Hello and welcome to my homepage. It's taken a long time, but I'm finally here. Glad you could make it. I've often wondered why so many people have a homepage where we are given a glimpse into their lives. I guess we're all at least a little egocentric, and need to at some time say "I am here". So here I am! Hope you find this information a little interesting and maybe even somewhat useful.
The Bookcase (books, bookstores, authors, mysteries, book reviews) 8 March 1999
Bookmarks 13 September 2000
Gay and Lesbian Information 12 February 2001
Library Links and Information 6 November 2000
New Zealand Information
Resources for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
Email: jo9ty@yahoo.com
since 15 July 1998
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Copyright ©Pyromaniacs Anonymous
Last updated 12 February 2001 Jo Orange