You Spoke and We listened Toastmasters Leadership Institute
by Roy Blomquist, ATM
You told us through the class critiques and session surveys you completed when you attended club officer, contest workshop, and judge's training that the sessions were boring and uninteresting. In response we replaced the "Training the Trainer" session with a new series of classes (currently called Facilitator I, Facilitator II, and Facilitator III) which emphasize and practice the principles of adult learning; viz., interaction and hands-on. Every person who presents a session at Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) is required to attend Facilitator I before their session will be scheduled. The results indicate that you are very pleased with the change!
More recently, you have told us that we are not offering the classes you want. In response we have developed an approach whereby those who register early will determine what classes are offered (within our ability to locate facilitators for those classes).
Tucson registrants have until 10/13 to get their "votes" in; Phoenix, until 11/10.
How are we doing this? The center section of the Registration Form lists a "menu" of potential classes that might be offered. Many of these represent sessions for which facilitators have already submitted proposals. As you scan the list, see if the class you most want is listed. If so, place the number "1" on the blank line to the left of the title; if not, write the title and a suggested facilitator (if you can think of one) on one of the long blank lines at the bottom of the second column and write a "1" on the short blank line to the left. Now write a "2" to the left of the title which is your second choice, adding an entry at the end of the list if necessary. Continue by marking your 3rd through 8th choices with the numbers "3" through "8" as above.
All registration forms postmarked on or before the 10/13 (Tucson) or 11/10 (Phoenix) deadline will be tallied and a composite "weighted" list will be developed, from which the list of elective sessions for your location will be determined. Facilitators will be notified and asked to confirm their conducting of the session, and two weeks before TLI at your location, class schedules will be mailed to all who mailed their registrations in by the "discounted registration fee" deadline.
In other words, if you register early, you get to vote on what classes are offered!
You have also indicated that you would like to have lunch handled differently at TLI. In response we are making lunch optional instead of including it in the registration fee. Previous indications from those who want to get lunch on-site are that you prefer a box lunch over the cafeteria line; accordingly, a box lunch will be ordered for each person who includes the additional money AND mails their registration blank prior to the cutoff date (Tucson: 12/8/97; Phoenix: 1/5/98). If you wish to "brown bag it" or get lunch on your own, do not enclose money for lunch.
In order to eliminate the uncertainty and resulting dissatisfaction of trying to provide lunches for late registrants and walk-ins (given the constraints within which we work with food vendors), we have established a policy of "lunch on your own" for all who miss the cutoff date. If you do not pre-register prior to 5 days before the event, plan on providing your own lunch.
Q & A's
Given the above information, you may have some questions. Perhaps you'll find answers below....
What is Toastmasters Leadership Institute? It is the semi-annual District 3 event, held in two locations, during which training sessions are held for club officers, speech contest judges, and others who bear specific responsibilities in the normal course of administering clubs, areas, and divisions.
Is TLI only for club officers? TLI offers classes for all Toastmasters (TMs). Topics typically include preparing different kinds of speeches, evaluating speeches, table topics ideas, Mentoring, general evaluation of club meetings, listening, and many other "electives" of general interest. TLI also offers the participant an opportunity to meet other Toastmasters, making new friends, and obtaining names and phone numbers of good resources within the District.
Why should I consider attending TLI? To grow and develop your skills; to learn from experienced TMs; to network - meet and share ideas with other TMs; to share your questions and challenges with other TMs and get the benefit of their experiences; to build up a list of names and phone numbers of TMs you can call when a problem arises and you need help; and to have fun!
Who facilitates the classes? Experienced TMs who have been trained in facilitation. Lecturing is out; interactive learning is in!
What is the format of the classes? Lots of class interaction; hands-on exercises where applicable and practical; breakout groups and activities.
When is TLI? In Tucson, on Saturday, December 13, 1997; in Phoenix, on Saturday, January 10, 1998.
Where will TLI be held? In Tucson, in the Student Center at Pima County Community College; 2202 W. Anklam Road; in Phoenix, at ASU West, 4701 W. Thunderbird Road. Maps will be mailed out with schedules to those who register by mail prior to the cutoff date.
What are the hours? Registration opens at 7:30 AM; networking time begins at 8:00 AM; Opening Session is at 8:30 AM; lunch is 12:15 until 1:15; and the last class period ends at 4:35 PM.
Do I need to attend the entire day? Club officer training is scheduled in the morning; speech contest workshop, judge's and chief judge's training, in the afternoon; elective sessions will be scheduled throughout the day (morning and afternoon). Come when you can; leave when you must.
How will I know when the electives I'm interest in are scheduled? For all who register by the "discounted registration date" (11/24 for Tucson and 12/22 for Phoenix) class schedules will be mailed out 2 weeks before TLI day.
What are the costs? $15 if mailed in before the dates listed in the previous answer; $20 if mailed after and for walk-in registrations. If a box lunch is desired, cost is $10 on a pre-registered basis only.
Do I qualify for a reduced registration fee if I only come for part of the day? No. The registration fee pays for the use of the facility. District 3 pays the same whether we use the rooms for an hour or for the entire day.
How can I get more information?
Send an E-mail to TLI Chair Roy Blomquist at "" or call Roy at (602) 766-2744 (24-hours / 7 days per week voice mail).
Coming soon - TLI course description on the Internet!
This winter's TLI is in the planning stages. We still have openings in the Officer Basic courses for VP Education(Phoenix), VP Membership(Tucson), Secretary(Phoenix), Treasurer(Tucson), and Sgt.@Arms(Tucson).
If you have experience in one of these offices, please contact Judy Norris, ATM at 520-293-5343.
Training will be provided, see related article on facilitation.