
In compiling these pages I have consulted and read the following books and publications

Title Author ISBN
Green Eyed Boys
3 Para and the battle for Mount Longdon
Christian Jennings & Adrian Weale 0-00-638448-X
When the fighting is over
A personal story of the battle for Tumbledown Mountain and its aftermath
John & Robert Lawrence 0-7475-0174-2
Speaking Out
Untold stories from the Falklands War
Michael Bilton & Peter Kosminsky 0-233-98404-6
Task Force
The Falklands War 1982
Martin Middlebrook 0-14-014704-7
The Sinking of the Belgrano
The act of war that finally killed all hopes of peace
Arthur Gavshon & Desmond Rice  
Summer Soldier
The true story of the missing Falklands Guardsman
Philip Williams with M. S. Power 0-7475-0598-5
Excursion to Hell
Death in the Falklands
Vincent Bramley 0-330-32237-0
Two sides of Hell
The bloodiest battle of the Falklands from both sides
Vincent Bramley 1-898125-75-9
A message from the Falklands
The life and death of David Tinker, Lieut. R.N
Hugh Tinker  
Goose Green
A battle is fought to be won
Mark Adkin 1-85797-131-0
Don't cry for me Sergeant Major
A unique portrait of the Falklands war
Robert McGowan & Jeremy Hands 0-7515-0932-9
Another Story
Women and the Falklands war
Jean Carr 0-241-11354-7
Walking Tall
An autobiography
Simon Weston 0-7475-0378-8
My Falkland Days
Rex Hunt 0-7153-9087-2

Copyright Steve Cocks 1997. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 29 April, 1997