Bret Easton Ellis Biography
Born: 1964
- Raised: Los Angeles, CA
- College: Bennington College
- Now Lives: New York City and Richmond, VA
Fast Facts
In the early 1980's, Bret played keyboards in some new wave bands.
- Influences include: Hemmingway, Joan Didion, Joyce, Flaubert, and Dennis Cooper. Plus "Books, movies, TV and rock and roll."
- Simon and Schuster gave Bret a $300,000 advance for American Psycho then refused to publish it after women's groups and women within the company protested. Luckily, the book was picked up by Vintage.
- Bret was 23 when his first novel was published.
Less Than Zero (Penguin Books 1985)
The Rules of Attraction(Simon & Schuster 1987)
American Psycho (Vintage 1991)
The Informers (Vintage 1994)
He is currently working on a novel about the fashion industry titled Glamarama.