His Journey

(dedicated to my Lolo)

He senses the end of the road nearing.
His journey has been long and the road rough.

His shoes are aged and worn.
The soles, once new, are thin and vulnerable.
They no longer shield him from all the imperfections of the earth.

He is tired, but continues with all the Dignity,
Courage and Determination that have accompanied him the entire distance.

Even though each step becomes harder to take than the last,
He persists and advances towards the inevitable.

He takes only a second to glance at the road behind him.
He smiles, for there he sees a beautiful trail of memories.

He recalls the countless who have crossed his path.
But treasures those who walked alongside him for part of his way.

When he finally reaches the end of the road he'll realize.....

It is not the end of his journey, but just the beginning.

Liane Angeles

Liane's poem is dedicted to her grandfather
Carlos A. Angeles
on his birthday last May 25, 1998
