16 August) (Daily, AUG16) {358 words} God Has Absolute Moral Standards (26 April) (Daily, APR26) {350 words} God Has Revealed Himself in His Word (13 February) (Daily, FEB13) {380 words} God is Everything that His Names Say (31 December) (Daily, DEC31) {401 words} God is Faithful to Those that Serve Him (02 August) (Daily, AUG02) {380 words} God is Good and Great and Worthy of Worship (15 June) (Daily, JUN15) {387 words} God is not a Servant Boy (09 December) (Daily, DEC09) {376 words} God is the Creator and He Did Not Need Science (04 March) (Daily, MAR04) {376 words} God is the Great Deliverer (27 July) (Daily, JUL27) {394 words} God of All Comfort, The (06 July) (Daily, JUL06) {408 words} God Proves Himself (Creation, chapter 16f) {259 words} God The Father In The New And Old Testaments {494 words} God Wants to Care for Those That Trust Him (23 August) (Daily, AUG23) {379 words} God Wants to Save Everyone (02 March) (Daily, MAR02) {385 words} God Watches Over His People (23 April) (Daily, APR23) {380 words} God Works Through The Local Church (16 September) (Daily, SEP16) {404 words} God's Attribute Of Constancy (22 January) (Daily, JAN22) {358 words} God's Attribute Of Constancy {384 words} God's Care In Times Of Need (Psalms 23) {511 words} God's Encouragement In Times Of Despair (Psalms 42 and Psalms 43) {603 words} God's Forgiveness For Our Sins (Psalms 51) {613 words} God's Governing Activity (10 February) (Daily, FEB10) {382 words} God's Governing Activity {368 words} God's Justice versus God's Love (08 January) (Daily, JAN08) {377 words} God's Justice Versus God's Love {442 words} God's Love Has Found a Way for Everyone (17 February) (Daily, FEB17) {396 words} God's Name is El Elyon, the Most High God (16 January) (Daily, JAN16) {360 words} God's Name is Jehovah, the Self-existing One (02 January) (Daily, JAN02) {377 words} God's Perfect Plan of Salvation (02 October) (Daily, OCT02) {437 words} God's Plan Never Changes (05 February) (Daily, FEB05) {373 words} God's Promises Can Be Trusted (30 August) (Daily, AUG30) {402 words} God's Protection In Times Of Trouble (Psalms 91) {634 words} God's Revelation Of Himself Through History And Natural Phenomena {625 words} God's Simple Plan of Salvation God's Sovereign Plan Versus Human Freedom (06 February) (Daily, FEB06) {402 words} God’s Witness Program - The "BEFORE" and "AFTER" Proofs (Logic, chapter 2e) {2,447 words} God's Word is the Handbook for Christians (08 June) (Daily, JUN08) {384 words} God's Word is Truth (18 June) (Daily, JUN18) {365 words} God's Witnessing Program - People Telling People (Creation, chapter 16d) {202 words} Godly People Live Clean, Honest Lives (15 December) (Daily, DEC15) {373 words} Godly Sorrow Brings Repentance (25 October) (Daily, OCT25) {402 words} Godly Sorrow Brings the Right Results (06 November) (Daily, NOV06) {382 words} Godly Understanding Has Unmatched Value (02 May) (Daily, MAY02) {374 words} Godly Wisdom Leads to Being Prepared for Eternity (16 May) (Daily, MAY16) {389 words} Godly Wisdom Leads To Earthly Happiness (09 May) (Daily, MAY09) {384 words} Godly Wisdom Leads To Earthly Happiness (Proverbs 8) {672 words} Going Back To School Made Sense (Finding Way Home, chapter 19a) {765 words} Going Home After Losing My Appeal (Finding Way Home, chapter 10c) {178 words} Going To Atlantic Research Corporation (ARC) (Family, chapter 12e) {1,426 words} Going To The Source For My Answer (Right Living, chapter 6b) {314 words} Gospel of John Introduction {541 words} Gospel That was Written by Jesus’ Closest Friend, The (14 May) (Daily, MAY14) {400 words} Great Value in the Lord's Wisdom (07 February) (Daily, FEB07) {328 words} Great Value In The Lord's Wisdom (Proverbs 3) {569 words} Group and Communication Therapists {541 words} Guarding One's Tongue and Staying out of Trouble (18 July) (Daily, JUL18) {394 words} Guide to Christian Behavior, A (03 May) (Daily, MAY03) {349 words}


    Haman Could Not Fight God (25 January) (Daily BC, JAN25) {383 words} Hannah Received a Son Destined for Greatness (04 September) (Daily BC, SEP04) {358 words} Hanun did not Appreciate the King's Kindness (27 July) (Daily BC, JUL27) {402 words} Hard-To-Believe Story, A (Creation, chapter 9i) {325 words} Hardware Configuration (Thesis, chapter 1a) {464 words} Harmless Aptitude Test, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 5a) {273 words} Harmartiology (part 1) {1,102 words} Hatred and Love (Matthew_C5, chapter 5k) {942 words} Have Faith in God (04 October) (Daily, OCT04) {392 words} Have Faith in God for the Big Things, Too (08 November) (Daily, NOV08) {393 words} Having a Bible that can be Trusted (16 February) (Daily, FEB16) {352 words} Having A Spiritual Perspective About The Future (Family, chapter 13c) {1,152 words} Having Access to the Truth (Creation, chapter 35c) {192 words} Having All That We Need (Proverbs 3) {637 words} Having All We Need (24 January) (Daily, JAN24) {341 words} Having Confidence in the Transmitted Word of God (08 July) (Daily, JUL08) {379 words} Having the Faith of Abraham (27 March) (Daily, MAR27) {391 words} Having Peace With God (18 February) (Daily, FEB18) {376 words} Having the Bible Shows That God is in Control (07 May) (Daily, MAY07) {392 words} Having The Lord's Blessings On Your Life (Proverbs 10) {662 words} Having the Ministry of Reconciliation (19 October) (Daily, OCT19) {395 words} Having the Peace of God (22 May) (Daily, MAY22) {353 words} Having The Right Attitude Concerning Stewardship (Creation, chapter 36h) {825 words} Having the Right Attitude Toward God (Creation, chapter 36a) {418 words} Having the Right Attitude Toward Important Matters (Creation, chapter 36d) {393 words} Having The Right Focus (Right Living, chapter 5) {204 words} Having the Right Kind of Godly Family (10 May) (Daily, MAY10) {358 words} Having the Right Kind of Heart (16 December) (Daily, DEC16) {401 words} Having the Right Understanding of Baptism (25 June) (Daily, JUN25) {367 words} Having To Go To Work (Finding Way Home, chapter 9) {446 words} Having To Let Debbie Go (Family, chapter 5c) {391 words} He Reveals Himself To One's Heart (Creation, chapter 16g) {426 words} Head Deacons Are Not Supposed To Be Getting Saved (Right Living, chapter 5a) {191 words} Headed For The Bottom (Finding Way Home, chapter 7) {290 words} Healing, a Calling, a Meal and a Ruler's Daughter was Healed, A (Matthew, Chapter 9) {2,333 words} Hearing The Options (Finding Way Home, chapter 13b) {426 words} Hearing Well and Guarding One’s Tongue (26 September) (Daily, SEP26) {371 words} Heresies I {872 words} Heresies II {814 words} Hermeneutics Leads to Intelligent Bible Study (10 November) (Daily, NOV10) {341 words} Herod the Great and His Descendants {474 words} Herod the Great was Ruthless (24 January) (Daily BC, JAN24) {377 words} Herod was a Vicious King Who Hated the Son of God (19 March) (Daily, MAR19) {382 words} Hezekiah Showed Too Much (20 October) (Daily BC, OCT20) {378 words} Hezekiah Trusted in the Lord (10 June) (Daily BC, JUN10) {413 words} Hezekiah Trusted the Lord during his Biggest Conflict (05 December) (Daily BC, DEC05) {382 words} Hezekiah was Given Fifteen More Years (25 June) (Daily BC, JUN25) {400 words} Hilkiah Found the Book of the Law (18 June) (Daily BC, JUN18) {413 words} Historical and Qualitative Research {765 words} Historical Events (Part I) {764 words} Historical Events (Part II) {598 words} Historical Search For God, The (Creation, chapter 9) {365 words} History of Israel is Important, The (30 June) (Daily, JUN30) {365 words} Holy Spirit Came To Represent Jesus, The (20 April) (Daily, APR20) {399 words} Holy Spirit Convicts and Instructs, The (15 September) (Daily, SEP15) {409 words} Holy Spirit Is My Proof!, The (Creation, chapter 15e) {187 words} Holy Spirit Proceeds From the Father and the Son, The (03 June) (Daily, JUN03) {412 words} Holy Spirit's Power at Pentecost, The (27 April) (Daily, APR27) {410 words} Homogeneity Problem, The (Creation, chapter 6d) {287 words} Honesty, Prudence, and Being Diligent (Proverbs 12) {564 words} Honor God (Philippians 2 and Philippians 4) {555 words} Hope of the Resurrection, The (Creation, chapter 17c) {148 words} Hophni and Phinehas Died on the Same Day (23 June) (Daily BC, JUN23) {404 words} Hosea Married an Unfaithful Woman (08 July) (Daily BC, JUL08) {376 words} Hosea Preached Repentance (26 July) (Daily BC, JUL26) {387 words} How Can We Really Please God? (Creation, chapter 36c) {237 words} How I Became A Christian, My Personal Testimony {574 words} How Reasonable Is The Big Bang? (Creation, chapter 5b) {300 words} How to Pray Publicly (30 November) (Daily, NOV30) {359 words} How the Bible Was Transmitted to all Generations (24 June) (Daily, JUN24) {360 words} How the Early Church Organized Itself (31 March) (Daily, MAR31) {335 words} How This System Fails Us (Creation, chapter 8) {214 words} How to Avoid Adultery (07 March) (Daily, MAR07) {361 words} How To Avoid Adultery (Proverbs 5) {639 words} How to be a Disciple of Christ (02 September) (Daily, SEP02) {364 words} How to Evaluate Modern Translations {417 words} How to Interpret the Book of Proverbs (24 September) (Daily, SEP24) {369 words} How to Interpret the Book of Psalms (30 September) (Daily, SEP30) {384 words} How to Know a True Prophet of God (08 October) (Daily, OCT08) {396 words} How to Know God (14 January) (Daily, JAN14) {372 words} How To Maintain A Stable Family (31 May) (Daily, MAY31) {366 words} How To Properly Interpret Scriptures (17 September) (Daily, SEP17) {362 words} How To Receive God's Wisdom (18 April) (Daily, APR18) {394 words} How To Solve Textual Problems {308 words} How to Study the Old Testament {693 words} How the Plan of Salvation Works (28 April) (Daily, APR28) {364 words} How We Fail Him, Part I (Right Living, chapter 6e) {234 words} How We Fail Him, Part II (Right Living, chapter 6f) {212 words} Huldah was a Faithful Prophetess (14 March) (Daily BC, MAR14) {371 words} Hur did a Great Work (10 March) (Daily BC, MAR10) {415 words} Huram was Faithful to do his Assigned Tasks (09 June) (Daily BC, JUN09) {391 words} Hypothesis, The {718 words}


    I Have Not Been Alone (Right Living, chapter 7a) {314 words} I Will Build My Church - Conclusion (Iwill, Lesson 46) {2,034 words} Ibzan led Israel for Seven Years (19 April) (Daily BC, APR19) {389 words} Ichabod was a Cursed Name (12 April) (Daily BC, APR12) {382 words} Identifying and Understanding Figures of Speeches (28 October) (Daily, OCT28) {416 words} Identifying Some Areas Of Stewardship (Right Living, chapter 10) {552 words} Identifying the Source of the Void (Creation, chapter 13e) {278 words} Immediate Change To My Life, An (Finding Way Home, chapter 5b) {370 words} Impeccability of Christ, The (02 February) (Daily, FEB02) {380 words} Impeccability Of Christ, The {457 words} Implementation of a Special Language Interpreter, The (Family, Appendix D) {1,174 words} Importance Of Believing The Historicity Of Jesus, The {346 words} Importance of God's Word As Revealed In Psalm 119, The {4,499 words} Importance Of This Study, The (About God, Chapter 1) {305 Words} Important Christian Principles for Life (Logic, chapter 8a) {3,486 words} Important Christian Principles To Live By (Creation, chapter 36) {188 words} Important Definitions {958 words} Important Difference Between The Two Examples, An (Family, chapter 10e) {427 words} In the Beginning, God (01 January) (Daily, JAN01) {372 words} In The Midst Of A Conspiracy (Creation, chapter 31) {243 words} In Whose Name? (John 14, John 15, John 16, and I John 5) {663 words} Inadvertent Assent by Secular Historians (Creation, chapter 18g) {213 words} Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, The (13 April) (Daily, APR13) {408 words} Inerrancy as an Issue in the Fundamentalist Movement: 1900 to the Present {2,687 words} Inferential Statistics {1,044 words} Influences on the First Century World {815 words} Input/Output Request Instructions (Thesis, chapter 2e) {3,941 words} Inspiration and Canonicity {704 words} Inspiration and Origin of the New Testament Books, The {602 words} Instruction, Tongue, And Diligence (Proverbs 13) {650 words} Instructions which affect the program execution (Thesis, chapter 2d) {1,779 words} Instrumentation (Part I) {872 words} Instrumentation (Part II) {1,162 words} Integrating Christianity with Marriage and Family Therapy {5,495 words} Integrating Your Faith With Psychotherapy (Macro) {989 words} Integrating Your Faith With Psychotherapy (Micro) {592 words} Interesting Exception, An (Creation, chapter 23d) {223 words} Interesting Observation, An (Finding Way Home, chapter 17c) {462 words} Interpreter In Design, The (Thesis, chapter 2) {5 words} Introduction (Creation, Introduction) {1,019 words} Introduction (Finding Way Home, Introduction) {698 words} Introduction (End Near, Introduction) {317 words} Introduction (Right Living, Introduction) {504 words} Introduction to APA Style {548 words} Introduction to Church History {323 words} Introduction to Ecclesiology {877 words} Introduction to Prophesy {507 words} Introduction To Theology {514 words} Invalid Logic Three Times (Reincarn, Section E) {1,268 words} Investing By The Years Method (Family, chapter 11d) {677 words} Irony of Science, The (Creation, chapter 24f) {545 words} Isaac Committed the Same Sin as his Father (22 October) (Daily BC, OCT22) {398 words} Isaac Made the Same Mistake as his Dad (27 February) (Daily BC, FEB27) {390 words} Isaac was a Type of Christ (27 December) (Daily BC, DEC27) {406 words} Isaac was the Promised Son (24 June) (Daily BC, JUN24) {393 words} Isaiah saw Himself as Ruined and Unclean (04 June) (Daily BC, JUN04) {392 words} Isaiah Talked About the Spherical Earth (09 May) (Daily BC, MAY09) {405 words} Isaiah Wrote About Calvary (17 December) (Daily, DEC17) {417 words} Ishbosheth Tried to be the King after Saul Died (10 September) (Daily BC, SEP10) {384 words} Isn't God Listening? (Psalms 66, Luke 1, II Corinthians 12, and James 1) {647 words} Israel And The Antichrist's Fall (End Near, chapter 4f) {201 words} Israel Had all the Advantages and Still Rejected Christ (17 November) (Daily, NOV17) {384 words} Issachar was the Ninth Son of Jacob (13 April) (Daily BC, APR13) {370 words} It Was Only A Short, One-Time Reunion (Finding Way Home, chapter 12d) {193 words} It Would Be A Good Time For Both Of Us (Finding Way Home, chapter 11c) {211 words} IWILL Course Introduction (Iwill, Lesson 1) {1,316 words}


    Jacob Alienated His Whole Family (17 October) (Daily BC, OCT17) {403 words} Jacob Met His Equal in Uncle Laban (07 November) (Daily BC, NOV07) {419 words} Jacob saw a Stairway Rising into Heaven (19 October) (Daily BC, OCT19) {384 words} Jacob was Deceitful (13 February) (Daily BC, FEB13) {419 words} Jacob was Deceitful Even After Twenty Years (20 November) (Daily BC, NOV20) {373 words} Jacob Wrestled with God (17 November) (Daily BC, NOV17) {371 words} Jacob’s Deceitful Nature (20 May) (Daily, MAY20) {367 words} Jael was the Most Blessed of Tent Dwelling Women (01 July) (Daily BC, JUL01) {404 words} James was the First Martyred Apostle (20 April) (Daily BC, APR20) {395 words} James was the New Testament Version of Solomon (17 March) (Daily, MAR17) {371 words} James was the New Testament Version of Solomon (17 September) (Daily BC, SEP17) {369 words} January 1971 Until November 1973 - The Cherry Acres Years (Family, chapter 1c) {979 words} January 1984 - Using The Features Of PAG (Family, chapter 9e) {1,175 words} Jehoash Defeated the Aramites Three Times (23 August) (Daily BC, AUG23) {396 words} Jehoshaphat Walked in the Ways of the Lord (01 September) (Daily BC, SEP01) {439 words} Jehoshaphat Wanted to Know the Truth (06 March) (Daily BC, MAR06) {393 words} Jehovah (About God, Chapter 4j) (168 Words) Jephthah led Israel for Six Years (08 April) (Daily BC, APR08) {400 words} Jeremiah Explained the Job of a Potter (24 August) (Daily BC, AUG24) {402 words} Jeremiah Urged the King to Have Faith (17 June) (Daily BC, JUN17) {405 words} Jeremiah was Known by God in the Womb (12 June) (Daily BC, JUN12) {380 words} Jeremiah was Put in a Dungeon for Telling the Truth (02 June) (Daily BC, JUN02) {398 words} Jeremiah was the Weeping Prophet (05 October) (Daily BC, OCT05) {367 words} Jeroboam Could not Fool God's Man (26 November) (Daily BC, NOV26) {388 words} Jeroboam led the People in the Wrong Direction (30 June) (Daily BC, JUN30) {404 words} Jesus Arose From The Grave (Iwill, Lesson 23) {692 words} Jesus Arose From The Grave - How Do We Know This? (Iwill, Lesson 24) {835 words} Jesus As Our Savior (Logic, chapter 6) {551 words} Jesus Calmed a Storm (09 November) (Daily BC, NOV09) {381 words} Jesus Came to Set the Captive Free (07 December) (Daily, DEC07) {387 words} Jesus Came to Set the Captive Free (07 June) (Daily BC, JUN07) {404 words} Jesus Can Make The Blind See (29 May) (Daily, MAY29) {388 words} Jesus Can Make The Blind See (29 November) (Daily BC, NOV29) {389 words} Jesus Could Cast Out Demons (29 August) (Daily BC, AUG29) {398 words} Jesus Could Cast Out Demons (29 February) (Daily, FEB29) {375 words} Jesus Created Everything (07 April) (Daily BC, APR07) {395 words} Jesus Dealt With Far More Than Reincarnation (Reincarn, Section B) {1,049 words} Jesus Defends the Baptist (Matthew, Chapter 11) {1,803 words} Jesus Did Not Know When the End Would Come (29 June) (Daily BC, JUN29) {400 words} Jesus Did Not Receive the Unrepentant (31 July) (Daily BC, JUL31) {407 words} Jesus Died on the Cross for our Sins (Iwill, Lesson 22) {1,014 words} Jesus Existed Before Abraham (02 October) (Daily BC, OCT02) {389 words} Jesus Expressed Anger (09 January) (Daily BC, JAN09) {379 words} Jesus Fed Five Thousand Men at One Time (23 November) (Daily BC, NOV23) {407 words} Jesus Fed Four Thousand Men at One Time (24 November) (Daily BC, NOV24) {383 words} Jesus Had to be Born of a Virgin (20 August) (Daily BC, AUG20) {431 words} Jesus Had to be Born of a Virgin (20 February) (Daily, FEB20) {430 words} Jesus Had To Overcome The Agony (Creation, chapter 20c) {257 words} Jesus Healed the Man at the Bethesda Pool (20 May) (Daily BC, MAY20) {405 words} Jesus Healed the Man at the Bethesda Pool (20 November) (Daily, NOV20) {402 words} Jesus Healed Three Plus Others and Miscellaneous Teachings (Matthew, Chapter 8) {2,189 words} Jesus Instructs the Twelve (Matthew, Chapter 10) {2,096 words} Jesus is Coming Again and Maybe Soon (24 May) (Daily BC, MAY24) {394 words} Jesus is Coming Again and Maybe Soon (24 November) (Daily, NOV24) {394 words} Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (31 December) (Daily BC, DEC31) {435 words} Jesus is the Better Sacrifice (21 July) (Daily, JUL21) {391 words} Jesus is the Better Sacrifice (11 May) (Daily BC, MAY11) {393 words} Jesus is the Bread of Life (23 September) (Daily BC, SEP23) {399 words} Jesus is the Foundation of the Church (01 December) (Daily BC, DEC01) {409 words} Jesus is the Foundation of the Church (01 September) (Daily, SEP01) {408 words} Jesus is the Good Shepherd (16 April) (Daily, APR16) {397 words} Jesus is the Good Shepherd (16 October) (Daily BC, OCT16) {399 words} Jesus is the High Priest Forever (12 March) (Daily, MAR12) {349 words} Jesus is the High Priest Forever (12 September) (Daily BC, SEP12) {356 words} Jesus is the Light of the World (06 October) (Daily BC, OCT06) {378 words} Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (21 November) (Daily BC, NOV21) {399 words} Jesus is the True Vine (09 December) (Daily BC, DEC09) {420 words} Jesus is the True Vine (09 June) (Daily, JUN09) {410 words} Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (13 November) (Daily BC, NOV13) {403 words} Jesus is Worthy (19 February) (Daily, FEB19) {387 words} Jesus Left so that the Comforter Could Come (11 August) (Daily, AUG11) {397 words} Jesus Lives (Matthew, Chapter 28) {2,704 words} Jesus Must be the Focal Point of all Ministry (16 June) (Daily, JUN16) {417 words} Jesus Must Come First in Everything (29 January) (Daily BC, JAN29) {381 words} Jesus Never Forsakes His Own (12 November) (Daily, NOV12) {390 words} Jesus On The Cross (Creation, chapter 20d) {440 words} Jesus Prayed for His Followers (16 November) (Daily, NOV16) {410 words} Jesus Preached Repentance to Everyone (01 May) (Daily, MAY01) {359 words} Jesus Really Died (16 October) (Daily, OCT16) {389 words} Jesus Really Rose From the Grave (22 December) (Daily, DEC22) {401 words} Jesus Rebuked the People of Nazareth (26 September) (Daily BC, SEP26) {405 words} Jesus Received Little Children (12 July) (Daily BC, JUL12) {361 words} Jesus Rose into the Clouds and He will Come Again (15 August) (Daily BC, AUG15) {386 words} Jesus Said, "I Will Build My Church" (15 January) (Daily, JAN15) {355 words} Jesus Showed Mercy to the Adulterous Woman (11 February) (Daily BC, FEB11) {419 words} Jesus Sidestepped The Traps Of This Life (Right Living, chapter 8d) {194 words} Jesus Suffered and Died for each Person (14 July) (Daily, JUL14) {397 words} Jesus Takes Persecution Personally (11 July) (Daily BC, JUL11) {364 words} Jesus Taught His Followers How to Pray (04 July) (Daily BC, JUL04) {407 words} Jesus Told People to not Listen to the Pharisees (25 July) (Daily BC, JUL25) {378 words} Jesus Told Peter to Forgive Others Over and Over (19 July) (Daily BC, JUL19) {383 words} Jesus Truly is the Only Way (14 September) (Daily, SEP14) {393 words} Jesus Turned Water into Wine (03 June) (Daily BC, JUN03) {348 words} Jesus Twice Helped His Disciples Catch a Lot of Fish (12 October) (Daily BC, OCT12) {389 words} Jesus Voluntarily Gave Up Some Things (05 January) (Daily BC, JAN05) {391 words} Jesus Walked on the Water (08 September) (Daily BC, SEP08) {397 words} Jesus Warned About the Thief in the Night (07 December) (Daily BC, DEC07) {360 words} Jesus was a Servant and Seeker of the Lost (04 September) (Daily, SEP04) {376 words} Jesus Was Able To Defeat Death (Creation, chapter 17b) {270 words} Jesus was also not the Reincarnation of King David (Reincarn, Section H) {1,173 words} Jesus was and is the Suffering Servant (30 October) (Daily, OCT30) {375 words} Jesus was Born Before April 4BC (27 January) (Daily BC, JAN27) {430 words} Jesus was Born of a Virgin (01 January) (Daily BC, JAN01) {392 words} Jesus was Born of a Virgin - God's Plan of Salvation (the Roman's Road) (Iwill, Lesson 16) {349 words} Jesus was Born of a Virgin - Imputed Sin (Iwill, Lesson 18) {425 words} Jesus was Born of a Virgin - Two Views of Immediate Imputations (Iwill, Lesson 19) {417 words} Jesus was Born of a Virgin - What Came From Adam? (Iwill, Lesson 17) {423 words} Jesus Was Brutally Tortured (Creation, chapter 20b) {294 words} Jesus was Despised and Rejected for Every Person (17 June) (Daily, JUN17) {390 words} Jesus was in the Fiery Furnace with the Hebrew Boys (28 October) (Daily BC, OCT28) {382 words} Jesus Was Teacher Even From the Cross (12 March) (Daily BC, MAR12) {371 words} Jesus was the Main Lampstand that John Saw (10 August) (Daily BC, AUG10) {390 words} Jesus was the Master Teacher even from the Cross (13 August) (Daily, AUG13) {371 words} Jesus was Without Sin (Iwill, Lesson 21) {611 words} Jesus Wept Over Lazarus (09 February) (Daily BC, FEB09) {401 words} Jesus' Fifth Statement From the Cross (23 December) (Daily BC, DEC23) {411 words} Jesus' First Statement From the Cross (19 December) (Daily BC, DEC19) {413 words} Jesus' Fourth Statement From the Cross (22 December) (Daily BC, DEC22) {390 words} Jesus' Genealogy and Birth to Mary (Matthew, Chapter 1) {1,786 words} Jesus' Part in the Godhead (Iwill, Lesson 28) {638 words} Jesus' Resurrection (30 March) (Daily, MAR30) {389 words} Jesus' Resurrection (Matthew 28) {768 words} Jesus' Second Statement From the Cross (20 December) (Daily BC, DEC20) {408 words} Jesus' Seventh Statement From the Cross (25 December) (Daily BC, DEC25) {408 words} Jesus' Sixth Statement From the Cross (24 December) (Daily BC, DEC24) {411 words} Jesus' Third Statement From the Cross (21 December) (Daily BC, DEC21) {424 words} Jethro Gave Good Advice (11 March) (Daily BC, MAR11) {368 words} Jewish Extra-Biblical Literature {468 words} Jewish Sects and Groups {488 words} Jezebel Died a Horrible Death (13 October) (Daily BC, OCT13) {403 words} Jezebel Killed God’s Prophets (22 May) (Daily BC, MAY22) {401 words} Jezebel Painted her Face for her Death (14 October) (Daily BC, OCT14) {393 words} Joab was a Vicious Person (23 March) (Daily BC, MAR23) {401 words} Joab was Repayed for his Evil Ways (26 August) (Daily BC, AUG26) {415 words} Job Believed in God Even When Times were Tough (19 September) (Daily BC, SEP19) {396 words} Job Never Knew What Hit Him (05 June) (Daily BC, JUN05) {409 words} Job Was Not Totally Patient (10 January) (Daily BC, JAN10) {408 words} Job Well Done, A (Creation, chapter 25d) {432 words} Joel Preached Repentance (16 July) (Daily BC, JUL16) {373 words} John {377 words} John - The Apostle Of Jesus {428 words} John the Baptist and Elijah were not the Same Being (Reincarn, Section A) {644 words} John the Baptist Announced the Lord's Coming (03 September) (Daily BC, SEP03) {375 words} John the Baptist Begins his Ministry (Matthew, Chapter 3) {1,453 words} John the Baptist Beheaded and Five Thousand People Fed (Matthew, Chapter 14) {2,979 words} John the Baptist Lost his Head for Taking a Stand (20 September) (Daily BC, SEP20) {385 words} John the Baptist Preached Repentance (02 November) (Daily BC, NOV02) {368 words} John the Baptist was Announced by an Angel (03 July) (Daily BC, JUL03) {389 words} John was Jesus’ Best Earthly Friend (31 January) (Daily BC, JAN31) {382 words} John Wrote About Salvation (29 December) (Daily BC, DEC29) {408 words} John Wrote About Seven Plague Judgments (23 October) (Daily BC, OCT23) {404 words} John Wrote About the Seven Seal Judgments (16 November) (Daily BC, NOV16) {371 words} John Wrote About the Seven Trumpet Judgments (15 December) (Daily BC, DEC15) {350 words} John's and James' Mother was Asking for a Lot (02 January) (Daily BC, JAN02) {381 words} John’s Gospel Filled in a Lot of Blanks (29 December) (Daily, DEC29) {393 words} Jonadab was not a Very Good Friend (21 September) (Daily BC, SEP21) {429 words} Jonah Did Not Want To Go (18 October) (Daily BC, OCT18) {383 words} Jonah Inside the Whale was a Sign (05 July) (Daily BC, JUL05) {388 words} Jonah Proved God's Love for Everyone (01 December) (Daily, DEC01) {386 words} Jonah was Swallowed by a Great Fish (15 May) (Daily BC, MAY15) {410 words} Jonathan was a Good Friend (06 February) (Daily BC, FEB06) {402 words} Joseph had a Coat of Many Colors (03 October) (Daily BC, OCT03) {384 words} Joseph Interpreted the Baker's Dream (13 August) (Daily BC, AUG13) {403 words} Joseph Interpreted the Cupbearer's Dream (12 November) (Daily BC, NOV12) {391 words} Joseph 'RAN' From Potiphar's Wife (14 November) (Daily BC, NOV14) {406 words} Joseph Saved his People (03 March) (Daily BC, MAR03) {423 words} Joseph was a Man of Integrity and Courage (08 June) (Daily BC, JUN08) {380 words} Joseph was a Type of Christ (28 December) (Daily BC, DEC28) {401 words} Joseph was the Eleventh Son of Jacob (24 April) (Daily BC, APR24) {392 words} Joseph was the Head of his Family (30 January) (Daily BC, JAN30) {394 words} Joshua Established the Cities of Refuge (13 December) (Daily BC, DEC13) {375 words} Joshua led the Battle Against Jericho (11 December) (Daily BC, DEC11) {401 words} Joshua Prayed and Asked for the Sun to Stand Still (06 May) (Daily BC, MAY06) {393 words} Joshua Received Clean Clothes (30 August) (Daily BC, AUG30) {397 words} Joshua Set a Good Example (05 February) (Daily BC, FEB05) {365 words} Josiah was a Child King (28 February) (Daily BC, FEB28) {406 words} Judah Became the Direct Ancestor of Jesus (20 February) (Daily BC, FEB20) {374 words} Judah was the Fourth Son of Jacob (26 March) (Daily BC, MAR26) {385 words} Judas Did Not Have the Mind of Christ (17 February) (Daily BC, FEB17) {394 words} Judas Hanged Himself After Betraying Jesus (03 August) (Daily BC, AUG03) {385 words} Judas, Jesus, More Trials, and Crucifixion (Matthew, Chapter 27) {6,059 words} Judas was a Traitor (21 May) (Daily BC, MAY21) {374 words} Judging, Being Judged, Asking, and Entering (Matthew, Chapter 7) {2,051 words} Judgment And Caring For Our Children (Proverbs 13) {673 words} July 15, 1973 - Drawing Closer To The Lord (Family, chapter 2f) {465 words} July 1976 - More Problems At Home (Family, chapter 5f) {379 words} July 1977 - Almost Losing Our Home (Family, chapter 6d) {1,414 words} July 1983 - Teaching Sunday School (Family, chapter 9b) {354 words} July 31, 1989 - Going To Closing (Family, chapter 12c) {373 words} June 1977 - Still Very, Very Poor (Family, chapter 6c) {839 words} June 1978 - Debbie's Coming Home (Family, chapter 7b) {230 words} June 1979 - Best Estimated Position (BEPOS) (Family, chapter 7f) {702 words} June 1989 - Getting My Job Back (Family, chapter 12b) {795 words} Just A Foolish Fairy Tale (Creation, chapter 28g) {632 words} Just Walk Away From Temptation (30 May) (Daily, MAY30) {398 words} Justification By Works - Not A Contradiction (2:19-21) (James_C2, chapter 2g) {2,503 words}


    Kalam Cosmological Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2a) (434 Words) Keeping It Simple (Creation, chapter 27a) {179 words} Key to Understanding the Truth, The (Creation, chapter 33a) {241 words} Keys to New Testament Chronology {637 words} Kicked Out For Good (Finding Way Home, chapter 8) {377 words} Knowing About Transliterations Can Be Helpful (26 December) (Daily, DEC26) {360 words} Knowing That God Is Real (Creation, chapter 11) {173 words} Knowing That Jesus Is Lord (Creation, chapter 17) {157 words} Knowing The Bible Is Correct And Accurate (Creation, chapter 21) {404 words} Knowing the Truth About the Resurrection (Creation, chapter 17f) {316 words} Knowledge, Righteousness, And Virtue (Proverbs 12) {634 words}


    Lack of Fossil Evidence, A (Creation, chapter 4g) {348 words} Language of the Chief Priests, The (Creation, chapter 20i) {192 words} Late 1975 or Early 1976 - An Urgent Problem At Home (Family, chapter 5b) {515 words} Lazarus Found Peace at Death (12 February) (Daily BC, FEB12) {409 words} Leaders Must Have Self-Control and Show Equality (19 December) (Daily, DEC19) {388 words} Leah Finally Got it Right (27 March) (Daily BC, MAR27) {394 words} Leah was Jacob's Wife in the End (31 March) (Daily BC, MAR31) {399 words} Learning About My Miracle (Finding Way Home, chapter 20) {120 words} Learning About The Seven Head-To_Head Confrontations (Family, chapter 9c) {924 words} Learning From the Master (29 September) (Daily, SEP29) {398 words} Learning the Bible Through Biblical Narratives (19 May) (Daily, MAY19) {374 words} Learning the Right Way to Serve the Lord (01 November) (Daily, NOV01) {382 words} Learning To Be All We Can Be (Proverbs 1) {594 words} Learning To Please God (Right Living, chapter 1c) {631 words} Learning Wisdom from Godly Parents (21 February) (Daily, FEB21) {376 words} Learning Wisdom From Godly Parents (Proverbs 4) {695 words} Least Squares Curve Fitting Technique (Family, Appendix A) {771 words} Leibnizian Cosmological Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2c) (58 Words) Lessons from the Feeding of the Five Thousand (25 November) (Daily, NOV25) {385 words} Lessons Learned And New Opportunities (Family, chapter 1g) {567 words} Let's Make Sure That We Have Gotten It! (Right Living, chapter 6g) {230 words} Letting Jesus Live Within (30 July) (Daily, JUL30) {413 words} Levi was the Third Son of Jacob (25 March) (Daily BC, MAR25) {369 words} Life After Death and in Heaven with Jesus (07 April) (Daily, APR07) {393 words} Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, The {490 words} Life and Times of Jesus, The (24 April) (Daily, APR24) {372 words} Life In Equilibrium (Family, chapter 10c) {1,880 words} Lifting Up One's Head (07 October) (Daily, OCT07) {397 words} Light Has Come, The (Luke 2) {608 words} Linear Regression (Family, chapter 1a) {343 words} List Of Facts And Observations (Creation, chapter 27) {590 words} Listening to God with Spiritual Ears (26 November) (Daily, NOV26) {422 words} Literary Purpose of Book Endings, The (12 May) (Daily, MAY12) {389 words} Literature Review, The {567 words} Little Opposition to the Resurrection (Creation, chapter 18h) {239 words} Living A Godly Life (13 June) (Daily, JUN13) {373 words} Living By Faith Or By Sight? (Jeremiah 31 and Jeremiah 32) {630 words} Living by the Higher Standards of the Bible (19 April) (Daily, APR19) {400 words} Living Our Faith Every Day (1:22-25) (James_C1, chapter 1j) {1,511 words} Living Right Brings Happiness and Blessings (11 July) (Daily, JUL11) {388 words} Living Right Brings Blessings and Life (06 June) (Daily, JUN06) {358 words} Living This Life Rightly (Right Living, chapter 1) {680 words} Logical Expressions (Thesis, chapter 2h) {626 words} Logical Expressions (Thesis, appendix c) {240 words} Lois was a Faithful Grandmother (19 March) (Daily BC, MAR19) {413 words} Looking At All The Data (Creation, chapter 31b) {251 words} Looking at ALL the Facts (Creation, chapter 32e) {158 words} Looking At My Childhood Environment (Finding Way Home, chapter 2a) {128 words} Looking At My Environmental Circumstances (Finding Way Home, chapter 2) {301 words} Looking At My Own Life (Creation, chapter 13a) {212 words} Looking at the Early Church (Creation, chapter 14a) {132 words} Looking At The Writings Of Darwin (End Near, chapter 2a) {145 words} Looking For That Perfect Balance (Right Living, chapter 7d) {252 words} Looking for the God of our Great Salvation (Logic, chapter 1) {615 words} Looking For Ways To Fill That Void (Creation, chapter 13d) {174 words} Looking to the Secular Historians (Creation, chapter 18e) {303 words} Lord's Supper and Water Baptism Cannot Save, The (19 June) (Daily, JUN19) {412 words} Lord's Table, The {518 words} Lot had Incestuous Relationships with his Daughters (08 May) (Daily BC, MAY08) {403 words} Lot Picked the Wrong Place to Live (17 August) (Daily BC, AUG17) {383 words} Lot Wanted the Best for Himself (12 December) (Daily BC, DEC12) {401 words} Lot’s Wife was Turned to a Pillar of Salt (12 May) (Daily BC, MAY12) {435 words} Love is the Most Excellent Way (14 October) (Daily, OCT14) {412 words} Loving Truth And Seeking Riches (Proverbs 13) {667 words} Low Probability For Success, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 15e) {355 words} Lowering Christian Standards {1,016 words} Luke {258 words} Luke Wrote About the Virgin Birth (22 July) (Daily BC, JUL22) {400 words} Luke Wrote Scripture and Traveled with Paul (15 June) (Daily BC, JUN15) {402 words} Lydia Opened up her Home to Paul and the Others (11 June) (Daily BC, JUN11) {394 words}


    Maacah was a Thorn to Israel (03 April) (Daily BC, APR03) {365 words} Magi Seek Jesus and Jesus in Egypt and Nazareth, The (Matthew, Chapter 2) {2,080 words} Maintaining the New Testament - (Part I) (Iwill, Lesson 7) {563 words} Maintaining the New Testament - (Part II) (Iwill, Lesson 8) {700 words} Maintaining the New Testament - (Part III) (Iwill, Lesson 9) {596 words} Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part I) (Iwill, Lesson 2) {388 words} Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (Iwill, Lesson 3) {797 words} Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part III) (Iwill, Lesson 4) {855 words} Major Source Of Stress, A (Right Living, chapter 8e) {283 words} Making Good Financial, Work, and People Decisions (21 March) (Daily, MAR21) {398 words} Making Everything Better (Creation, chapter 15g) {192 words} Making Jesus Lord (23 March) (Daily, MAR23) {381 words} Making Jesus Lord (Matthew 27) {552 words} Manasseh Repented of all his Evil Ways (19 June) (Daily BC, JUN19) {402 words} Manasseh was a Very Evil King (09 October) (Daily BC, OCT09) {418 words} Manners and Customs {734 words} Many Are Wrong But Not So Extreme (Finding Way Home, chapter 4c) {298 words} Many Christians Are Too Entangled (Right Living, chapter 4a) {251 words} Many Ministries of the Holy Spirit, The (22 July) (Daily, JUL22) {396 words} Many New Testament Fragments (Creation, chapter 25a) {142 words} Many Other Encounters (Creation, chapter 18c) {327 words} Many Refuse God's Provision (Creation, chapter 35g) {235 words} March 1982 - Leaving The Government (Family, chapter 8c) {1,638 words} Marital Therapies: Behavioral and Cognitive {1,038 words} Marital Therapies: Psychoanalytic, Family Systems {809 words} Marital Therapies: Worthington's Approach {1,116 words} Mark {423 words} Mark Deserted Paul and Barnabas in Pamphylia (31 May) (Daily BC, MAY31) {384 words} Market Risk (Family, chapter 11c) {657 words} Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation (Iwill, Lesson 40) {729 words} Mary Magdalene was the First to the Tomb (09 August) (Daily BC, AUG09) {404 words} Mary Probably Pondered Many Things in her Heart (19 January) (Daily BC, JAN19) {390 words} Mary sat at Jesus’ Feet (15 April) (Daily BC, APR15) {397 words} Massive Brainwashing (Creation, chapter 4j) {392 words} MAT Statement In Use, The (Thesis, appendix A) {601 words} Mathematics of Linear Regression and Least Squares, The (Family, chapter 1b) {328 words} Matthew {388 words} Matthew Hosted a Dinner for Jesus and Sinners (26 April) (Daily BC, APR26) {406 words} May 1977 - Going To The Government (Family, chapter 6b) {477 words} Me? Lead In Prayer (I Kings 8, Acts 4, and I Timothy 2) {639 words} Medical Doctor Spoke Out About The Virgin Birth, A (27 August) (Daily, AUG27) {403 words} Meeting the Requirements for Being our Savior (Logic, chapter 7) {840 words} Mephibosheth had a Home with the King (30 July) (Daily BC, JUL30) {444 words} Message That Will Not Be Stopped, A (Creation, chapter 20m) {178 words} Message Not Being Told, A (Creation, chapter 2d) {231 words} Methuselah Lived a Long Time (14 May) (Daily BC, MAY14) {413 words} Micah Preached Against Those That Do Wrong (07 July) (Daily BC, JUL07) {393 words} Michal was David's First Wife (07 September) (Daily BC, SEP07) {412 words} Mid-Term Study Questions (APOL 500) {2,220 words} Millennium Government and Worship, The {624 words} Millennium Kingdom, The (Iwill, Lesson 45) {734 words} Mind, The (Right Living, chapter 10c) {393 words} Ministering to Others for Christ (26 October) (Daily, OCT26) {380 words} Ministry of the Apostle John, The (27 November) (Daily, NOV27) {400 words} Mischief Even In The Classroom (Finding Way Home, chapter 6b) {215 words} Mistake Which Should Not Have Happened, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 17d) {278 words} Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} Modes of Narration {651 words} Monastic Reform {1,068 words} Money: Master or Servant (I Timothy 6) {611 words} Moral Absolutes (Exodus 33, Exodus 34, Malachi 3, James 1, Psalms 25,) {465 words} Moral Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2e) (89 Words) Moral Law Argument, The (Creation, chapter 10d) {199 words} Mordecai was Faithful to the King (29 February) (Daily BC, FEB29) {393 words} More Additions To Our Family (Family, chapter 13b) {342 words} More Amazing Help (Family, chapter 6e) {451 words} More Complexity In Crown Point (Family, chapter 4b) {583 words} More Corroborating Data (Creation, chapter 5c) {469 words} More Grandchildren (Family, chapter 9g) {783 words} More Rebellion Against The Lord (End Near, chapter 3f) {162 words} More Secular Evidence (Creation, chapter 18f) {176 words} More Than Just A Problem With Education Matters (Finding Way Home, chapter 7b) {255 words} More Than One Way To Interpret (End Near, chapter 1a) {276 words} Moses Foretold Jesus (21 March) (Daily BC, MAR21) {416 words} Moses Had the Right Kind of Heart (13 January) (Daily BC, JAN13) {375 words} Moses Led the Celebration of the First Passover (30 October) (Daily BC, OCT30) {385 words} Moses Led the Children of Israel Across the Red Sea (10 December) (Daily BC, DEC10) {385 words} Moses Led the People out of Egypt (04 December) (Daily BC, DEC04) {416 words} Moses Said That God Would Provide Bread and Meat (11 November) (Daily BC, NOV11) {366 words} Moses Struck the Rock and Got Clean Water (08 October) (Daily BC, OCT08) {378 words} Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 1-8) {5,659 words} Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 9-16) {4,835 words} Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 1-8) {3,781 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 9-16) {3,228 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 25-30) {2,339 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 1-8) {3,652 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 9-16) {3,868 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 17-24) {3,771 words} Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 25-30) {2,593 words} Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 1-8) {4,573 words} Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 9-16) {4,363 words} Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 17-24) {3,982 words} Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 25-27) {806 words} Most Important Notes from OTCL 505 (Lessons 1-8) {x words} Most Important Notes from OTCL 505 (Lessons 9-13) {x words} Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 {984 words} Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 (Lessons 1-8) {2,868 words} Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 (Lessons 9-16) {x words} Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 (Lessons 17-24) {x words} Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 (Lessons 25-27) {x words} Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 1-8) {4,618 words} Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 9-16) {4,644 words} Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 17-24) {4,368 words} Moving From Despair To Hope (Luke 24) {525 words} Mr. Hume Was Wrong! (Creation, chapter 15b) {127 words} Much More Logical Scenario, A (Creation, chapter 20l) {135 words} Multiple Linear Regression (Family, chapter 1e) {328 words} Multiple Linear Regression (Family, Appendix B) {249 words} Mutation Theory And The Development of Different Species (Creation, chapter 4b) {359 words} Mutual Funds Investing (Family, chapter 11b) {686 words} My Christian Testimony {635 words} My Personal Christian Counseling Theory {4,252 words} My Theory of Individual Psychotherapy {1,485 words} Mysterious Woman, A (End Near, chapter 1c) {239 words} Mysterious Woman, The (End Near, chapter 4e) {417 words}


    Naaman Was a Great Man with a Big Problem (17 January) (Daily BC, JAN17) {388 words} Nabal was an Evil Man (04 April) (Daily BC, APR04) {399 words} Nahum Wrote Against Nineveh (18 February) (Daily BC, FEB18) {373 words} Naomi was Faithful to the Lord (14 February) (Daily BC, FEB14) {380 words} Naphtali was the Sixth Son of Jacob (30 March) (Daily BC, MAR30) {366 words} Nathaniel was Sitting Under a Fig Tree (17 May) (Daily BC, MAY17) {372 words} Nation in Trouble, A (Creation, chapter 1c) {367 words} Nature and Events of the Tribulation, The {680 words} Nature and Purpose of the Millennium, The {458 words} Nebuchadnezzar had a Troubling Dream (18 July) (Daily BC, JUL18) {395 words} Nebuchadnezzar Lived Like an Animal for A While (16 August) (Daily BC, AUG16) {388 words} Nebuchadnezzar Tried to Kill some Faithful Jewish Boys (29 July) (Daily BC, JUL29) {392 words} Need For A Credible Authority, The (Creation, chapter 9a) {262 words} Nehemiah Celebrated a Job Well Done (24 September) (Daily BC, SEP24) {340 words} Nehemiah Fought a Good Fight for the Lord (18 December) (Daily BC, DEC18) {394 words} Nehemiah had a Real Burden (25 February) (Daily BC, FEB25) {385 words} Nehemiah Had Faith in the Big Things (21 October) (Daily BC, OCT21) {391 words} Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (29 May) (Daily BC, MAY29) {392 words} Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (22 November) (Daily, NOV22) {381 words} Never-ending Challenges of Satan, The (Creation, chapter 29g) {284 words} New Christians are Sealed for Eternity (30 December) (Daily, DEC30) {378 words} New Creatures Created to Serve (19 November) (Daily, NOV19) {397 words} New, Deeper Apostolic Commitment, A (Creation, chapter 20k) {312 words} New Direction, A (Creation, chapter 15d) {216 words} New Heaven And A New Earth, A (End Near, chapter 4h) {199 words} New Testament Biblical Archaeology {549 words} Next Big Hurdle, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 16e) {427 words} Nicanor was Full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom (08 March) (Daily BC, MAR08) {390 words} Nicodemus Took a Theology Class Taught by Jesus (22 September) (Daily BC, SEP22) {391 words} No One And Nothing To Blame (Finding Way Home, chapter 2e) {182 words} No One Knows For Sure (End Near, chapter 3m) {408 words} Noah was God’s Man for an Important Job (07 February) (Daily BC, FEB07) {398 words} Normal Expressions (Thesis, chapter 2g) {2,626 words} Not Believing In God Is Easy (Creation, chapter 9k) {472 words} Not Much Has Changed (Creation, chapter 2g) {293 words} Notes from "Cracking Old Testament Code" {1,093 words} November 6, 1967 - Crawling Back To ODU (Finding Way Home, chapter 10) {342 words} November 3, 1972 - Getting My Commission (Family, chapter 2a) {332 words} November 1976 - Deciding To Leave PRC (Family, chapter 6) {482 words} November 28, 1989 - Losing My Job Again (Family, chapter 12d) {857 words} Numerous Symbolic Victories (Finding Way Home, chapter 20f) {619 words}


    Oaths and Truthfulness (Matthew_C5, chapter 5i) {567 words} Obadiah Intervened Between Ahab and Elijah (28 June) (Daily BC, JUN28) {417 words} Obadiah was a Devout Believer (16 June) (Daily BC, JUN16) {405 words} Obeying the Instructions of Godly Parents (04 April) (Daily, APR04) {384 words} Objections To The Deity Of Christ {472 words} Objections To The Resurrection (Creation, chapter 19) {154 words} October 1975 - Geographic and Alphanumeric Display System (GADS) (Family, chapter 5a) {806 words} October 31, 1975 - Release From Active Duty (Family, chapter 4e) {664 words} October 1981 - A Wedding and Our Second Grandchild (Shannon) (Family, chapter 8b) {674 words} Office of Pastor and Deacon, The {555 words} Oholah was a Prostitute to the Assyrians (17 July) (Daily BC, JUL17) {390 words} Oholibah was a Prostitute to the Babylonians (01 November) (Daily BC, NOV01) {390 words} Omniscient Jesus Could Not Be Tricked, An (19 August) (Daily, AUG19) {398 words} On Ghosts and Goblins (Reincarn, Section G) {743 words} On The Road To Emmaus (Creation, chapter 18b) {387 words} One and Only God, The (John 1) {665 words} One and Only Gospel, The (Acts 17) {852 words} One And Only Response, The (Philippians 3) {636 words} One and Only Savior, The (John 14, I Timothy 2, I John 5) {781 words} One Final Act Before Leaving Norfolk (Family, chapter 4f) (557 words} One Man and One Woman for One Lifetime (17 May) (Daily, MAY17) {393 words} One of God's Names is "El Olam," the Eternal God (04 August) (Daily, AUG04) {399 words} One of God’s Names is El Qanno, the Jealous God (04 December) (Daily, DEC04) {347 words} One of God's Names is the Almighty (12 June) (Daily, JUN12) {377 words} One of God’s Names is Yahweh Jireh (03 September) (Daily, SEP03) {414 words} One of God’s Names is Yahweh Rapha (23 October) (Daily, OCT23) {379 words} One of God's Names is Yahweh Rohi (03 November) (Daily, NOV03) {384 words} One Point Over (Finding Way Home, chapter 14) {248 words} One Point Under (Finding Way Home, chapter 20e) {205 words} One Rapture for all Chistians (23 July) (Daily, JUL23) {375 words} One Who Is Motivated By Love (Creation, chapter 30a) {213 words} One Who Must Keep The Devil At Bay (Creation, chapter 30b) {299 words} Onesimus did Wrong but was Forgiven (24 July) (Daily BC, JUL24) {385 words} Only Jesus Could Call Someone A Fool (27 October) (Daily, OCT27) {372 words} Only When We Love As We Should (Right Living, chapter 10k) {241 words} Ontological Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2f) (166 Words) Ontological Argument, The (Creation, chapter 10c) {300 words} Ontological Argument Revisited, The (Creation, chapter 11e) {184 words} Opposition Does Not Really Have Much of a Case, The (Creation, chapter 33f) {118 words} Order Of Events In My Turn Around, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 18a) {1,133 words} Organization of the Church, The (02 June) (Daily, JUN02) {343 words} Other Out-Of-Body Death Experiences (Creation, chapter 17d) {119 words} Other Problems With Evolution (Creation, chapter 4e) {310 words} Our First Church (Right Living, chapter 4b) {483 words} Our Four Different Churches, A Comparison Of (Right Living, chapter 4h) {279 words} Our Fourth Church (Right Living, chapter 4g) {454 words} Our Kind Of People? (Acts 10, Acts 11) {601 words} Our Life Is But For A Moment (1:9-11) (James_C1, chapter 1d) {669 words} Our Second Church (Right Living, chapter 4c) {504 words} Our Third Church (Right Living, chapter 4d) {580 words} Ours Is A Personal Testimony (Creation, chapter 15c) {247 words} Outline of Evolution: Theory In Crisis, An {1,385 words} Overcome Opposition (Nehemiah 4) {539 words} Overcoming One's Doubts (31 July) (Daily, JUL31) {353 words} Overview of Instrumentation {903 words}


    PAG Award (Family, Appendix F) {4 words} Papal Leadership {1,072 words} Parable of the Vineyard and Preparing to Die, The (Matthew, Chapter 20) {2,044 words} Parable, Paying Taxes, and Kingdom Truths, A (Matthew, Chapter 22) {3,276 words} Pathology in Family Counseling {647 words} Pattern Was Set Long Ago, This (End Near, chapter 3i) {222 words} Paul Chose to not Escape (28 March) (Daily BC, MAR28) {428 words} Paul Endured Intense Persecution (22 January) (Daily BC, JAN22) {380 words} Paul Preached a Message from Above (06 July) (Daily BC, JUL06) {402 words} Paul Prepared for Fourteen Years (21 April) (Daily BC, APR21) {376 words} Paul Shook off a Snake (28 May) (Daily BC, MAY28) {400 words} Paul Used Every Opportunity To Share Christ (28 September) (Daily, SEP28) {411 words} Paul was Always Ready to Go (03 May) (Daily BC, MAY03) {407 words} Paul was Always Ready to Share his Faith (15 November) (Daily BC, NOV15) {375 words} Paul was Knocked to his Knees (12 January) (Daily BC, JAN12) {406 words} Paul was Stalked by his own People (06 September) (Daily BC, SEP06) {423 words} Paul was Stoned and Left for Dead (20 January) (Daily BC, JAN20) {403 words} Paul Wrote About the Rapture (10 July) (Daily BC, JUL10) {372 words} Paul's Apologetic Technique in Acts, Chapter Seventeen (11 February) (Daily, FEB11) {384 words} Paul's Apologetic Technique in Acts 17 {1,048 words} Paul's Eschalogical Epistles: I and II Thessalonians {217 words} Paul's Prison Epistles: Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians {290 words} Paul's Prison Epistles: I and II Timothy, and Titus {260 words} Paul's Soteriological Epistles: Galatians and Romans {342 words} Paul's Soteriological Epistles: I and II Corinthians {289 words} Peace, Long Life, Favor, And Understanding (10 January) (Daily, JAN10) {322 words} Pearls Of Wisdom, Part I (Proverbs 11) {691 words} Pearls Of Wisdom, Part II (Proverbs 11) {661 words} Pearls Of Wisdom, Part III (Proverbs 11) {654 words} Pearls Of Wisdom, Part IV (Proverbs 11) {685 words} Pearls Of Wisdom, Part V (Proverbs 11) {573 words} Pearls Of Wisdom, Part VI (Proverbs 11) {645 words} People Can "Know" That They Are Saved (25 May) (Daily, MAY25) {393 words} People Should Be Honest, Prudent, and Diligent (12 September) (Daily, SEP12) {381 words} People Still Walk Away (Right Living, chapter 3e) {251 words} People Were Without Excuse, The (Creation, chapter 29h) {232 words} People Will Know Each Other in Heaven {848 words} Persecution and the Struggle Against Heresies {833 words} Persecution of the Church {886 words} Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in John, The {4,248 words} Personal Injury and Self-Sacrifice (Matthew_C5, chapter 5j) {1,337 words} Personal Testimony: How I Became A Christian, My{574 words} Personality Of The Holy Spirit, The (30 January) (Daily, JAN30) {381 words} Personality Of The Holy Spirit, The {793 words} Peter Denied Three Times But Was Forgiven (06 January) (Daily BC, JAN06) {425 words} Peter Described the Word of God as Eternal (23 July) (Daily BC, JUL23) {410 words} Peter Learned an Important Lesson (25 November) (Daily BC, NOV25) {367 words} Peter Led the Apostles Away (27 May) (Daily BC, MAY27) {386 words} Peter Saw the Christ (16 February) (Daily BC, FEB16) {382 words} Peter Took the Lead (14 April) (Daily BC, APR14) {380 words} Peter was Miraculously Delivered from Herod (21 January) (Daily BC, JAN21) {391 words} Peter was Practicing Hypocrisy (23 April) (Daily BC, APR23) {374 words} Peter's Denial (Matthew 26) {564 words} Pharaoh had some Troubling Dreams (21 July) (Daily BC, JUL21) {377 words} Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Philemon Shows Jesus as the True Mediator (22 April) (Daily, APR22) {380 words} Philip Became the First Missionary (18 January) (Daily BC, JAN18) {398 words} Philip was Probably in Charge of Logistics (16 May) (Daily BC, MAY16) {405 words} Phoebe Helped Paul (28 September) (Daily BC, SEP28) {393 words} Physical Body, The (Right Living, chapter 10e) {459 words} Physical Side, The (Right Living, chapter 10i) {148 words} Plan of Salvation, God's Simple Plot Against Jesus, The (Matthew, Chapter 26) {6,981 words} Ploy of the Devil, The (Creation, chapter 33k) {342 words} Pneumatology (part 1) Person And Nature Of Holy Spirit {1,079 words} Political Environment, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 2d) {375 words} Polynomial Least Squares Regression (Family, Appendix C) {320 words} Polynomial Regression (Family, chapter 1f) {101 words} Poor Shall Be Rich In Faith, The (2:5-9) (James_C2, chapter 2c) {2,831 words} Possible Scenario, A (Creation, chapter 33j) {474 words} Poverty And Shame, Good And Evil (Proverbs 13) {649 words} Power At Pentecost (Acts 1 and 2) {699 words} Power For Daily Living (Ephesians 1 and Ephesians 3) {540 words} Power To Overcome Evil (Ephesians 6) {520 words} Power To Save (Ephesians 2) {552 words} Power to Share the Gospel (Ephesians 3) {608 words} Practicing the Basics of Counseling {2,361 words} Prayer is a Powerful Resource (02 November) (Daily, NOV02) {384 words} Praying Effectively (Psalms 86) {593 words} Praying in Jesus’ Name (09 November) (Daily, NOV09) {394 words} Preparing To Go Away (John 16) {622 words} Preserving the Old Testament (07 January) (Daily, JAN07) {281 words} Pressure And Stress Are Real, The (Right Living, chapter 8b) {162 words} Presumed Evils of Elijah and John the Baptist, The (Reincarn, Section F) {453 words} Preterist View Is Not Logical, The (End Near, chapter 1e) {566 words} Principle One: Having The Right Attitude Towards God (Right Living, chapter 1a) {207 words} Principles For Christian Conduct (I Corinthians 10-11, I Corinthians 8,) {609 words} Principles Two And Three (Right Living, chapter 1b) {214 words} Problem Of Pain And Evil, The (Creation, chapter 30) {245 words} Problem Which Had Really Been On The Inside, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 3a) {372 words} Problem Which Is Common To Many, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 3b) {208 words} Problem With These Eyewitnesses, A (Creation, chapter 18d) {232 words} Problems With The Big Bang (Creation, chapter 6) {404 words} Promise of Romans 8:28 is Conditional, The (16 July) (Daily, JUL16) {415 words} Promise To Those Who Love Him (1:12c), A (James_C1, chapter 1g) {784 words} Promote The Faith (Acts 18, I Corinthians 16, and Romans 16) {598 words} Proof Is In The Pudding, The (Right Living, chapter 11) {255 words} Proofs Which Do Not Satisfy (Creation, chapter 10e) {537 words} Propaganda In The Classroom (Creation, chapter 32a) {173 words} Properly Observing the Lord’s Supper (25 September) (Daily, SEP25) {353 words} Prophecy Has Value But Jesus Must Be First (20 March) (Daily, MAR20) {368 words} Prophesy I {708 words} Prophecy is Valuable to the Diligent Bible Student (04 November) (Daily, NOV04) {364 words} Prophesy II {864 words} Propositional and Relational Knowledge of God (13 January) (Daily, JAN13) {328 words} Propositional And Relational Knowledge Of God {480 words} Proverbs {580 words} Proving the Correctness and Reliability of the Bible (Logic, chapter 4) {367 words} Proving the Lordship of Jesus (Logic, chapter 3) {1,550 words} Proving the Realness of God by Experiencing It (Logic, chapter 2) {2,077 words} Psalms - The Hymnbook of Israel {718 words} Psychoanalytic Family Counseling {681 words} Psychodynamic Theories: Borderline Personality Disorder {884 words} Psychodynamic Theories: Freud {1,003 words} Psychodynamic Theories: Neo-Freudians {1,195 words} Pure And Undefiled Religion - James' Conclusion (1:26-27) (James_C1, chapter 1k) {2,388 words} Purpose of a Church, The {417 words} Putting God First Avoids Trouble and Difficulty (04 June) (Daily, JUN04) {394 words} Putting God First Has Always Been Important (09 August) (Daily, AUG09) {388 words} Putting It All Together (End Near, chapter 3h) {396 words} Putting One's Confidence ONLY in the Lord (08 February) (Daily, FEB08) {395 words} Putting Our Confidence In The Lord (Proverbs 3) {677 words} Putting The Lord First In All Things (Family, chapter 12) {357 words} Putting The Two Principles Together (Creation, chapter 36g) {283 words}


    QBASIC Version of FINSYS (Family, Appendix I) {913 words} Questioning God’s Capabilities is Foolish (11 December) (Daily, DEC11) {371 words} Questions About The Devil (Creation, chapter 28c) {161 words} Questions for Summary of Eschatology {1,202 words} Quick Review, A (Right Living, chapter 9a) {393 words}


    Rachel Clung to her Idols (30 November) (Daily BC, NOV30) {392 words} Rahab Protected Some Jewish Spies (10 October) (Daily BC, OCT10) {394 words} Raising Children in the Right Environment (31 October) (Daily, OCT31) {365 words} Rapture, The (Iwill, Lesson 43) {1,085 words} Rapture of the Church, The {846 words} Rationale for a Lazy Creator, The (Creation, chapter 11h) {369 words} Reaction Journal to "Gifts From The Heart" {2,237 words} Reaction Journal to "The Process of Change" {3,199 words} Reaction to "The Family Crucible" {2,398 words} Reading and Living by God’s Word (17 October) (Daily, OCT17) {368 words} Real Danger In The Theory of Evolution, The (End Near, chapter 2) {158 words} Real Romance (Songs of Solomon 2, 4, 5, and 7) {566 words} Reality Finally Strikes (Finding Way Home, chapter 8c) {189 words} Reality of Their Ordeal, The (Creation, chapter 14d) {224 words} Rebekah Participated in the Deceitful Plot (27 November) (Daily BC, NOV27) {405 words} Rebekah was the Perfect Mate for Isaac (15 October) (Daily BC, OCT15) {378 words} Rebellious Leadership Of Nimrod, The (End Near, chapter 3g) {419 words} Receive Christ as Savior, Live Right, Be Just, and Be Fair (27 December) (Daily, DEC27) {398 words} Receive God's Wisdom (Proverbs 8) {636 words} Receive Jesus to Prepare for the End Times (13 October) (Daily, OCT13) {371 words} Receiving Christ as Savior Must Come First (01 August) (Daily, AUG01) {389 words} Receiving Godly Instruction and Living Right (28 February) (Daily, FEB28) {367 words} Receiving Inner Power From The Lord (13 September) (Daily, SEP13) {380 words} Receiving Instruction And Living Right (Proverbs 4) {652 words} Recognizing A Small Measure Of Victory (Finding Way Home, chapter 12b) {242 words} Recognizing And Avoiding Temptation (Proverbs 9) {664 words} Recognizing Our Need for a Savior (Logic, chapter 5) {812 words} Recognizing the Devil's Deception (20 January) (Daily, JAN20) {358 words} Recognizing the Origin of the Source (Creation, chapter 13g) {315 words} Rediscovering The Truth About Creation (Family, chapter 13a) {1,078 words} Rehoboam Made a Foolish Decision (13 June) (Daily BC, JUN13) {390 words} Reign Of The Antichrist, The (End Near, chapter 4d) {186 words} Rejecting Suicide (18 January) (Daily, JAN18) {356 words} Rejecting Suicide (I Samuel 31, Psalms 139, Jeremiah 10, James 5, Psalms 94) {533 words} Rejecting Wisdom Has Severe Consequences (20 December) (Daily, DEC20) {383 words} Rejection of the Apocrypha (Iwill, Lesson 41) {468 words} Rejoicing Against Judgment (2:12-13) (James_C2, chapter 2e) {1,612 words} Rejoicing In The Midst Of Temptation (1:2-4) (James_C1, chapter 1b) {1,567 words} Rejoicing Over My First True Victory (Finding Way Home, chapter 14d) {545 words} Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} Religious Experience Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2g) (256 Words) Religious Opposition {1,247 words} Reluctance To Join The Reserves (Finding Way Home, chapter 15a) {459 words} Remaining Faithful During Difficult Times (24 May) (Daily, MAY24) {407 words} Renewed Acquaintance, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 11b) {400 words} Reporting For Duty In Norfolk (Finding Way Home, chapter 19) {284 words} Research Paper on Structural Family Therapy {3,509 words} Research Problem, The {483 words} Research Proposal, The {769 words} Resisting The Devil (Right Living, chapter 8g) {466 words} Resolve Internal Problems (Nehemiah 5) {637 words} Responding To God's Critics (Finding Way Home, chapter 17e) {494 words} Response Of Theologians (Creation, chapter 10) {237 words} Response to the Hallucination Theory, A (Creation, chapter 20f) {114 words} Response to the Legend Theory, A (Creation, chapter 20g) {169 words} Response to the Stolen Body Theory, A (Creation, chapter 20h) {188 words} Response to the Swoon Theory, A (Creation, chapter 20a) {95 words} Responses To The Critics (Creation, chapter 20) {145 words} Responsibilities to the Elderly and to the Church (03 August) (Daily, AUG03) {399 words} Resurrection and The Judgments, The (609 words} Resurrection of Jesus from That Death, The (Logic, chapter 7d) {672 words} Reuben was the First Son of Jacob (18 March) (Daily BC, MAR18) {407 words} Revelation, The {180 words} Review of the Proposal, A {594 words} Review for Test 1 (CHHI 520) {613 words} Reviewing The Facts (Creation, chapter 27c) {183 words} Reviews of Two Journal Articles {1,703 words} Ridding the World of Evil (04 February) (Daily, FEB04) {395 words} Right Ratios, The (Creation, chapter 5d) {425 words} Right Ways to Give, Pray, Forgive, and Fast, The (Matthew, Chapter 6) {2,153 words} Righteous Live Better Than The Wicked, The (22 August) (Daily, AUG22) {375 words} Righteousness Comes Only From The Lord (19 September) (Daily, SEP19) {386 words} Righteousness is the Key Teaching in Matthew (24 July) (Daily, JUL24) {349 words} Righteousness, Words, And Wisdom {622 words} Rise of Fundamentalism, The (Iwill, Lesson 42) {797 words} Rise of the Papacy, The {845 words} Rise of the Papacy (continued, The {884 words} Risen Saviour, A (Creation, chapter 20o) {517 words} Romantic Love (14 February) (Daily, FEB14) {379 words} Route Generation (RTGEN) (Family, chapter 6f) {1,152 words} Rules for Interpreting the Old Testament, The (05 May) (Daily, MAY05) {370 words} Ruth was a Faithful Daughter-in-Law (10 February) (Daily BC, FEB10) {405 words}


    Sacrificial Death of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7c) {1,178 words} Salt and Light (Matthew_C5, chapter 5d) {818 words} Salvation - Freely Chosen Or Heavenly Appointed {4,730 words} Salvation Precedes Christian Good Works (06 September) (Daily, SEP06) {399 words} Sampling {709 words} Samson Broke his Nazarite Vows (26 January) (Daily BC, JAN26) {380 words} Samson was a Nazirite (25 April) (Daily BC, APR25) {429 words} Samuel was even Fooled by the Lord (21 August) (Daily BC, AUG21) {389 words} Samuel was Obedient to God's Call (27 June) (Daily BC, JUN27) {430 words} Samuel’s Sons were Rejected by Israel (07 January) (Daily BC, JAN07) {401 words} Satan Wanted to be Like the Most High (03 February) (Daily BC, FEB03) {412 words} Satanology {169 words} Satisfying The First Criterion (Creation, chapter 12a) {243 words} Satisfying the Void (Creation, chapter 13f) {247 words} Saul Made a Very Bad Decision (08 January) (Daily BC, JAN08) {398 words} Saul Really Liked David (30 May) (Daily BC, MAY30) {371 words} Saul Sought Advice From the Ungodly (14 January) (Daily BC, JAN14) {429 words} Saul Tried to Kill David (04 October) (Daily BC, OCT04) {395 words} Saul’s Name was Changed (18 May) (Daily BC, MAY18) {373 words} Savior Foretold, A (06 January) (Daily, JAN06) {355 words} Scholasticism {1,081 words} Scientific Instruction Within Our System (Creation, chapter 3) {209 words} Scientific Research {746 words} Scientific-Teleological Argument, The (Creation, chapter 10b) {287 words} Scientists and Educators Make No Pretense (Creation, chapter 3b) {245 words} Scientists Will Not Let Go Of This One (Creation, chapter 4i) {202 words} SDC Letter of Appreciation (Family, Appendix H) {6 words} Sealed By The Spirit (II Corinthians 1, II Corinthians 5, Ephesians 1) {574 words} Sealing Our Fate (End Near, chapter 2g) {174 words} Second Look At The Big Bang Theory, A (Creation, chapter 32) {672 words} Second Look At The Theory Of Evolution, A (Creation, chapter 34) {132 words} Second Pass, The (Thesis, chapter 2b) {882 words} Secular Opposition {1,160 words} Seeing Evil as God Sees It (25 April) (Daily, APR25) {398 words} Seeing Evil Through God's Eyes (Proverbs 8) {668 words} Seeing First, Farthest, and Most - Goals for the Church (06 May) (Daily, MAY06) {392 words} Seeing God as He has Revealed Himself (14 April) (Daily, APR14) {388 words} Seeing his Obvious Tactics (End Near, chapter 3j) {312 words} Seeing The Devil At Work (Right Living, chapter 5e) {433 words} Seeing The Trend Within Our Society (End Near, chapter 2f) {226 words} Seek Knowledge, Righteousness and Virtue (15 August) (Daily, AUG15) {360 words} Seek Righteousness and Pursue the Lord’s Ways (28 November) (Daily, NOV28) {413 words} Seek the Lord While He may be Found (04 May) (Daily, MAY04) {382 words} Seek To Show God's Current Relevancy (Creation, chapter 11d) {236 words} Seeking Advice (Finding Way Home, chapter 15b) {232 words} Seeking The Ways Of The Lord (Proverbs 14) {638 words} Seemingly Perfect Life, The (Right Living, chapter 7e) {217 words} Self-Centeredness (I John 2, James 3, and Philippians 2) {652 words} Self-Control And Showing Proper Respect (Proverbs 14) {606 words} Separating Truth From Non-truth (28 May) (Daily, MAY28) {378 words} September 1978 - Learning About Our First Grandchild (Michael Scott) (Family, chapter 7d) {107 words} September 1983 - Our Fourth Grandchild (Linda) (Family, chapter 9d) {195 words} Sequence of Events on the First Easter Morning, The (29 April) (Daily, APR29) {394 words} Sermon on the Mount Begins, The (Matthew, Chapter 5) {3,590 words} Setting, The (Matthew_C5, chapter 5a) {166 words} Settling My Eternal Destiny (Luke 23) {617 words} Seven Aspects Of The Doctrine Of Creation, The (09 February) (Daily, FEB09) {365 words} Seven Head-To-Head Confrontations, The (Creation, chapter 29) {521 words} Seven Head-to-Head Confrontations, The (Logic, chapter 5a) {524 words} Seven (or Eight) Parables (Matthew, Chapter 13) {3,399 words} Seven Vital Aspects Of The Doctrine Of Creation, The {417 words} Seven Woes (Matthew, Chapter 23) {3,130 words} Shared Generously (Deuteronomy 16, Exodus 36, Leviticus 19, Mark 12, and Acts 2) {608 words} Shechem Raped Jacob's Daughter (11 October) (Daily BC, OCT11) {367 words} Shimei Cursed the King and Lived (15 July) (Daily BC, JUL15) {384 words} Shipyard Mathematics (Family, chapter 1) {509 words} Showdown At J.B. Hunter's (Family, chapter 4c) {791 words} Showing Christian Love Towards Others (22 February) (Daily, FEB22) {394 words} Showing Favoritism is not Biblical (17 August) (Daily, AUG17) {361 words} Showing Some Gnostic Tendancies (Reincarn, Section I) {1,343 words} Simeon Waited Patiently on the Lord (30 April) (Daily BC, APR30) {390 words} Simeon was the Second Son of Jacob (22 March) (Daily BC, MAR22) {404 words} Similar Problems With Evolution Theory (Creation, chapter 11b) {189 words} Simple Enough For A Fifth Grader (Creation, chapter 34c) {183 words} Simple Mathematical Relationship, A (Right Living, chapter 8a) {186 words} Simplicity of Our Heavenly Father, The (Creation, chapter 36b) {324 words} Sin is a Personal Choice (03 March) (Daily, MAR03) {410 words} Sinless Life of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7b) {1,035 words} Sinners in Three Ways but Saved in only One Way (24 December) (Daily, DEC24) {421 words} Slant Towards Pantheism, A (Creation, chapter 9e) {131 words} Smart Ones ???, The (Creation, chapter 33b) {403 words} Smart People Accept Jesus As Savior (07 September) (Daily, SEP07) {404 words} Smart Way To Invest, The (Family, chapter 11) {346 words} Social Environment, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 2b) {224 words} Solomon and Ahab Fulfilled a Prophecy of Samuel (17 December) (Daily BC, DEC17) {418 words} Solomon Asked God for Wisdom (24 October) (Daily BC, OCT24) {389 words} Solomon Built the First Temple (26 December) (Daily BC, DEC26) {380 words} Solomon Ignored his own Advice (15 February) (Daily BC, FEB15) {395 words} Solomon Settled a Dispute Over a Child (14 August) (Daily BC, AUG14) {401 words} Solomon was Born to David and Bathsheba (01 August) (Daily BC, AUG01) {382 words} Solomon was Hastily Made the King (08 December) (Daily BC, DEC08) {389 words} Solomon Was the Wisest Man of his Times (26 May) (Daily BC, MAY26) {371 words} Solution of Convenience, A (Creation, chapter 6h) {366 words} Solution of Convenience, A (Creation, chapter 7b) {507 words} Some General Rules for Understanding the Bible (22 October) (Daily, OCT22) {332 words} Some Lingering Questions (End Near, chapter 1f) {245 words} Some New Information (Creation, chapter 28) {142 words} Some Of The Names Of God (About God, Chapter 4) (346 Words) Some Remarks By Mr. Hume (Creation, chapter 15a) {223 words} "Son of God" As A Proof Of The Deity Of Christ (29 January) (Daily, JAN29) {373 words} "Son of God" As A Proof Of The Deity Of Christ {429 words} Songs of Solomon {797 words} "Sons of God," The (End Near, chapter 3c) {170 words} Soteriology (part 1) {1,163 words} Soul, The (Right Living, chapter 10d) {296 words} Soul Winners are Wise (08 August) (Daily, AUG08) {374 words} Source Criticism {1,006 words} Source Of Our Temptation (1:13-15), The (James_C1, chapter 1h) {1,965 words} Sources of Knowledge {660 words} Speak Helpful Words (II Kings 5) {668 words} Speaking In Tongues (Right Living, chapter 4f) {463 words} Speaking to His Disciples (Matthew_C5, chapter 5c) {569 words} Special Matter Is Called Dark Matter, This (Creation, chapter 6f) {189 words} Spiritual Gifts (I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4, I Peter 4) {767 words} Spiritual Gifts are Given to do Spiritual Works (13 November) (Daily, NOV13) {430 words} Spiritual Heart, The (Right Living, chapter 10b) {191 words} Spiritual Maturing Process, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 13d) {425 words} Spiritual Side, The (Right Living, chapter 10j) {200 words} Spreading of an Unauthorized Version, The (Creation, chapter 22a) {194 words} Sprint 1976 - Suggesting A Major Program Upgrade To GADS (Family, chapter 5e) {743 words} Start Of The Tribulation, The (End Near, chapter 4a) {267 words} Start Well (Nehemiah 2 and Nehemiah 3) {652 words} Starting Just Past The Beginning (End Near, chapter 3a) {289 words} Starting To Dream (Finding Way Home, chapter 11g) {312 words} Stay Away From Evil Doers (Proverbs 1) {626 words} Stay Away From Fools And Be Honest With Yourself (Proverbs 14) {679 words} Stay Away From Those That Practice Evil (13 December) (Daily, DEC13) {374 words} Stay Busy for the Lord Until the Rapture (09 September) (Daily, SEP09) {377 words} Stay Focused On God's Promises (Numbers 13, Numbers 14, and Joshua 14) {670 words} Staying Away From Unproven, Minor Issues (Right Living, chapter 5i) {253 words} Staying Out Of Trouble (Proverbs 6) {660 words} Step One - Seeing Yourself As Sinful and Undone (Creation, chapter 35d) {386 words} Step Three - Coming to Jesus (Creation, chapter 35f) {517 words} Step Two - Understanding the Penalty for Our Sins (Creation, chapter 35e) {156 words} Stephen Was the First Martyr of the Church (23 January) (Daily BC, JAN23) {383 words} Steps in the Hermeneutic Process {1,006 words} Still Trying To Show The Wrong Thing (Creation, chapter 10f) {208 words} Strength in Jesus for Enduring Trials (12 October) (Daily, OCT12) {392 words} Strengthening Bible Study (Psalm 119) {677 words} Striving To Live Equally Well (Right Living, chapter 8f) {333 words} Structural Family Counseling (Part I) {718 words} Structural Family Counseling (Part II) {667 words} Studying the Book of Proverbs Will Make One Wise (06 December) (Daily, DEC06) {371 words} Summary Of The Facts And Observations (Creation, Appendix) {254 words} Superclusters and An Age That Do Not Fit (Creation, chapter 6a) {424 words} Supernatural Beginning, A (Creation, chapter 9h) {257 words} Survival of Pain and Evil, The (Creation, chapter 12d) {162 words} Swoon Theory Considered, The (Creation, chapter 20e) {239 words} Symptoms of a National Spiritual Decline (Creation, chapter 2) {137 words} Synoptic Problem, The {458 words}


    Tabitha was Brought Back to Life (17 March) (Daily BC, MAR17) {414 words} {TABLE} Cruel Elements of Jesus' Harsh Treatment, The (Creation, chapter 20) {TABLE} Four Points of the "AFTER" Proof, The (Creation, chapter 16) {TABLE} Four Steps For Proving God's Word, The (Creation, chapter 21) {TABLE} Four Theories Against A Literal Resurrection (Creation, chapter 20) {TABLE} Instruction Set For My Computer Language (Family, chapter 3b) {1,066 words} {TABLE} Maxima And Minima Theory (Family, chapter 1a) {343 words} {TABLE} Problems With the Big Bang theory (Creation, chapter 6) {TABLE} Problems with the Theory of Evolution (Creation, chapter 4) {TABLE} Reasons For Going Back To School, My (Family, chapter 3) {628 words} (TABLE) Results From AMORT.BAS (Family, chapter 1d) {822 words} {TABLE} Seven Head-to-Head Confrontations, The (Creation, chapter 29) {TABLE} Showing God In A Current Setting (Creation, chapter 11) {TABLE} Society's Costs For Its Anti-God Instruction (Creation, chapter 8) {TABLE} Symptoms of a National Spiritual Decline (Creation, chapter 2) {TABLE} Ten Widely Accepted Resurrection Facts, The (Creation, chapter 18) {TABLE} Three Causes of Pain and Evil (Creation, chapter 7) {TABLE} Three Points of the "BEFORE" Proof, The (Creation, chapter 16) {TABLE} Three Steps for Closing the Sin Gap With the Lord (Creation, chapter 35) {TABLE} Three Steps for Right Christian Living (Creation, chapter 36) {TABLE} Uniqueness of Christ's Resurrection (Creation, chapter 17) {TABLE} When The Decline Began (Creation, chapter 2) Tackle Tough Situations (II Corinthians 7 and 8 and Titus 1, 2, and 3) {490 words} Taking An "Aptitude" Test (Finding Way Home, chapter 13e) {394 words} Taking Inventory Of Myself (Right Living, chapter 6a) {464 words} Taking The Test (Finding Way Home, chapter 14a) {140 words} Talking To The Dean Of Men Students (Finding Way Home, chapter 10a) {436 words} Talking To The President Of Admissions (Finding Way Home, chapter 10b) {495 words} Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} Teaching Half-Truths and Lies (Creation, chapter 8b) {438 words} Teleological Or Design Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2d) (400 Words) Tending To The Spiritual Needs Of The Family (Right Living, chapter 10g) {461 words} Terah set a Bad Example for his Family (06 November) (Daily BC, NOV06) {373 words} Textual Criticism {1,151 words} Textual Criticism of the New Testament, The {627 words} Textual Criticism Reveals A Bible That Can Be Trusted (01 July) (Daily, JUL01) {342 words} Theistic Proofs for the Existence of "A" God (Logic, chapter 1b) {2,378 words} Theological Definition of the Church, A (23 June) (Daily, JUN23) {367 words} Theology Proper {1,535 words} Theories of Textual Criticism {479 words} Theory Belongs on the Shelf, This (Creation, chapter 4h) {191 words} Theory Of Evolution, The (Creation, chapter 4) {148 words} Theory of Evolution And Our Fate, The (End Near, chapter 3) {157 words} Theory of Evolution as a Threat to the Bible - (Part I), The (Iwill, Lesson 11) {751 words} Theory of Evolution as a Threat to the Bible - (Part II), The (Iwill, Lesson 12) {998 words} Theory That Is On Very Shaky Ground, A (Creation, chapter 32b) {246 words} Theory Which Seems To Be True, A (Creation, chapter 5e) {257 words} Theory Whose Time Has "NOT" Come, A (Creation, chapter 4c) {306 words} There Is A Better Way (Right Living, chapter 8c) {406 words} Third Person of the Trinity, The (24 February) (Daily, FEB24) {403 words} Thomas had to See for Himself (29 April) (Daily BC, APR29) {415 words} Thomist Cosmological Argument, The (About God, Chapter 2b) (416 Words) Thorough Research Supports The Resurrection (Creation, chapter 18j) {446 words} Those Who Heard and Saw (Logic, chapter 3a) {2,532 words} Threats to the Legitimacy of Jesus as the Son of God (Iwill, Lesson 29) {674 words} Three of the Causes of Pain and Evil (Creation, chapter 30c) {363 words} Three Simple Steps To Becoming A Christian, The Three Ways to be Involved in Missions (14 December) (Daily, DEC14) {385 words} Three-Fold Character Of God's Self-Revelation, The (26 January) (Daily, JAN26) {358 words} Three-fold Character Of God's Self-Revelation, The {547 words} Time for Christians to be Christian, A {1,233 words} Titus was Sent to Crete (10 November) (Daily BC, NOV10) {362 words} To Be Saved Just Do What God Says (11 October) (Daily, OCT11) {424 words} Too Much Negative Pressure (Right Living, chapter 7b) {202 words} Tower Of Babel, The (End Near, chapter 3e) {249 words} Tradition without Obedience, Healing and More Feeding (Matthew, Chapter 15) {2,279 words} Trained To Ignore The Spiritual (Creation, chapter 8a) {395 words} Transfiguration, Healing, and Taxes, The (Matthew, Chapter 17) {2,428 words} Tribulation, The (Iwill, Lesson 44) {1,242 words} Trip To The Museum, A (End Near, chapter 2c) {475 words} Triumphal Entry, The (Matthew, Chapter 21) {3,937 words} True Champion of the Christian Faith, A (09 April) (Daily, APR09) {381 words} True or False Hope (Jeremiah 29) {625 words} True or False Security (Jeremiah 1, Jeremiah 2, and Jeremiah 5) {618 words} True or False Messengers (Jeremiah 28) {621 words} Truly Foolish Prank, A (Finding Way Home, chapter 6a) {189 words} Trusting Anger Situations to the Lord (07 June) (Daily, JUN07) {389 words} Trusting God No Matter What (11 June) (Daily, JUN11) {369 words} Trusting the Disciples (Creation, chapter 23a) {196 words} Trusting the Lord in All Matters (13 July) (Daily, JUL13) {389 words} Trusting the Lord in Life and Death (15 July) (Daily, JUL15) {409 words} Trusting the Lord No Matter What (29 October) (Daily, OCT29) {392 words} Trying Once Again To Regroup (Finding Way Home, chapter 14c) {255 words} Trying To Break Up The Church (Creation, chapter 12f) {459 words} Trying To Cast Blame (Finding Way Home, chapter 1c) {347 words} Trying To Discover The Truth (Creation, chapter 33) {283 words} Trying To Guess About Christianity (Creation, chapter 8g) {463 words} Trying To Look At Each Verse (End Near, chapter 1d) {182 words} Trying To Prove God as Creator Is Futile (Creation, chapter 11c) {359 words} Trying To Regain Control (Finding Way Home, chapter 6) {513 words} Trying To Regroup (Finding Way Home, chapter 13c) {205 words} Trying To Show That God Is Not Current (Creation, chapter 11f) {356 words} Trying To Understand What Had Happened (Creation, chapter 1b) {510 words} Tuesday, November 7, 1967 (Finding Way Home, chapter 1b) {631 words} Two Eye Witnesses (Creation, chapter 18a) {83 words} Two Hundred Fifty Years of Persecution (Iwill, Lesson 34) {980 words} Two More Parables and the Sheep and Goats (Matthew, Chapter 25) {2,878 words} Two Offenses In The Old Testament Representation Of God, The {363 words} Two Situations Did Not Make Sense, The (Right Living, chapter 5c) {356 words} Two-Step Inflationary Expansion, A (Creation, chapter 7a) {213 words} Tychicus was Important to the Apostle Paul (25 September) (Daily BC, SEP25) {348 words} Types Of Investments (Family, chapter 11a) {486 words}


    Unanswered Questions About the Tribulation (End Near, chapter 1) {131 words} Unconditional Acceptance At William And Mary (Finding Way Home, chapter 19c) {277 words} Uncooperative System, An (Creation, chapter 9j) {149 words} Uncovering The Dead Sea Scrolls (Creation, chapter 24c) {208 words} Uncovering The Ebla Kingdom (Creation, chapter 24a) {271 words} Uncovering the Lachish Letters (Creation, chapter 24b) {270 words} Under The Influence (Alcohol and Drug Lesson) (Proverbs 20 and Proverbs 23) {637 words} Understand The Job (Nehemiah and Nehemiah 2) {488 words} Understanding Facts 5A-1 and 5A-2 (Creation, chapter 33h) {497 words} Understanding God's Message To Humanity (Creation, chapter 35) {359 words} Understanding Palestine's Physical Geography {420 words} Understanding Stewardship (Right Living, chapter 9d) {134 words} Understanding The Cunning Of The Devil (Right Living, chapter 2) {186 words} Understanding The Devil (Creation, chapter 29a) {308 words} Understanding The Lord (Proverbs 6) {633 words} Understanding The Reason For All My Doubts (Finding Way Home, chapter 12c) {474 words} Understanding The Timing Of The Rapture (End Near, chapter 4b) {378 words} Understanding the Work of the Holy Spirit (25 February) (Daily, FEB25) {365 words} Undesirable Character Trait, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 4a) {432 words} Unforgiving Spirit, An (Luke 15, Luke 17, and Ephesians 4) {585 words} Unhealthy Families and Integration {523 words} Unique Concept of the Church, The (22 September) (Daily, SEP22) {398 words} Uniqueness of Christianity, The (Creation, chapter 23e) {176 words} Uniqueness Of John, The {338 words} UNITRACK Award (Family, Appendix E) {4 words} Unproved Inflationary Model, The (Creation, chapter 11a) {253 words} Unproved Theory, An (Creation, chapter 5f) {431 words} Unqualified Acceptance of Mysticism, An (Reincarn, Section K) {1,037 words} Unresolved Anger (Genesis 4, James 1, and Ephesians 4) {598 words} Untimely Event And Threat To My Normalcy, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 5) {295 words} Unwilling To Die For A Phony (Creation, chapter 22c) {260 words} Up And Down, Up And Down (Finding Way Home, chapter 12a) {310 words} Use of the Wrong Text (Creation, chapter 22b) {175 words} Using an Opportunity to Teach an Important Truth (03 July) (Daily, JUL03) {410 words} Using Everything to Reach Others for the Lord (15 March) (Daily, MAR15) {375 words} Using Independence Day Wisely (04 July) (Daily, JUL04) {387 words} Using One's Own Difficult Experiences To Help Others (05 October) (Daily, OCT05) {387 words}


    Value of Archaeology to the Bible, The (08 April) (Daily, APR08) {359 words} Value of the Bible to Archaeology, The (Creation, chapter 24e) {202 words} Value of the Scrolls, The (Creation, chapter 24d) {227 words} Variants in Translations {968 words} Vashti was a Feminist (07 May) (Daily BC, MAY07) {373 words} Vastness Of Stewardship, The (Right Living, chapter 10m) {215 words} Very Big Number, A(Creation, chapter 4f) {130 words} Very Big Surprise, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 8b) {510 words} Very Special Kind of Matter, A (Creation, chapter 6e) {246 words} Very Special Miracle, My (Finding Way Home, chapter 20d) {410 words} Very Successful Adversary, A (Creation, chapter 29d) {473 words} Very Useful Equation, A (Family, chapter 10a) {229 words} Very Wicked Generation, A (End Near, chapter 3b) {280 words} Very Worthy Adversary, A (Creation, chapter 28b) {230 words} Victory in the Lord (07 August) (Daily, AUG07) {405 words} View of Baptism in the Church in 325AD, The (12 February) (Daily, FEB12) {361 words} Violent Media Alone Does Not Produce Children With Aggressive Behavior {4,041 words} Virgin Birth of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7a) {3,006 words} Void That Led To Mischief, A (Creation, chapter 13b) {246 words}


    Waiting For Something To Happen (Finding Way Home, chapter 11a) {356 words} Waive of Persecution, A (Creation, chapter 14c) {413 words} Walking Right Before The Lord (20 June) (Daily, JUN20) {389 words} Warm Sunlit, Shallow Water (Creation, chapter 4a) {299 words} Watching the Movement of the Stars (Creation, chapter 33i) {439 words} We Are A Nation Without God (Creation, chapter 8e) {537 words} We Are ALL Guilty Of ALL The Law (2:10-11) (James_C2, chapter 2d) {1,206 words} We Are Called To Be Good Stewards (Right Living, chapter 9e) {157 words} We Have Much Personal Freedom (Right Living, chapter 11a) {314 words} We Need Not Be Ashamed (Creation, chapter 4d) {256 words} We Need To KNOW That God Is Real (Creation, chapter 10g) {242 words} We Will Be Held Accountable (Right Living, chapter 9c) {213 words} Well Into My New Life (Finding Way Home, chapter 19d) {317 words} Well-Established System, A (Creation, chapter 3a) {173 words} What A Pathetic Person I Had Become (Finding Way Home, chapter 7f) {545 words} What A Request! (Finding Way Home, chapter 15d) {459 words} What About A Big Bang? (Creation, chapter 33d) {263 words} What About the Recession of the Galaxies (Creation, chapter 33g) {194 words} What All of This Means to Us (Logic, chapter 8) {2,051 words} What Being Born Again Means (06 April) (Daily, APR06) {391 words} What Does God Really Want From Each Of Us? (Right Living, chapter 6d) {166 words} What Does it Mean to be a Pastor? (11 March) (Daily, MAR11) {366 words} What God Really Did At Creation (Creation, chapter 33c) {373 words} What I Believe About Creation (About God, Chapter 3e) (274 Words) What I Believe About The Existence Of God (About God, Chapter 2h) (881 Words) What I Believe About The Importance Of This Study (About God, Chapter 1a) (254 Words) What I Believe About The Names Of GoD (About God, Chapter 4k) (582 Words) What is a Church {558 words} What is Family Counseling {880 words} What is New Testament Introduction? {398 words} What Is The Big Bang Theory? (Creation, chapter 5a) {382 words} What it Means to be a Human (04 January) (Daily, JAN04) {392 words} What Jesus Expects From His Church (26 May) (Daily, MAY26) {362 words} What Should I Pray? (John 17 and James 5) {696 words} What The Bible Says About Evolution (Creation, chapter 34a) {404 words} What the Bible Teaches Us About God - He has Certain Attributes (Iwill, Lesson 14) {883 words} What the Bible Teaches Us About God - He is the Creator (Iwill, Lesson 13) {935 words} What the Bible Teaches Us About God - Some of the Names of God (Iwill, Lesson 15) {951 words} What the Book of Acts Teaches (03 April) (Daily, APR03) {395 words} What The Examples Mean (Family, chapter 10d) {457 words} What The Lord Wants From You And Me (Right Living, chapter 6) {262 words} What the Millennium will be Like (06 March) (Daily, MAR06) {363 words} What the Resurrection Means to All of Us (Logic, chapter 3c) {1,005 words} What These Two Principles Are Not (Right Living, chapter 9b) {120 words} What was This Author Trying to Do? (Reincarn, Section D) {719 words} What We Think About Judgment Means Little (Creation, chapter 9c) {317 words} What Will Happen in the End? (15 April) (Daily, APR15) {411 words} When Did It All Begin? (Creation, chapter 2e) {869 words} When the Church Began and How Members are Added (17 April) (Daily, APR17) {382 words} Where Do Saved People Go When They Die? (25 March) (Daily, MAR25) {388 words} Where Do Unsaved People Go When They Die? (24 March) (Daily, MAR24) {393 words} Where Will You Go When You Die? (13 March) (Daily, MAR13) {421 words} Who Can Really Know? (Creation, chapter 7e) {364 words} Who is the Holy Spirit - He is the Third Person of the Trinity (Iwill, Lesson 31) {634 words} Who is the Holy Spirit - Jesus and the Father sent him (Iwill, Lesson 30) {347 words} Why A Canon? (Creation, chapter 22) {220 words} Why a Canon? (Logic, chapter 4a) {791 words} Why Build A Tower (Creation, chapter 29f) {151 words} Why Even Consider This Theory? (Creation, chapter 7f) {573 words} Why I Am A Christian (Debate) {404 words} Why Jesus HAD to be Born of a Virgin (Iwill, Lesson 20) {449 words} Why Jesus' Lordship Is So Important (Creation, chapter 20n) {348 words} Why Pray? (Psalms 28, Colossians 4, I Thessalonians 5, and I Peter 5) {762 words} Why Prayers are Sometimes not Answered (23 November) (Daily, NOV23) {363 words} Why the NIV Bible was Used in This Book (Matthew, Introduction) {717 words} Why Would Anyone Accept His Theory? (End Near, chapter 2b) {165 words} Widening the Gap (Creation, chapter 3c) {457 words} Widow at Zarephath had Plenty of Food, The (14 September) (Daily BC, SEP14) {392 words} Will You Love Me When I Am Old? (I Timothy 5 and Titus 2) {609 words} Willing To Believe A Lie (Creation, chapter 16e) {348 words} Willing To Give It All Up (Family, chapter 4d) {451 words} Wine is a Mocker (31 August) (Daily, AUG31) {347 words} WINKS Statistics Exercises {4,287 words} Wisdom As Our Way Of Escape (Proverbs 1) {672 words} Witnesses To The Historic Event (Creation, chapter 18) {312 words} Witnessing Confidently (Psalms 22) {538 words} Witnessing for Christ Made Simple (29 June) (Daily, JUN29) {384 words} Woman at the Well Got Filled, The (24 March) (Daily BC, MAR24) {421 words} Word of God Stands Forever, The (12 August) (Daily, AUG12) {377 words} Word Studies {971 words} Word Study of the Word "Mercy" {1,762 words} Work Hard And Live Right (Proverbs 10) {671 words} Work of Plasma Physicists and Others, The (Creation, chapter 7d) {169 words} Work of the Holy Spirit, The (01 April) (Daily, APR01) {384 words} Working Hard And Receiving Counsel (Proverbs 12) {674 words} Working On My Thesis (Family, chapter 3b) {1,066 words} Working Out The Other Details (Finding Way Home, chapter 16) {169 words} Working Together for the Lord (29 March) (Daily, MAR29) {375 words} World Needs Light, The (Genesis 12 and Isaiah 42) {531 words} Worshiping Daily (Psalms 145) {632 words}




    Yahweh Jireh - The Lord Who Provides (About God, Chapter 4f) (253 Words) Yahweh Rapha - The Lord Who Heals (About God, Chapter 4g) (131 Words) Yahweh Rohi - The Lord My Shepherd (About God, Chapter 4h) (148 Words) Years Passed, The (Finding Way Home, chapter 1a) {216 words} Young People Grow Up With The Wrong Values (Creation, chapter 8h) {356 words}


    Zacchaeus Met Jesus (16 January) (Daily BC, JAN16) {394 words} Zebulun was the Tenth Son of Jacob (18 April) (Daily BC, APR18) {395 words} Zechariah Foretold the Scattering Sheep (28 August) (Daily BC, AUG28) {348 words} Zechariah saw a Flying Scroll (02 December) (Daily BC, DEC02) {410 words} Zechariah Taught Correct Fasting (04 November) (Daily BC, NOV04) {366 words} Zechariah Wrote About Repentance (07 August) (Daily BC, AUG07) {357 words} Zedekiah was Tortured by his Enemies (04 May) (Daily BC, MAY04) {391 words} Zerubbabel Would not let Outsiders Help (22 August) (Daily BC, AUG22) {386 words} Zweig Model (Family, chapter 11e) {134 words}


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