Appalachian Buddhism - by Sonam

Cuckoo is a pretty bird, she sings as she flies.
she brings us glad tidings, tells us no lies,
practicing koans and mantras and such,
sits on her perch and never is touched.

Meeting is a pleasure and a parting is grief.
A false hearted teacher is worse than a thief.
A thief will but rob you, take what you have,
A false hearted teacher will lead to the grave.

Howdie dowdy dow, diddley um day
Howdie dowdy dow, diddley um day
Howdie dowdy dow, diddley um day
Hey su, su di dig-ge-ray.

I said the owl with head so white
A lonesome day and a lonesome night
I thought I heard a young monk say
prayer and work's the same today.

Howdie dowdy dow, diddley um day
What's this that you have to say?
Rangtong, Shentong who knows best?
Who care's ? It's still emptiness.

Cuckoo is a pretty bird she sings as she flies,
she spreads out her wings and lightly she lies.
It's not my problem, she's learned to just say
Even when with actions there's a high price to pay.

" Sonam

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