"He's staring at me and I look down and take a drag, a deep one, off the cigarette. The man keeps staring at me and all I can think is either he doesn't see me or I'm not here."
Rip turns the radio up and keeps screaming happily "What's gonna happen to all of us?"
"Where?" I ask, unsure.
There's a long pause that kind of freaks me out and Daniel finishes his drink and fingers the sunglasses he's still wearing and says, "I don't know. Just back."Blair
I glance over at Blair.
"I was, but I'm not 'going-out' with Warren," Blair says, missing a beat.
"You were not. You fucked. You didn't 'go-out,'" Alana says.
"Whatever, whatever," Blair says, flipping through her menu, glancing over at me, then away.
"Did you sleep with Warren?" Kim asks Alana.
Alana looks at Blair and then at Kim and then at me and says, "No, I didn't." She looks back at Blair and then at Kim again. "Did you?"
"No, but I thought Cliff was sleeping with Warren," Kim says, confused for a moment.
"That might be true, but I thought Cliff was sleeping with that creepy Valley-turned-punk, Didi Hellman," says Blair.
"Oh, that is not true. Who told you that?" Alana wants to know.
I realize for an instant that I might have slept with Didi Hellman. I also realize that I might have slept with Warren also. I don't say anything. They probably already know.
"Oh, not too much," I say.
"Yeah, there's not a whole lot to do anymore," he says.
And Spin keeps screaming back, "All of who, dude? All of who?"Trent
I roll my eyes up at him and light a cigarette.
"Jesus, you're weird. Been up in fucking New Hampshire too long," he mutters. "No fucking chilli."Julian
"Hey, hey, hey, baby," Finn croons. "Baby, it's okay?"
"No, Finn, no, it's not."
"No, Finn. No way. I don't want that. I'm through with that."
"Of course, you are."