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Is SATAN "a God" ?

"Certainly if God's adversary Satan the Devil is CALLED A 'GOD' (2 Cor. 4:4)
because of his dominance over men and demons (1 John 5:19; Luke 11:14-18),
then with far greater reason and propriety is God's firstborn Son called 'a god,'

'The Only-Begotten GOD'
as the most reliable manuscripts of John 1:18 call him."
(Aid p.919)


2Cor. 4:1-5 is the ONLY place in Scripture where Satan is referred to as "GOD".

He is called "THE GOD" not "A GOD".

1 That is why, since we have this ministry according to the mercy that was shown us, we do not give up
2 but we have renounced the underhanded things of which to be ashamed, not walking with cunning, neither adulterating the word of God, but by MAKING THE TRUTH MANIFEST recommending ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.
3 If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing,
4 among whom THE GOD OF THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the GLORIOUS GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE CHRIST, who is THE IMAGE OF GOD, might not shine through.
5 For we are preaching, not ourselves, but CHRIST JESUS as LORD, & ourselves as your slaves for Jesus' sake.

* * *

The Greek word "arkon" (Strong's #758) means "RULER" & is used 8x of Satan, & once of Christ.
Mt.9:34 the Pharisees began to say: "It is by THE RULER of the demons that he expels the demons."
Mt.12:24 the Pharisees said: "This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Beelzebub, THE RULER of the demons."
Mk.3:22 the scribes... were saying: "He has Beelzebub, and he expels the demons by means of THE RULER of the demons."
Lk.11:15 certain ones of them said: "He expels the demons by means of Beelzebub THE RULER of the demons."
Jn.12:31,32 Now there is a judging of this world; now THE RULER of this world will be cast out. And yet I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw men of all sorts to ME (JESUS).
Jn.14:30 I shall not speak much with you any more, for THE RULER of the world is coming.
Jn.16:11 then concerning judgment, because THE RULER of this world has been judged.
Eph.2:2 according to THE RULER of the authority of the air, THE SPIRIT that now operates in the sons of disobedience.
Rev.5:1 and from JESUS CHRIST, "The Faithful Witness," "The first-born from the dead," and "THE RULER of the kings of the earth."


Kingdom Interlinear - Foreword, p.10
"Our endeavor all through has been to give as literal a translation as possible, where the modern English idiom allows and where a literal rendition does not for any clumsiness HIDE the thought. That way we can best meet the DESIRE of those who are SCRUPULOUS for getting, as nearly as possible, word for word, THE EXACT STATEMENT OF THE ORIGINAL. WE realize that sometimes The use of so SMALL a thing as the DEFINITE or INDEFINITE ARTICLE or the omission of such MAY ALTER THE CORRECT SENSE of the ORIGINAL PASSAGE."

Satan is not "a GOD",
he is
"THE GOD of the Age".

JESUS is not "a GOD",
HE is
"THE only-begotten GOD".

Satan is not "a RULER",
he is
"THE RULER of the demons / world".
(Mt.9:34; 12:24; Mk.3:22; Lk.11:15; Jn.12:31; 14:30; 16:31; Eph.2:2)

JESUS is not "a RULER",
HE is
"THE RULER of the kings of the earth".

This issue clearly illustrates why individual JWs should carefully examine what they are being taught.


  • THE Alpha & Omega, THE Beginning & THE End, THE First & THE Last, THE King of Kings & Lord of Lords, THE Only-Begotten God, THE Prince of Peace, THE Word, THE Way, THE Truth, THE Resurrection & THE Life, THE Good Shepherd, THE Chief Shepherd, etc., etc.
  • only deemed worthy (by the WT) to merit PROSKUNEO - OBEISANCE along with the parable king, & Peter, & the conquerors - in the 'JUST-HUMAN' category.
  • not deemed worthy (by the WT) to merit PROSKUNEO - WORSHIP (even alias Michael, & Abaddon / Apollyon).
  • excluded (by the WT) from the 'SUPER-HUMAN' category -- even though (other) angels, demons, the Beast & Image, made it.
  • excluded (by the WT) from the 'GOD' category (The Father, Deity, Satan, idols) -- even though JESUS is to be honored - in order that ALL may HONOR THE SON JUST AS they HONOR THE FATHER. He that does NOT HONOR THE SON does NOT honor the Father who sent him. (Jn.5:23)
Bottom Line: JESUS is GOD & is to be worshipped (Heb.1:6).

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