District 3 Toastmasters Win Regional Speech Contest
by Warren Apger, ATM
District 3 Public Relations Officer
Frank Switzer and Brian Cavanaugh traveled to Tulsa Oklahoma on June 27th to represent Arizona's 130 Toastmaster
clubs. Both of these Toastmasters successfully competed and won their club, area, division, and district contests en route
to the regional contest in Tulsa. 750 clubs make up Region 3, including Toastmasters in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico,
Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming.
Frank is a member of Park Central Toastmasters, and competed in the Humorous
Contest. Frank literally brought the crowd to their feet as he won the humorous contest over 7 other speakers. His speech,
"Membership Drive '97", compared the Toastmaster experience to a religious revival meeting. Frank has been competing in
speech tournaments outside of Toastmasters for the last four years through Grand Canyon University; this latest
competition was the toughest he's faced.
Brian Cavanaugh is a charter member of Speakwell Honeywell. He has made five
trips to the Regional Contest, proving that persistence pays off. Last year, Brian was a runner-up to the International
Region 3 Contest with his speech titled "Where the Heart Is." This year, Brian Cavanaugh took home the title as the best
speaker at the Region Three International Speech Contest.
What was it like Competing in the Region III Speech Contest?
by Brian Cavanugh, ATM
Having been to the Regional competition before, it has always been a much more daunting task because of the distance, the travel and all the unfamiliar Toastmasters. But because I have been to several past Regional contests, I now know so many more wonderful Toastmasters. But because I have been to several past Regional contests, I now know so many more wonderful people who are supportive and encouraging. In addition, this year we had such an energetic and enthusiastic group of District 3 attendees that one couldn't help but be uplifted. Another bonus was seeing Frank Switzer give his humorous speech and win first place.
I am now much more comfortable greeting all the contestants and talking with them. I see these competitions as an opportunity to meet new people and to grow as a communicator, especially a listener. I now concentrate on listening to the stories that other Toastmasters share with me.
Speech contests are a wonderful opportunity to grow as a communicator, to refine a presentation and to meet lots of new and wonderful people and to listen to their stories of the journey, a journey that makes us one. That's the theme of my International speech, which I gave in New Orleans. The title is "The Journey Makes Us One."

Members attending the region III Confrence pictured in this photo were: Dee Dees, Bill Bristol, Carolan Queneville, Bob and Lee Wagner, Terri Sparks, Warren Apger, Liz Bebo, Nancy Starr, Brian Cavanaugh, Mary Margaret Dockendorff, Blenda Nevitt Arbuthnot, Kelli McDoulett, Dwayne Roberts, Jodie Kay Petra and Art Nieto.
Speakers Bureau Active
District 3 Toastmasters receives a steady stream of requests for speakers for non-Toastmasters organizations. These requests range from 10-minute informational speeches or commencement addresses to hour-long motivational sessions. Our current Speakers Bureau booklet is in need of updating and the 1997/98 Speakers Bureau Chairman, Chris Vicencio, ATM, is ready to tackle the task!
If your are interested in participating in the District 3 Speakers Bureau program, please contact:
Chris at - 602-992-5254