Selected Essays And Book Reviews

Theology 526 - Doctrine of God {12,027 words}

1. Lesson 1 - Propositional And Relational Knowledge Of God {480 words}
2. Lesson 2 - Coming To Know God {462 words}
3. Lesson 3 - The Bible And Proving God's Existence {461 words}
4. Lesson 5 - The Bible And Its Consistency With The Proofs For God's Existence {707 words}
5. Lesson 6 - The Two Offenses In The Old Testament Representation Of God {363 words}
6. Lesson 7 - The Three-fold Character Of God's Self-Revelation {547 words}
7. Lesson 8 - Five Of The Names For God {862 words}
8. Lesson 11 - God's Revelation Of Himself Through History And Natural Phenomena {625 words}
9. Lesson 12 - God The Father In The New And Old Testaments {494 words}
10. Lesson 14 - The Importance Of Believing The Historicity Of Jesus {346 words}
11. Lesson 15 - Objections To The Deity Of Christ {472 words}
12. Lesson 16 - "Son of God" As A Proof Of The Deity Of Christ {429 words}
13. Lesson 17 - The Impeccability Of Christ {457 words}
14. Lesson 18 - The Personality Of The Holy Spirit {793 words}
15. Lesson 21 - The Attributes And Properties Of God {563 words}
16. Lesson 22 - God's Attribute Of Constancy {384 words}
17. Lesson 24 - God's Justice Versus God's Love {442 words}
18. Lesson 25 - The Constancy Of God's Plan {578 words}
19. Lesson 26 - Erickson's Moderately Calvinistic View Of God's Plan {649 words}
20. Lesson 27 - Erickson's Association Of Creation To Evolution {692 words}
21. Lesson 28 - The Seven Vital Aspects Of The Doctrine Of Creation {417 words}
22. Lesson 29 - God's Governing Activity {368 words}
23. Lesson 30 - Five Approaches For Explaining The Presence Of Evil {436 words}

Theology 510 - Survey Of Christian Doctrines {22,729 words}

1. Lesson 1 - Introduction To Theology {514 words}
2. Lesson 2 - Bibliology Revelation {1,056 words}
3. Lesson 4 - Theology Proper {1,535 words}
4. Lesson 6 - Christology Deity, Pre-existence {1,410 words}
5. Lesson 9 - Pneumatology (part 1) Person And Nature Of Holy Spirit {1,079 words}
6. Lesson 11 - Angelology {229 words}
7. Lesson 12 - Satanology {169 words}
8. Lesson 13 - Demonology {448 words}
9. Lesson 14 - Soteriology (part 1) {1,163 words}
10. Lesson 16 - Harmartiology (part 1) {1,102 words}
11. Lesson 18 - Anthropology (part 1) {1,083 words}
12. Lesson 20 - Ecclesiology (part 1) {1,360 words}
13. Lesson 22 - Eschatology (part 1) {1,998 words}
14. GLA 1 - Critique of "Things To Come - A Study In Biblical Eschatology" {825 words}
15. GLA 2 - Critique of "Major Bible Themes" {702 words}
16. GLA 3 - Christ's Earthly Kingdom - Literal or Figurative {3,326 words}
17. GLA 4 - Salvation - Freely Chosen Or Heavenly Appointed {4,730 words}

Counseling 501 - Counselor Professional Identity, Function and Ethics {2,361 words}

1. GLA 1 - Practicing the Basics of Counseling {2,361 words}

New Testament Biblical Studies 525 - New Testament Introduction {14,714} words}

1. Lesson 1 - What is New Testament Introduction? {398 words}
2. Lesson 2 - A Brief History of the New Testament {475 words}
3. Lesson 3 - Understanding Palestine's Physical Geography {420 words}
4. Lesson 4 - Herod the Great and His Descendants {474 words}
5. Lesson 5 - Jewish Extra-Biblical Literature {468 words}
6. Lesson 6 - Christian Apocryphal Literature {422 words}
7. Lesson 7 - Jewish Sects and Groups {488 words}
8. Lesson 8 - Keys to New Testament Chronology {637 words}
9. Lesson 9 - New Testament Biblical Archaeology {549 words}
10. Lesson 10 - The Inspiration and Origin of the New Testament Books {602 words}
11. Lesson 11 - The Formation of the New Testament Canon {601 words}
12. Lesson 12 - The Textual Criticism of the New Testament {627 words}
13. Lesson 13 - Theories of Textual Criticism {479 words}
14. Lesson 14 - How To Solve Textual Problems {308 words}
15. Lesson 15 - How to Evaluate Modern Translations {417 words}
16. Lesson 16 - The Synoptic Problem {458 words}
17. Lesson 17 - Matthew {388 words}
18. Lesson 18 - Mark {423 words}
19. Lesson 19 - Luke {258 words}
20. Lesson 20 - John {377 words}
21. Lesson 21 - Acts {502 words}
22. Lesson 22 - Paul's Eschalogical Epistles: I and II Thessalonians {217 words}
23. Lesson 23 - Paul's Soteriological Epistles: I and II Corinthians {289 words}
24. Lesson 24 - Paul's Soteriological Epistles: Galatians and Romans {342 words}
25. Lesson 25 - Paul's Prison Epistles: Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians {290 words}
26. Lesson 26 - Paul's Prison Epistles: I and II Timothy, and Titus {260 words}
27. Lesson 27 - The General Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude {275 words}
28. Lesson 28 - The Book of Hebrews {699 words}
29. Lesson 29 - The Epistles of John {249 words}
30. Lesson 30 - The Revelation {180 words}
1. GLA 1 - Critique of 'A General Introduction To The New Testament' {1,070 words}
2. GLA 2 - Critique of 'Introduction to the New Testament' {1,072 words}

Church History 686 - History of Fundamentalism {3,803 words}

1. GLA 1 - Critique of 'Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism' {1,116 words}
2. GLA 2 - Inerrancy as an Issue in the Fundamentalist Movement: 1900 to the Present {2,687 words}

Counseling 520 - Personality Development {13,751 words}

1. Study 1 - Important Terms In Chapters One Through Eight {5,787 words}
2. GLA 1 - The Effects of Divorce on Adolescents {1,033 words}
3. GLA 2 - Counseling The Terminally Ill {3,503 words}
4. Study 2 - Study Notes For The Final Exam (short essay) {3,428 words}

Theology 620 - Ecclesiology and Eschatology {18,978 words}

1. Lesson 1 - Introduction to Ecclesiology {877 words}
2. Lesson 3 - Descriptions of the Church {520 words}
3. Lesson 4 - What is a Church {558 words}
4. Lesson 5 - Analyzing the Definition of the Church {696 words}
5. Lesson 6 - Church Denomination and Organization {345 words}
6. Lesson 7 - Church Membership {470 words}
7. Lesson 8 - The Office of Pastor and Deacon {555 words}
8. Lesson 9 - The Purpose of a Church {417 words}
9. Lesson 10 - Baptism {490 words}
10. Lesson 11 - The Lord's Table {518 words}
11. Lesson 12 - The Churches of the New Testament {369 words}
12. Lesson 13 - Dispensations and Covenants {643 words}
13. Lesson 14 - Introduction to Prophesy {507 words}
14. Lesson 15 - Dispensationalism and Prophesy {425 words}
15. Lesson 16 - The Rapture of the Church {846 words}
16. Lesson 17 - The Nature and Events of the Tribulation {680 words}
17. Lesson 18 - The Antichrist {560 words}
18. Lesson 19 - The Resurrection and The Judgments (609 words}
19. Lesson 20 - The Nature and Purpose of the Millennium {458 words}
20. Lesson 21 - The Millennium Government and Worship {624 words}
21. Lesson 22 - The Destiny of the Lost {596 words}
22. Lesson 23 - The Eternal Home of the Saved {284 words}
23. Lesson 24 - Questions for Summary of Eschatology {1,202 words}
24. GLA 1 - Defining And Understanding The Roles Of The Local Church {5,729 words}

New Testament Biblical Studies 797 - The Gospel of John {16,520 words}

1. Lesson 1 - Introduction {541 words}
2. Lesson 2 - Christ - The Word of God {278 words}
3. Lesson 3 - Christ - The Will of God {390 words}
4. Lesson 4 - Christ - The Creator {557 words}
5. Lesson 5 - Christ - The Savior {576 words}
6. Lesson 6 - Christ - The Water of Life {651 words}
7. Lesson 7 - Christ - The Deity {454 words}
8. Lesson 8 - Christ - The Bread Of Life {876 words}
9. Lesson 9 - Christ - The Heavenly One {472 words}
10. Lesson 10 - Christ - The Light Of The World (In Moral Darkness) {556 words}
11. Lesson 11 - Christ - The Light Of The World (In Physical Darkness) {331 words}
12. Lesson 12 - Christ - The Good Shepherd {422 words}
13. Lesson 13 - Christ - The Resurrection {535 words}
14. Lesson 14 - Christ - The Center Of Attraction {257 words}
15. Lesson 15 - Christ - The Servant {457 words}
16. Lesson 16 - Christ - The Coming One {609 words}
17. Lesson 17 - Christ - The Vine {528 words}
18. Lesson 18 - Christ - The Preeminent One {202 words}
19. Lesson 19 - Christ - The Intercessor {251 words}
20. Lesson 20 - Christ - The Faithful One {646 words}
21. Lesson 21 - Christ - The Lamb Of God {286 words}
22. Lesson 22 - Christ - The Victorious One {610 words}
23. Lesson 23 - Christ - The Great Shepherd, Part I {535 words}
24. Lesson 24 - Christ - The Great Shepherd, Part II {486 words}
25. Lesson 25 - John - The Apostle Of Jesus {428 words}
26. Lesson 26 - The Uniqueness Of John {338 words}
27. GLA 1 - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in John {4,248 words}

Old Testament Biblical Studies 610 - Psalms {4,499 words}

1. GLA 1 - The Importance of God's Word As Revealed In Psalm 119 {4,499 words}

Apologetics 500 - Introduction To Apologetics {12,361 words}

1. GLA 1 - Paul's Apologetic Technique in Acts 17 {1,048 words}
2. GLA 2 - My Christian Testimony {635 words}
3. GLA 3 - An Outline of Evolution: Theory In Crisis {1,385 words}
4. Study 1 - Mid-Term Study Questions {2,220 words}
5. GLA 4 - Ten-Question Apologetic Survey {738 words}
6. GLA 4a - Analysis of the Ten-Question Apologetic Survey {701 words}
7. GLA 5 - Addressing The Theory Of Evolution {1,414 words}
8. GLA 6 - On Being A Christian {2,206 words}
9. Study 2 - Final Exam Study Questions {2,014 words}

Church History 520 - History Of The Christian Church I {25,630 words}

1. Lesson 1. Introduction to Church History {323 words}
2. Lesson 2. Influence on the First Century World {815 words}
3. Lesson 3. Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, The {490 words}
4. Lesson 4. Apostolic Witness, The {772 words}
5. Lesson 5. Persecution of the Church {886 words}
6. Lesson 6. Persecution and the Struggle Against Heresies {833 words}
7. Lesson 7. Heresies I {872 words}
8. Lesson 8. Heresies II {814 words}
9. Lesson 9. Lowering Christian Standards {1,016 words}
10. Lesson 10. Review for Test 1 {613 words}
11. Lesson 11. Canonization and Ante-Nicene Literature {1,118 words}
12. Lesson 12. Ante-Nicene Literature I {1,053 words}
13. Lesson 13. Ante-Nicene Literature II {925 words}
14. Lesson 14. The Church in 325 AD {1,192 words}
15. Lesson 15. The Rise of the Papacy {845 words}
16. Lesson 16. Doctrinal Controversies (Arian) {842 words}
17. Lesson 17. Doctrinal Controversies (Nestorian) {1,051 words}
18. Lesson 18. Doctrinal Controversies (Pelagian and Iconoclastic) {1,112 words}
19. Lesson 19. The Rise of the Papacy (continued) {884 words}
20. Lesson 20. Expansion of the Papacy {1,198 words}
21. Lesson 21. Secular Opposition {1,160 words}
22. Lesson 22. Religious Opposition {1,247 words}
23. Lesson 23. Monastic Reform {1,068 words}
24. Lesson 24. The Crusades I {1,323 words}
25. Lesson 25. The Crusades II {1,025 words}
26. Lesson 26. Scholasticism {1,081 words}
27. Lesson 27. Papal Leadership {1,072 words}

Counseling 585 - Introduction To Research And Statistics {24,622 + 3,272 words}

1. Lesson 1. Sources of Knowledge {660 words}
2. Lesson 2. Scientific Research {746 words}
3. Lesson 5. The Research Problem {483 words}
4. Lesson 7. The Literature Review {567 words}
5. Lesson 8. The Hypothesis {718 words}
6. Lesson 9. Introduction to APA Style {548 words}
7. Lesson 11. Sampling {709 words}
8. Lesson 12. Descriptive Statistics {741 words}
9. Lesson 13. Inferential Statistics {1,044 words}
10. Lesson 15. Overview of Instrumentation {903 words}
11. Lesson 16. Instrumentation (Part I) {872 words}
12. Lesson 17. Instrumentation (Part II) {1,162 words}
13. Lesson 18. Experimental Validity (Part I) {829 words}
14. Lesson 19. Experimental Validity (Part II) {777 words}
15. Lesson 20. Classification of Experimental Designs (Part I) {872 words}
16. Lesson 21. Classification of Experimental Designs (Part II) {1,192 words}
17. Lesson 24. Descriptive and Survey Research {944 words}
18. Lesson 25. Historical and Qualitative Research {765 words}
19. Lesson 3. The Research Proposal {769 words}
20. Lesson 10. A Review of the Proposal {594 words}
21. Lesson 26. Ethical and Legal Considerations {399 words}
GLA 1. WINKS Statistics Exercises {4,287 words}
GLA 2. Violent Media Alone Does Not Produce Children With Aggressive Behavior {4,041 words}

Old Testament Biblical Studies 590 - Old Testament Introduction {27,674 words}

1. Lesson 1. How to Study the Old Testament {693 words}
2. Lesson 2. Communicating Discovered Truths {894 words}
3. Lesson 3. Inspiration and Canonicity {704 words}
4. Lesson 4. Variants in Translations {968 words}
5. Lesson 5. Textual Criticism {1,151 words}
6. Lesson 6. Word Studies {971 words}
7. Lesson 7. Figures of Speech {820 words}
8. Lesson 8. Manners and Customs {734 words}
9. Lesson 9. The Geography of Israel {785 words}
10. Lesson 10. The Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors {863 words}
11. Lesson 11. Book Endings {628 words}
12. Lesson 12. Biblical Theology {641 words}
13. Lesson 13. Source Criticism {1,006 words}
14. Lesson 14. Biblical Narrative (Part I){887 words}
15. Lesson 15. Biblical Narrative (Part II) {791 words}
16. Lesson 16. Modes of Narration {651 words}
17. Lesson 17. The Mode of Commentary {838 words}
18. Lesson 18. Psalms - The Hymnbook of Israel {718 words}
19. Lesson 19. The Experiential Aspect of Poetry {1,001 words}
20. Lesson 20. Proverbs {580 words}
21. Lesson 21. Songs of Solomon {797 words}
22. Lesson 22. Prophesy I {708 words}
23. Lesson 23. Prophesy II {864 words}
24. Lesson 24. The Book of Jonah {705 words}
GLA 1. The Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2 {2,280 words}
GLA 2. Reviews of Two Journal Articles {1,703 words}
GLA 3. A Book Review of "A Survey of the Old Testament" {1,438 words}
GLA 4. Word Study of the Word "Mercy" {1,762 words}
Notes from "Cracking Old Testament Code" {1,093 words}

Counseling 601 - Marriage and Family Counseling {32,549 words}

1. Lesson 1. What is Family Counseling {880 words}
2. Lesson 2. Historical Events (Part I) {764 words}
3. Lesson 3. Historical Events (Part II) {598 words}
4. Lesson 4. Boundaries {678 words}
5. Lesson 5. Boundaries and Early Leaders {685 words}
6. Lesson 6. Early Leaders (Part II) {539 words}
7. Lesson 7. Early Leaders (Part III) {709 words}
8. Lesson 8. Early Leaders (Part IV) {522 words}
GLA 1. Reaction to "The Family Crucible" {2,398 words}
11. Lesson 11. Early Leaders and Definitions {776 words}
12. Lesson 12. Critiquing Bible Passages {502 words}
GLA 2. Critique of II Samuel 13:1-14 From a Family Systems Perspective {892 words}
13. Lesson 13. Important Definitions {958 words}
14. Lesson 14. Definitions and Coping Strategies {494 words}
15. Lesson 15. Unhealthy Families and Integration {523 words}
GLA 3. Reaction Journal to "Gifts From The Heart" {2,237 words}
GLA 4. Research Paper on Structural Family Therapy {3,509 words}
16. Lesson 16. Pathology in Family Counseling {647 words}
17. Lesson 17. Contemporary Issues and Early Theorists {588 words}
18. Lesson 18. Group and Communication Therapists {541 words}
19. Lesson 19. Structural Family Counseling (Part I) {718 words}
20. Lesson 20. Structural Family Counseling (Part II) {667 words}
21. Lesson 21. Psychoanalytic Family Counseling {681 words}
22. Lesson 22. Experiential Family Counseling {673 words}
GLA 5. Reaction Journal to "The Process of Change" {3,199 words}
24. Lesson 24. Bowenian Family Counseling {915 words}
25. Lesson 25. Cognitive Behavioral Family Counseling {761 words}
GLA 6. Integrating Christianity with Marriage and Family Therapy {5,495 words}

Counseling 612 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling I {25,925 words}

1. Lesson 1. The Future of Psychotherapy {888 words}
2. Lesson 2. Effectiveness of Psychotherapy {1,168 words}
4. Lesson 4. Integrating Your Faith With Psychotherapy (Macro) {989 words}
5. Lesson 5. Integrating Your Faith With Psychotherapy (Micro) {592 words}
6. Lesson 6. My Theory of Individual Psychotherapy {1,485 words}
8. Lesson 8. Psychodynamic Theories: Freud {1,003 words}
9. Lesson 9. Psychodynamic Theories: Neo-Freudians {1,195 words}
10. Lesson 10. Psychodynamic Theories: Borderline Personality Disorder {884 words}
11. Lesson 11. Behavioral Theories: Systematic Desensitization {912 words}
12. Lesson 12. Behavioral Theories: Behavioral Self-Control {1,010 words}
13. Lesson 13. Behavioral Theories: Operant and Social Learning {909 words}
14. Lesson 14. Behavioral Theories: Jay Adams {1,053 words}
15. Lesson 15. Cognitive-Behavior Modification: Meichenbaum: {1,038 words}
16. Lesson 16. Cognitive Theories: Raimy and Kelly {1,101 words}
17. Lesson 17. Cognitive Theories: Ellis {871 words}
18. Lesson 18. Cognitive Theories: Beck's Treatment of Depression {1,407 words}
19. Lesson 19. Cognitive Theories: Larry Crabb {898 words}
20. Lesson 20. Cognitive Theories: Rogers {498 words}
21. Lesson 21. Marital Therapies: Psychoanalytic, Family Systems {809 words}
22. Lesson 22. Marital Therapies: Behavioral and Cognitive {1,038 words}
23. Lesson 23. Marital Therapies: Worthington's Approach {1,116 words}
24. Lesson 24. Family Therapies: Haley {456 words}
25. Lesson 25. Drawing It All Together: Summary of Main Points {353 words}
GLA 1. My Personal Christian Counseling Theory {4,252 words}

Extra Studies

New Testament Biblical Studies 652 - Hermeneutics {10,544 words}

x. Steps in the Hermeneutics Process (STT) {x words}
1. Steps in the Hermeneutics Process {1,006 words}
2. Bible Truth 2: Legitimate Hermeneutics {343 words}
3. Bible Truth 4: Hebrews 4:12 {373 words}
4. Bible Truth 7: Colossians 3:15 {419 words}
5. Bible Truth 9: Matthew 5:33-37 {236 words}
6. Bible Truth 10: Romans 8:28 {467 words}
7. Bible Truth 11: Hebrews 10:26-27 (585 words)
8. Bible Truth 14: Opening the Bible to a Particular Page (355 words)
9. Bible Truth 16: I Corinthians 12 (416 words)
10. Bible Truth 17: Matthew 9:18-26 (454 words)
11. Bible Truth 18: Ephesians 4:26 (626 words)
12. Bible Truth 19: Matthew 5:22 (499 words)
13. Bible Truth 20: II Corinthians 7:10 (320 words)
14. Bible Truth 23: Romans 9:13 (394 words)
15. Bible Truth 24: II Corinthians 5:17 (486 words)
16. Bible Truth 25: Humans as Trichotomous, Dichotomous, or Holistic (459 words)
17. Bible Truth 26: The Continuity - Discontinuity Issue (437 words)
18. Bible Truth 27: Romans 13:8 (644 words)
19. Bible Truth 28: I Timothy 3:3 (338 words)
20. Bible Truth 29: I Corinthians 6:12 (415 words)
21. Bible Truth 30: Does the Old Testament Still Apply? (369 words)
22. Bible Truth 31: Psalm 37:4 compared to Mark 11:24 (903 words)
23. Bible Truth 33: The Doctrine of Paul compared to the Doctrine of James (x words)
24. Bible Truth 34: Romans 7:7-25 (x words)
25. Bible Truth 36: John 10:1-18 (x words)
26. Bible Truth 37: Romans 13:1-5 (x words)
27. Bible Truth 38: III John 2 (x words)
28. Bible Truth 39: Matthew 13:24-30 compared to Matthew 7:15-20 and Titus 3:10 (x words)
29. Bible Truth 40: Matthew 18:23-35 (x words)
30. Bible Truth 41: Luke 16:19-31 (x words)
31. Bible Truth 42: Exodus 4:21 compared to II Samuel 24:1 and I Chronicles 21:1-7 (x words)
32. Bible Truth 43: Matthew 12:31-32 (x words)
33. Bible Truth 47: Revelation 2 and 3 (x words)
34. Bible Truth 55: Matthew 16:19 (x words)
35. Bible Truth 60: Deuteronomy 19:21 compared to Matthew 5:39 (x words)
36. Bible Truth 61: I Timothy 2:12 (x words)
37. Bible Truth 64: Ephesians 6:1-3 (x words)
38. Bible Truth 65: I Timothy 3:2 and 3:12 (x words)
39. Bible Truth 67: Messages Straight From The "Book" (x words)

Philosophy 240 - "Christian Evidences" Notes {984 words}

Bibliology 410 - "Genesis" {5,876 words}

1. Notes {2,746 words}
2. Analysis of "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1-4 (3,130 words)

Theology 250 - "Fundamental Theological Issues" {13,630 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {4,618 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {4,644 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {4,368 words}

Apologetics 290 - "The History of Life" {14,847 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {5,659 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {4,835 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {4,353 words}

Bibliology 425 - "The Book of Romans" {13,584 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {3,781 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {3,228 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {4,236 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 25 through 30 {2,339 words}

Bibliology 450 - "The Books of Daniel and Revelation" {13,884 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {3,652 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {3,868 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {3,771 words}
4. Notes on Lessons 25 through 30 {2,593 words}

New Testament Biblical Studies 797 - The Gospel of John {13,724 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {4,573 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {4,363 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {3,982 words}
4. Notes on Lessons 25 through 27 {806 words}

Old Testament Language Tools 505 - Open Book Hebrew {x words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {x words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 13 {x words}

Philosophy 240 - Christian Evidences (STT) {2,868 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {2,868 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {x words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {x words}
4. Notes on Lessons 25 through 27 {x words}

Bibliology 424 - The Book of Acts {10,252 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {6,024 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {4,228 words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {x words}
4. Notes on Lessons 25 through 27 {687 words}

Theology 630 - Problems and Issues in Eschatology {4,267 words}

1. Notes on Lessons 1 through 8 {4,267 words}
2. Notes on Lessons 9 through 16 {x words}
3. Notes on Lessons 17 through 24 {x words}
4. Notes on Lessons 25 through 27 {x words}

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