Manfred Drescher - 01/24/00 00:57:54 My | Comments: HiI like your side! I have aMVC-FD7 and I like it, |
Sandy Haynes - 01/05/00 01:38:33 My | Comments: Great pics of the festival. Belonging to the Antelope Valley Folk Club it was wonderful to see so many pics of our group in your collection! Keep up the great work! Thanks, Sandy |
glen gaffney - 11/26/99 17:47:15 My URL:/glen_gaffney/ | Comments: excellent site have enjoyed my visit, thanks for sharing. I invite you to my 266 image site |
Mary Rose O'Leary - 10/13/99 06:59:10 My | Comments: Judy, Great job on the Sacred Harp convention pictures, which I'm just seeing now for the first time! Hope you'll make it to the Eagle Rock Cultural Center this Saturday (Oct 16th) for the World Festival of Sacred Music Singing! Thanks for posting your pictures. Mary |
kevin holcomb - 10/12/99 12:32:45 My URL: My Email:khawk83 | Comments: it is good to see that sacred harp is alive and well on the left coast. this is wonderful music with all it's power and glory. i live in ne alabama and get to attend many singings for this i feel very lucky. god bless |
Jim McGee - 08/26/99 04:04:27 My | Comments: Hi... Enjoyed browsing your photos on your site. Very nice pics! I ordered my Mavica #73... due tomorrow via Fed Ex Overnight... can't wait!!! I hope to produce interesting photos... without the time and $$$ constraints of conventional film photography. I'd also like to find a way to transfer 35mm slides to digital with the camera... even at 640X480, they would be good enough for use in "digital albums" or on a website. -Jim- |
Dietmar - 08/21/99 19:13:40 My URL: My | Comments: Found my way to your pages - I really enjoyed browsing through. Great site. |
- 08/14/99 21:35:35 | Comments: |
Jack & Debra Bryant - 08/12/99 16:54:27 My | Comments: Well done. I'm so glad you took so many wonderful photos of the 'Summer Solstice Music Festival' Our family had a wonderful time, attending both Saturday & Sunday. After we saw you at the storytelling finale, we walked over to the bandstand near swan lake ..just in time to hear the MC calling out Debra's name on the public address, as the winner of the Dulcimer Raffle! What a great weekend! |
Brenda Hunter - 08/11/99 15:34:12 My | Comments: Hi Judy, Enjoyed looking at your Solstice Festival photos today and reliving a most enjoyable weekend! (Everything worked fine--I don't know why I had problems before.) Thanks for your help. Bre |
Mark Oleesky - 08/06/99 17:07:40 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for listing us on your radio list! Mark Oleesky co-host KABC Computer Show with the Marck Brothers |
Bill Foster - 08/02/99 17:52:44 My | Comments: Thanks for the Summer Solstice pics. Looks like a great happening! I do a bit of professional story-telling muself, and now I can try to make that gig. By the way, over at the Mudcat Cafe, I'm known as Bill in Alabama. |
Ken Klein (&Becky Mazel) - 08/01/99 23:00:57 My | Comments: Judy, Wow. This is a great snapshot of the festival. I'm amazed that you went to all the workshops and took all of these GREAT pics. I especially loved the storytelling page - so expressive! Regards, Ken Klein |
Big RiB - 08/01/99 18:43:35 My | Comments: Came over from the Mudcat Forum to see your Summer Solstice pictures. Looks like a wonderful time was had by everyone. Big RiB |
Sam Hinton - 07/30/99 04:35:27 My | Comments: |
Karen C. Stevenson - 07/30/99 01:18:44 My URL: My | Comments: Your photos are quite nice! I play autoharp and sing soprano, so it was great seeing your pictures of the Traditional Music Festival! |
Carolyn Burrell - 07/29/99 02:41:26 My | Comments: What a great bunch of photos. I want one of those cameras, I really do. I was suprised to see so many of our Antelope Valley Folk Music Club members in your gallery. Just goes to show that we're jammin' in the high desert, too! Great job! |
Jon Ruffner - 07/28/99 19:46:28 My | Comments: Hi! I was the guy with the cigarbox ukelele! That's exciting, I never thought I'd get anything in publiction much less on the net. You just made my year, Thanks! Jon |
Dennis Clark - 07/28/99 00:56:43 My | Comments: I'm totally enthralled!! What can I do to ensure this marvelous event continues? Time? Money? Please let me know how we can make this festival survive for those who follow. |
chris hingley - 07/27/99 17:50:37 My | Comments: GREAT pix of festival -- haven't looked at all of them yet -- will bookmark here and pass along the info too. see you at the next one fer shur ! |
Brenda Hunter - 07/27/99 03:31:18 My | Comments: I got the website from you at the Weissman's on Sunday--but when I click on the photo of the CTMS banner nothing happens. Any suggestions? Thank |
Morrie Lechtick - 07/27/99 00:31:10 My URL:not aplicable My | Comments: Thanks for a creative person as you making communication a delight. |
Nick Smith - 07/26/99 22:24:09 My | Comments: I'm glad you gave us your URL at the meeting. Your photos were well worth the effort to find on the web. I am especially glad you got photos of the young boy at the open story swap! The expressions on his face were priceless. By the way, if you want names of the storytellers, to make the captions more detailed, I can provide most of them. I am on the upper row, hunched over with the microphone in one hand. Thanks for all your wonderful photos. It is not easy to capture a perfo mer in full stride, but you have done a great job here. |
Audrey Kopp - 07/26/99 16:14:46 My | Comments: |
Wayne Slater-Lunsford - 07/26/99 14:54:13 My URL: My | Comments: I only had a few minutes to glance over your site, but I'll be back for sure! Visit my site when you have the time. The photos of the festival are very good, and what I've seen of your other work is tantalizing. More! More! |
Colleen Vierra - 07/21/99 16:09:43 My | Comments: Howdy Lady!!! Janet gave me your web pade locations so I jumped over to check it out!! I told her about you being a hero at the CTMS sing along night. It was fun!!! Talk more latter, Colleen |
Harry Britton - 07/19/99 18:36:24 My | Comments: |
Carty - 06/12/99 17:09:47 My | Comments: Hi Judy Sorry it took me so long to open your page. It's great. But I didn't know which Judy's pictures I was looking at. Lots of people that I knew in the pictures so it narrowed it down. But, when I looked at the gymnastics there it was. Anyway, my grandda ghter is taking gymnastics and its fun. Back to your pictures. The quality is super and with a digital. I think we are becoming sold on the format. Your site with the thumbs and all is great also. I am such a novice at this thing. I think I resent t e time I spend here because I should be practicing fiddle or mandolin. Oh well. Hi to Dennis and keep up the good work Carty |
Chloe Webb - 05/25/99 21:43:14 My | Comments: LOVED your photos. I miss Georgia's sacred harp singing. You took me back. |
Janet - 04/17/99 05:43:18 My | Comments: Finally made it! Looks like I'll have fun noodling through all the stuff in your closet. One of these days I'll have to get going on a web page of my own -- maybe next month! Slainte! |
Marcos Spada - 04/07/99 12:02:30 My URL: My | Comments: |
Elan - 03/23/99 01:27:15 | Comments: |
Mark Carder - 03/22/99 22:21:29 My URL: My | Comments: |
Neville Bulsara - 03/16/99 09:17:00 My URL: My | Comments: Judy, Thanks for signing my guestbook at |
glen gaffney - 03/13/99 22:26:32 My URL: My | Comments: judy your on your way to becoming a famous photographer. The images really show you love what you do Veiw my web site its a 124 image web site |
Dave Harbert - 02/20/99 19:32:35 My URL:http://(davestown) My | Comments: Hi Judy! Great photos!! If you are not a professional photographer ,you should be. I have not done anything to my page in so long ,i;d forgotten about it till my son brought me your comments about my page. Thanks for the comments. After seeing your page ho ...i know who the really talented one is. Regards..Dave |
Charles Deering - 02/16/99 16:34:09 My URL: My | Comments: Your photos inspire me to attend my first convention (or singing, for that matter), probably the Potomac River Convention in April. |
Mike Smarinsky - 02/10/99 19:13:24 My | Comments: Your website is fun, and your photography is excellent! Of course, I particularly enjoy the picture of Lesley and Shadoe. |
Tim Kitchen - 02/09/99 17:41:09 My URL: My | Comments: great subjects and you've done an amazing job capturing them and the situation! my personal favorites are "learning" (the first one), and the boys at the beach (#13) bravo! |
gene hauptmann - 02/07/99 06:46:50 My | Comments: Real nice |
Mike Shewmaker - 02/02/99 06:14:44 My | Comments: Nice photos. But after 50 shots of open mouths, I can't help thinking that we shape note singers look like a bunch of guppies. |
Dave - 02/01/99 23:11:57 My URL: | Comments: #233 |
Syd Caldwell - 01/30/99 04:07:45 My URL:http://Sacred Harp | Comments: |
Natalie Hall - 01/27/99 17:23:38 My | Comments: Keep up the fabulous work! |
Debbie Barford - 01/25/99 21:17:16 My | Comments: Great to see singers online - I sure would have liked to be there! Debbie Barford |
David Hough - 01/25/99 17:37:36 My | Comments: Katharine and I wanted to be at the All CA, but job responsibilities kept us home. Your pictures are wonderful, and the next best thing to having been there. Thanks for posting them! |
Wanda Gregg - 01/25/99 15:39:06 My | Comments: |
Bill Pruitt - 01/25/99 12:51:13 My | Comments: According to NC Christian Harmony singers, time spent singing is not deducted from anyone's life. |
Carla Smith/Jerry Schreiber - 01/24/99 16:15:15 My | Comments: Absolutely wonderful photos! You captured the spirit of the convention. Thanks for making them available to us. |
Michael Kaye - 01/24/99 04:06:49 My | Comments: I can hear them singing. Great job. |
Ellie Soler - 01/24/99 01:51:12 My | Comments: wish I knew how to do that! |
Joanne Hoover - 01/24/99 01:29:08 My | Comments: Don't recognize the singer on the bottom right, but the others look enraptured, as they should. Sorry I missed it. Joanne |
Bill Beverly - 01/24/99 00:38:09 My | Comments: Great shots! |
Joanne Pennington - 01/24/99 00:06:04 My | Comments: Enjoyed the pictures |
Jo Schultz - 01/23/99 23:45:22 My | Comments: Judy, Thank you for sharing your pictures. What a treat, in the gloom of an Ontario winter, to see so much light and color and life. Jo |
Buell Cobb - 01/23/99 23:38:38 My | Comments: Judy, What great photos! And what a contribution to our memories of the convention. Thanks for sharing. Buell |
Tom Payne - 01/23/99 22:02:41 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for the pictures! Do you mind if I put some on my "Shapenote Singing" page? I would give you credit. |
Karen Willard - 01/23/99 21:38:49 | Comments: It's very very nice to be able to see pictures of a singing that I couldn't make -- it helps ease the "hurt" just a bit. And what great snapshots! |
Gaby - 01/21/99 23:41:12 | Comments: Judy I guess I thought this was personal pictures but now have viewed more and realise you are involved in photography. Splended. All the best Gaby |
- 01/21/99 23:39:24 | Comments: |
Gaby Litsky - 01/21/99 23:20:33 | Comments: Judy: Nice to see pictures but would be helpful if you labeled them for those of us that don't know the people involved. I owe you an email and will respond when time permits. Gaby |
David Ivey - 01/21/99 13:42:42 My | Comments: Thanks for posting the Sacred Harp photos! Allison (30.jpg) and I enjoyed the singing. |
Barry & Hilary Cole - 01/21/99 06:13:58 My | Comments: Glad to see more. When you dropped a note about your web page last time, you forgot to tell me who it was from! |
mike hinton - 01/21/99 05:27:11 My | Comments: Thanks for posting the convention pictures. They are great and help me recall what a good time I had and the wonderful welcome you all gave to us. mike |
Clark Weissman - 01/21/99 01:57:51 My | Comments: Impressive |
David Nahman - 01/20/99 06:24:59 My | Comments: Hi there! Nice to see new family pics. --d |
Joey M. - 01/20/99 03:24:47 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, nice page Judy. |
- 01/20/99 03:00:09 | Comments: |
R Rose - 01/20/99 01:39:46 My | Comments: Great job, Judy! You're really doing some nice work with that fancy camera. Keep it up! R. |
Larry Petersen - 01/19/99 23:44:22 My | Comments: Thanks for asking me to visit, Judy. Are you a use'n those new fangled electronic cameras? |
Elena-Beth Kaye - 01/19/99 23:22:13 My URL:http://none yet! My | Comments: WOW!!!! You've been busy! I'm impressed. When I was at Macworld in SF, people kept asking me for my web page address. I'd better start catching up! Ele |
Erika Hoekstra - 01/19/99 21:56:23 My | Comments: Hi Judy, you are so good at this computer stuff! |
Tanya - 01/19/99 20:16:34 My | Comments: Hello! I miss everyone! Kudos to you Judy for creating these pages and keeping everyone connected. Say hi to everyone for me! Love, Tanya |
Monika White - 01/19/99 19:41:06 My | Comments: Hi Judy, Nice page. All is fine. Hope to see you soon. mw Judy: corrections made |
John Wren - 01/19/99 03:25:59 My | Comments: I picked up your post on MIE. Great Pics. Another source of info on web design are any books by Laura Lemay. Graphics any Lynda Weinman books are the best. |
Don McLean - 01/15/99 23:44:58 My URL: My | Comments: Your pictures are great!!! I wish that I could do as well with my FD-7. Imagine what you could do with the FD-91!! Glad you are back. Don McLean |
Big Vic - 01/15/99 15:05:17 My | Comments: Good to hear you are back. I believe you are a Mac user, as I. I have been trying to build a web page, but not having any luck. Have yet to post a pic on the Mavica page. Don't use my 71 as much as I should. Going to Hilton Head for 2 weeks in Feb and wil use it there. Regards, |
Keri - 01/12/99 15:51:28 My URL: My | Comments: I like your page....I am really glad that you liked my pooh page...*S* I hope you come back again for a visit...*s* |
Lee Grupsmith - 12/30/98 17:39:04 My | Comments: Very snazzy pix ya got there! I'm impressed! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your handiwork. Lee |
Peter Voerman - 12/18/98 19:53:45 My URL: My | Comments: Judy, I like your photo's very much. Are these pictures really made with a digital camera ? The photo's of the children on the beach trowing water are 'my kind of photo's' but I your other work is also top class. Your site looks very proffessional..... Succes, and I have bookmarked your page so I will certainly come back to see more ! Peter from Holland |
Bernd van den Dolder - 12/10/98 15:00:01 My URL: My | Comments: I am also a amateur photographer. From Holland. |
Aistis Tumas - 11/17/98 23:13:19 My URL: My | Comments: Dear Judy, Wonderful site. I thought your Union Station exhibit was wonderful. You're very good at capturing interesting abstracts. Aistis ¶ |
MsStressJ - 11/01/98 02:28:36 My URL: My | Comments: Nice phots!! Great eye for detail!! Glad you invited me.... I'll be back to check them out again....=0) |
Alyson Pilon - 10/21/98 03:13:22 My URL: My | Comments: Great photos! You have a wonderful eye for capturing a story-telling composition. Let me know when you update your page. |
Stan Shapin - 10/12/98 06:16:25 My | Comments: Keep up the goodwork! |
Lesley O'Neil - 10/11/98 03:26:47 My URL: My | Comments: Very nicely done, Judy! I like your sense of design. I'm going to be revising my own site; no longer quite happy with it, but it is OK for a first-timer! Regards, Lesley |
Ken Fouche - 10/10/98 05:13:51 My | Comments: You seem able to wring magic from your Mavica. I enjoy your real sense of proportion. Keep up the great work. |
Don Schaaf - 10/10/98 02:12:37 My | Comments: Hi Judy: I have sent you e-mail under separate cover about your site serve, GeoCities. |
Bob Notman - 10/10/98 01:18:01 My | Comments: You pictures are great. I'm no webmaster (yet) but I would suggest that you tone down your links. Link at the links you now have and only use the most descriptive word(s), such as, Friends, Nepal Dancers, Misc. All under a heading of, say, "My Photo's" r "Judy's Gallery". Anyway it's just a thought. Bob N. Judy: Thanks Bob, good suggestion. Change accomplished |
judy - 10/09/98 17:48:09 My URL: My | Comments: Hello everyone! I have a guestbook now! (and hopefully my Geoguide on the top of the page will prevent those annoying pop ups) Even though this is (possibly) not your first visit to my page, Please stop in here for a moment and jot down a word or two. I enjoy hearing your thoughts about my page or any notes to us! I'll even reply if you send me an email (fairly promptly) enjoy! judy |