my words SCRIPTURE, or Scriptural perspective WT view / quotes / info EMPHASIS
Is JESUS "Abaddon" (a.k.a. "Apollyon") ?
  • What do the Scriptures reveal about Abaddon ?

  • What is the WT's VIEW about Abaddon ?

  • What is the BASIS for the WT's view?

  • Does the WT's teaching on Abaddon pass the TEST of AGREEMENT with the Scriptures ?

  • What do the Scriptures reveal about ABADDON ?

    The SCRIPTURES (in 1 verse) only reveal 5 Facts about Abaddon.

    The HEBREW Scriptures do NOT mention Abaddon.
    According to the GREEK Scriptures, Abaddon :
    1 is a "KING" Rev. 9:11
    2 is king over the 'locusts' of Rev. 9:3 Rev. 9:11
    3 is "the angel of the abyss" Rev. 9:11
    4 is named "Abaddon" in Hebrew Rev. 9:11
    5 is named "Apollyon" in Greek. Rev. 9:11

    Do the Scriptures ever directly say Jesus is the angel Abaddon ? ~ "NO!"
    Do the Scriptures ever directly say Jesus is the angel Apollyon ? ~ "NO!"
    It isn't reasonable to say or believe that JESUS is Michael (in the first place).
    Scripture reveals that Jesus is Holy God who became man to be "sin" for us -- an incredible display of love !
    It's absurd to believe that Jesus is God & man, AND an archangel, AND a destroyer-angel.
    Or, it's absurd to believe that JESUS is Michael AND had a name makeover to Abaddon (a.k.a. Apollyon).

    WT's VIEW
    Aid to Bible Understanding
    & Insight on the Scriptures (incorrectly) state that JESUS is ABADDON & APOLLYON.

  • At Revelation 19:11-16 he [Jesus] is CLEARLY REPRESENTED as God's appointed Destroyer or Executioner. (AID - Abaddon p.11; & INSIGHT Vol. 1, p.12)

  • These and other texts POINT TO the glorified Christ Jesus as the one MOST LIKELY referred to by this title. (AID - Apollyon p.90, para. 4; & INSIGHT Vol. 1, p.126)

  • The following WT quotes CONTRADICT the WT statements above.

  • MICHAEL... The only holy angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible (Aid, Michael p.1152)
  • MICHAEL (Mi'cha·el) [Who Is Like God?]. The ONLY holy angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible, and the only one called "archangel. (Jude 9) (Insight, Michael, Vol.2, p.393)
  • GABRIEL... The only holy angel other than Michael named in the Bible (Aid, Gabriel p.612)
  • GABRIEL (Ga'bri·el) [Able-Bodied One of God]. The ONLY holy angel other than Michael named in the Bible; the only materialized angel to give his name. (Insight, Gabriel, Vol.1, p.876)
  • Personality. Some may deny distinct personality of individual angels, claiming they are impersonal forces of energy dispatched to accomplish the will of God, but the Bible teaches otherwise. Individual names imply individuality. The fact that TWO of their names, Michael and Gabriel, are given establishes the point sufficiently. (Da 12:1; Lu 1:26) (Insight, Angel, Vol.1, p.106)
  • Names of Angels. The Bible contains the personal names of ONLY TWO angels, Gabriel (meaning "Able-Bodied One of God") and Michael (Who Is Like God?). (Insight, Name, Vol.2, p.466)
  • Abaddon is a holy angel (with 2 names even).
    Gabriel is a holy angel.
    Michael is a holy angel.
    Obviously, Michael & Gabriel are NOT the only holy angels named in the Bible.

    One explanation for the CONTRADICTION is that the WT once taught that APOLLYON WAS SATAN !
    Therefore, Michael & Gabriel WERE the only HOLY angels NAMED in the Bible.
    The following quote comes from the 1917 "Studies in the Scriptures" series written by Charles Taze Russell.
    The last volume (VII) titled "The Finished Mystery" (released posthumously) is a commentary on the book of the
    Revelation, & states on page 159:

  • "9:11 [And] they [had a] have their king [over them]. - The same king as exercises general rulership over all the ecclesiastical affairs of this prevent [sic] evil world. [Which is} the angel of the [bottomless pit] abyss. - 'THE PRINCE of the POWER OF THE AIR.' - Eph. 2:2. Whose name in the Hebrew tongue is ABADDON. - And he is a 'BAD ONE,' sure enough. - 2 Cor. 4:4. But in the Greek tongue hath his name APOLLYON. - That is, DESTROYER. BUT IN PLAIN ENGLISH HIS NAME IS SATAN, THE DEVIL."

  • GOD THE FATHER would never confuse HIS ONLY BELOVED SON with Satan !!!
    God's (self-proclaimed) "Faithful & Discreet Slave" & Sole Channel of Truth was & is in serious spiritual error.

    WT's BASIS
    Aid p.11 -- Abaddon
    [It takes the WT 3 paragraphs to set up the following:] ~
    At Revelation 1:18 we find Christ Jesus stating: "I am living forever and ever, and I HAVE THE KEYS of death & of HADES." His power with regard to the abyss is shown at Luke 8:31. That he has destroying power, including the power of destruction over Satan, is evident from Hebrews 2:14, which says that "through his death he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil." At Revelation 19:11-16 he is CLEARLY REPRESENTED as God's appointed Destroyer or Executioner. -- See APOLLYON.

    Aid p.90 -- Apollyon ~ The Greek name used by the apostle John to translate the Hebrew "Abaddon" at Revelation 9:11. Apollyon means "Destroyer," and is given as the name of the "angel of the abyss." Though most reference works apply this name to some evil personage or force, the whole setting of the apocalyptic vision is to the contrary, as it consistently portrays angels being used of God to bring woes upon His enemies.

    The use of the related verb a-pol-ly-mi illustrates this, as at James 4:12, which says of God: "One there is that is lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy." (Compare Matthew 10:28.) The unclean spirit cast out of a man by Jesus in a synagogue at Capernaum acknowledged Jesus as God's agent and said: "What have we to do with you, Jesus the Nazarene? Did you come to destroy us?" (Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34) Jesus warned unrepentant opposers among his listeners of the danger of being destroyed. (Luke 13:3-5; 20:16) These and other texts POINT TO the glorified Christ Jesus as the one MOST LIKELY referred to by this title. -- Compare Revelation 19:11-16; Luke 8:31; see ABADDON.

    Aid p.990 -- Key ~ IT APPEARS THAT the 'key of the pit of the abyss' IS INCLUDED IN or COMPARABLE TO the 'keys of death & of Hades' possessed by the resurrected Jesus Christ.

    Aid p.1452 -- Satan ~ Revelation's twentieth chapter describes Satan's binding & abyssing for a thousand years, at the hands of A GREAT ANGEL (DOUBTLESS Jesus Christ, who has the key of the abyss...)

    SUPPOSITION & CONJECTURE are fine for THEORIES, but not for THEOLOGY involving the MOST AWESOME BEING in the universe ! ! !

    Q - Does the WT's teaching on 'Abaddon' pass the TEST of AGREEMENT with the Scriptures ?

    A - Clearly, the WT's teaching fails miserably. But what is your answer?

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