the most extensive online resource about Friedrich Froebel in the English language

more than one hundred web pages explore aspects of his life and work, including kindergarten and his famous blocks and gifts

follow the links from the biographical time line, browse the index and have your say in the online forum

Kindergarten activities:
blocks, crayons and more to browse and buy online

Friedrich Fröbel Framework
an introduction to key aspects of his life and work

Froebel Star
make it by folding four strips of paper

Froebel Web . index . time line . online forum . blocks . books . search . surf . links

Froebel - Fröbel family around the world

Thuringia, the green heart of Germany is the home of teddy bears, nutcrackers, doberman dogs and the Priory of St. Wigberti.

Sutterlin Handwritten Script a 216K jpg file to help you read German handwritten documents from the nineteenth century.

Saint Lawrence is a patron saint of libraries. Hildegard of Bingen, the Sybil of the Rhine reminds us of the important contribution of women to scholarship. This Icon of the Holy Mother of God has an interesting history.

fleur de lis fleur de lis in art and heraldry

Online Safety Rules

New Worlds From Old nineteenth century Australian and American landscapes explores how artists steeped in 'old world' traditions reacted when confronted by landscapes of the 'new world'.

The Future Eaters is a controversial hypothesis about the settlement of Australia, by Dr Tim Flannery, chair of Australian Studies at Harvard in 1999.

Europe was made on the pilgrim road to Compostela, said Goethe describing the extraordinary spiritual, cultural and economical vitality of pilgrimage to Santiago since the ninth century.

Myth is something that never was, but is always happening.

My collection of links. Before I became an e-mail junkie I acquired an education

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