Stepping Stones by Sonam

Hard earth, hard minds,
Unaware of how to step lightly
across the stepping stones of the path
and see the streams of sychronicity that surround.

Start with the foot, see that it steps!
See how the body follows, like horse and cart.
Then look to the left and the right.
Try seeing not only what's there, but what could be missing.

What's difficult to see are the doorways
into the hearts of things.
What's difficult to ignore are the bright headlights
that deer on the road stand paralyzed by.

Bright headlights turn the doors from lighted beacons
into meer shadows that can vanish in the mists of the mind.
Only in the brief second before foot hits ground,
and we realize it, can we see a bit more.

Softer steps, knowing where they're going,
always awaiting the seminal moment -
when stepping becomes a jig and then a template...
guiding the motions in a pattern we didn't know was there.

Dancing on the stone steps, we see no stones now, only the eyes of the gods.

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