A Worthy Challenge:
Distinguished Club Status
by Jodie Kay Petra, DTM
Lt. Governor Education & Training
How exciting to be part of the District 3 Leadership team!
Since the election in May, I have been busy planning for a dynamic year
in the area of education and training. For those who may not be familiar
with the structure of District 3, the Lt. Governor of Education
and Training is responsible for ensuring that you experience the personal
growth in becoming a better communicator and leader. I'm here to provide
you with education to broaden your understanding of the communication opportunities
offered by Toastmasters, and the training to know WHAT your responsibilities
are as a member, and as a club officer, WHY these responsibilities
are essential, and HOW to use them to accomplish your goals.
At the International Convention held in New Orleans in August, our new
President, Len Jury, DTM, issued a challenge to all clubs throughout
the worldwide organization. He believes that by each club
adding eleven (11) new members, and four
(4) members achieving their CTM this year, those clubs will
be Distinguished. Being Distinguished will enable you to have quality clubs
and programming which will promote member satisfaction.
I encourage all clubs within District 3 to meet this challenge.
Plan now to take advantage of the District-sponsored membership campaign
designed by our Lt. Governor of Marketing, Kelli McDoulett.
Earn the services of one of your district officers, or win transportation
to the International Convention in August, 1998!
Take advantage of the new educational track and achieve your CTMs, ATMs,
and DTMs. Receive personal recognition at the District Conference. Set
your goals and go for it!
If you need information or assistance in either membership or education,
please contact any of your district officers (Area Governor, Division Governor,
or any other elected office). We are here to serve you.
As I become aware of your personal achievements, I will be contacting
you to personally congratulate you. I believe that support breeds success.
And I want to Share Your Success!
CTM Again Program
Attention CTMs, ATMs and DTMs!
Have you ever wished you could give your Icebreaker all over again?
Do you feel you need a refresher course on the basics? Do you have a speech
to give that just doesn't fit in with your Advanced Manuals?
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, we have the solution
for you! Just pick up another basic Communication and Leadership manual,
and get your second (or third. . .) CTM!
District 3 is continuing the program to recognize
those individuals who complete additional C&L manuals. Those
individuals who do so will receive a CTM-Again lapel
pin, with a "star" for each additional CTM earned. Many people in
District 3 are proudly wearing their CTM-Again pins. Pins and stars will
be awarded at both the Fall and Spring conferences.
To qualify for a CTM-Again pin, you must
complete the ten speeches in the basic manual, and submit your CTM application
to World Headquarters. (Note that you will not receive free advanced manuals
from Toastmasters International when you earn additional CTMs.)
Submit a copy of your application to me, Jodie Kay Petra, and indicate
how many additional CTMs you have already earned. Then appear at the District
Conference Hall of Fame Luncheon to receive your CTM-Again pin!
Toastmasters At
Small Business Fair
District 3 Toastmasters from Apache and Saguaro divisions set up an information
booth at the Pima Community College Small Business Fair. Approximately
1500 people from the Tucson community attended.
At the fair we distributed information, answered questions, played last
year's International Speech contest, and Public Service announcements.
We received several names of people who were interested, and one new club
In less than one week several people worked together to make this happen.
Thank you for your hard work and versatility:
Dean Erickson - for giving us the lead for the fair
Marcia Gomblik - who made the phone calls to get volunteers
Barbara Crowe and Ken Hansen - who donated flyers and attended
the booth
Joe Centofanti, LeRoy Frye and David Azarewicz - for attending
the booth
Sunrisers and Fountain Flyers - for donating materials for
the booth
Vince Baker - who lent his TV / VCR for the booth - this
was a big attention getter.