Inquire, Learn, Reflect
MAY 4, 1970

This site is being maintained by Anthony Boyer, a composition student at Central Michigan University, having spent three years at Kent State. Through this forum, I hope to educate America and the rest of the world on the tragic events of May 4, 1970 - a day that will truly live in infamy.
Please send me email with any ideas, suggestions, or comments. Also, I would love to hear from any eyewitnesses to the events, historians, and the like. Most of the information on this site came courtesy of Kent State University's May Fourth Site and Memorial pamphlet, but more and more is being brought out in my continuing research. Just click on the above picture to enter, and PLEASE sign the guestbook on the following page.
I cannot thank Dr. J. Gregory Payne enough for his exhaustive research into the May 4 shootings. As I begin to piece this project together and to learn more and more about the incident, I turn to his outstanding book, MAYDAY: Kent State, more and more often.
I also cannot go any further without thanking Geocities for their help - you can become a neighbor of mine by clicking on the link. And, best of all, it's free!
If you're interested in finding out about May 4th, click on the links below for more information:
Also, please view the awards that have been bestowed upon this page.