Published 1994

Les Price
- Looking at Tim, one cannot help feeling great waves of uncertainty, an absence of aim, of purpose, as if he is a person who simply doesn't matter.
Tim Price
- "I thought Jamie was killed instantly," I say, standing there.
"He was." Dirk shrugs. "What? Why?"
"You told Raymond he, um, bled to death."
"Christ - what's the difference? I mean, really," Dirk says. "Jesus, his parents had the fucking wake at Spago for Christ sakes. I mean, come on, guy."
"No, really, Dirk," I'm saying. "Why did you tell Raymond that?" Pause. "Is that the truth?"
Dirk looks up. "I hope it made him feel worse."
"Yeah?" I ask, trying not to grin.
Dirk stares at me hard, then stops, losing interest. "You never grasp anything, Tim. You look okay, but nothing works."
Book Review by Matthew Beale
Book Review
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