Alisa Shubb received her B.A. in Rhetoric and B.A. in Italian in 1985 and her M.A. in Rhetoric and Communication in 1990 from the University of California at Davis. She is a professor of Speech at American River College in Sacramento, CA and teaches such courses as Public Speaking, Group Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Listening, Argumentation , Communication and Rhetorical Theory. She developed curricula for a course in Intercultural Communication. Her current research continues to focus on the effects of culture in communication with an emphasis on issues related to gender. She is working on a supplement text for Listening.
Alisa is married to a civil engineer and has two young daughters. Her primary interest beyond academia is dance. She has studied a variety of dance arts since childhood including tap, jazz, ballet, modern, ballroom, yoga and belly dancing. She and her husband are accomplished Argentine Tango dancers and can be found just about anywhere there is tango to be danced. Alisa is a frequent contributor to the Sacramento Tango newsletter and is currently working on an article applying communication constructs to the principles of lead and follow in Argentine tango.
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Copyright Alisa M. Shubb, 1999