Poet's Friends

Hail and Welcome! Here in this section you will come to know Poet's friends the people who love him...and in some cases worship him (hehe...big ego I know)and the very ground he treads as holy :) well, anyway, Poet's friends are featured here...if you come to this section and happen to be one of my friends and your picture isn't here...scream loudly and slap me around a bit to get my attention and then send me a d**ned picture you lazy slob so I can put you up here. (hehe)

This is the love of my life Alicia and she'll probably kill me for the second pic but I just couldn't resist. Don't you just love her? I know I do.

This is my friend Carrie, this picture was taken on a recent trip to England. Love the face, it has philosophical implications I think.

These are my friend's Martin and Tom. I like this picture, they look pretty happy together.

This is one of my oldest friends and one of my teachers, his name is Richard...I don't remember what the cat's name is but as soon as I know I will put it here.

This is my friend Snow...she's Shawnee and this was part of her dress for the day she was dancing at Fort Ancient.

This is my friend Amy and if I remember right, this is her wedding picture...looks happy don't she? hehe...don't worry, she was just tired. it was a long day.

This is my friend Yvonne...she's entering Ohio State this year majoring in Journalism. Everyone wish her luck.

This is My friend Jenny, she does other people's math for a living *shudder* *yuck* and she also has a hobby of remodeling her house. She has a dog named Jake and a couple of cats and you should see her altar...very cool :)

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