Contents of C*A*$*H Art Files

01) Armadonna: 172 Kb

02) Bernall T's - "Yes, I Believe" Front/Back: 34.9 Kb

03) Cyber-Assembly of $ecular Hedonists - Logo (stationary with dropped shadow) 3.74 Kb

04) U.S. Money Falling: 5.89 Kb

05) Chicken and the Egg: 16.7 Kb

06) Cross - gold, spinning:16.9 Kb

07) Ring of Destot (X-Ray):36.1 Kb

07.a) Ring of Destot (sketch):58.4 Kb

08) Cyber-Assembly of $ecular Hedonists - spin once:44.3 Kb

09) Metatarsal (X-Ray):45.8 Kb

10) Moose - running:18.1 Kb

11) "The Truth is out there but NOT in the Bible":7.83 Kb

12) Prairie Dogs - The Catcher: 82.8 Kb

13) Prairie Dogs - The Healer: 50.5 Kb

14) Prairie Dogs - The Congregation: 165 Kb

15) Red Button (BV Background): 8.47 Kb

15a) Red Button (white background): 8.46 Kb

16) BV-ConIII (Canuck Con) - "Buddhist Salut": 122 Kb

17) $acred Order of the BV-R Cross: 47.4 Kb

18) Keyboard - "Fuck It" Key: 21.9 Kb

19) Kleenex Tissue Ad - "When Thy Hose Runneth Over Thy Tissue Should Not": 93.9 Kb

20) War in "Heaven": 76.0 Kb

21) Warrior Angel: 16.8 Kb

22) Warrior Devil: 20.7 Kb

23) Wizard: 2.35 Kb

24) Shit Happens: 24.0 Kb

25) Kleenex Tissue in Boxes: 7.16 Kb

26) Clam: 17.2 Kb

27) DWJD - Front Cover: 25 Kb

28) DWJD - Page 1: 108 Kb

28a) DWJD - Page 1 (thumbnail): 11.5 Kb

29) DWJD - Page 2: 100 Kb

29a) DWJD - Page 2 (thumbnail): 12.2 Kb

30) DWJD - Page 3: 92.9 Kb

30a) DWJD - Page 3 (thumbnail): 10 Kb

39) Hebrew Letters for "Nero Ceasar" - 3 Kb

40) Greek Letters for "Nero Ceasar" - 5.01 Kb

41) CBCOG Financial Statement: Dec. 31, 1999 - 91.6 Kb

42) CBOCG: Header of Financial Statement (see 41 above) - 25.91 Kb

43) Mathematics: Magic Square (Sun) - 16.5 Kb

44) The Rockman - 35.4 Kb

45) Horse Head: left - 3.15 Kb

46) Horse Head: right - 3.15 Kb

47) Half a Billion "Atomic Years" of Light Decay - 18.05 Kb

48) Books (back ground) - 4.75 Kb

49) Books on Shelves - 9.63 Kb

50) Bowl full of Parrot Food - 11.1 Kb

51) Woman Gathering Straw - 12.4 Kb

52) Prime Number Cross - 19.5 Kb

53) Light Saber Duel - 7.48 Kb

54) BV-Con 2000: C*A*$*H - 63.9 Kb

54a) BV-Con 2000 (with Jack and Rexella) - 62.6 Kb