Thank you for signing my guestbook!
Be sure to return to my pages for more inspiration!

10/22/00 15:17:31
Name: Robert Dickerson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Colorado Springs State: CO Country: USA
Age: 45 Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes!

Thanks for the help. I was looking for some info on prophecies of Christ for a friend who is married to a Jew. I hope to help them both see that the Jews missed their messiah and they are missing Him too. Thanks again.

10/11/00 03:41:58
My URL: Visit Me


10/11/00 03:41:17
My URL: Visit Me


07/23/00 07:51:15
Name: Vincere My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes

I apologize for the messages some leave here because I cannot edit this guestbook or this site anymore since yahoo bought geocities. Please visit my new site and ignore rude and immature posts here. We are in Christ and above this. Thank you.

your brother in Christ,

Vince Owens
Visit my NEW page here

04/19/00 23:30:50
Name: pothead My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: spokane State: swazy Country: swaziland
Age: 75 Is Christ your personal Savior?: what do you think?

here's a pic of me

04/19/00 23:25:40
Name: pothead My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: spokane State: swazy Country: swaziland
Age: 75 Is Christ your personal Savior?: no way

Great site! You'll love the secret stories, secret pictures and free private e-mail over at -- check it out!

03/27/00 04:34:35
Name: Ashe
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey, cool site, I enjoyed it. Visit mine. www.Mirata.Com it's a New Media site with Flash/Shockwave technology and virtual reality.

03/11/00 08:16:34
Name: dave My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: manlius State: ny Country: usa
Age: 17 Is Christ your personal Savior?: maybe

nice site, i like it a lot check out my site, you can be paid to surf

03/02/00 15:56:03
Name: Carol My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: N.C. State: Northeast Country: USA
Age: are you kidding? :) Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes He is!!!

Hi, this is a wonderful site. I found you on a site of a friend, [Lizard's page] and just wanted to stop and say hello. Inspired. In Christ, Carol

02/26/00 09:00:22
Name: luke My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: australia
Age: 27 Is Christ your personal Savior?: no

I just wanted to say you have a great site.

02/10/00 15:46:13
Name: Lolita My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Berlin State: Germany Country: Germany
Age: 20

SE ME NAKED Click herE

01/26/00 03:30:51
Name: What??????????????
My URL: Visit Me


01/26/00 03:28:00
Name: Dustin
My URL: Visit Me

Nice page dude!

01/06/00 00:36:08
Name: Vincere
My URL: Visit Me

refusal IP #
I don't know what you are talking about. I have had this page since I first came on the net back in 1996

01/06/00 00:34:48
Name: Vincere
My URL: Visit Me

refusal IP #
I don't know what you are talking about. I have had this page since I first came on the net back in 996

01/06/00 00:33:42
Name: Vincere
My URL: Visit Me

refusal IP #
I don't know what you are talking about. I have had this page since I first came on the net ba k in 1996

01/06/00 00:32:20
Name: Vincere
My URL: Visit Me

refusal IP #
I don't know what you are talking about. I have had this page since I first came on he net back in 1996

01/06/00 00:17:40
Name: Vincere
My URL: Visit Me


01/03/00 23:28:40
Name: refusal My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 17
Is Christ your personal Savior?: hes my boy

 Advertising, la la la
h0la. I'm just sprucing up the site a little, sorry if the other entries get fucked up...i can't help it. well, i COULD help it, i just don't wish to, because my way looks better. is all you need to know. I wanna see how many hits can get from advertising in other people's guestbooks. ;D

11/24/99 20:42:05

Name: Elissa Smith My URL: Visit Me City: Albany
State: NH Country: US Age: 35
Is Christ your personal Savior?: yes

Just browsing around. Thought I would sign your book to let you know some one noticed your web page and read it.

11/24/99 20:41:20
Name: Elissa Smith My URL: Visit Me City: Albany
State: NH Country: US Age: 35
Is Christ your personal Savior?: yes

Just browsing around. Thought I would sign your book to let you know some one noticed you web page and read it.

11/03/99 10:26:57
My URL: Visit Me
Is Christ your personal Savior?: sure he is...

Click here to enter this page

10/13/99 03:42:21
Name: test
My URL: Visit Me


09/07/99 08:06:48
Name: ShadowCat My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Beverwijk Country: The Netherlands Age: 24
Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes He Is

You seem like a wonderful person, and it is a pleasure to be aquainted with you, and I look forward to getting to know you better. Religion Chat is a wonderful place to meet people with the same enthusiasm and love for Christ. Thank you for radiating you Love fro our Saviour. With many warm regards Pauly

07/10/99 14:44:29
Name: Peg My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Yuba City State: Ca Country: USA
Age: 64 Is Christ your personal Savior?: You bet!!!

I believe I've chatted with you before on Omni Chat. Mamom was the first lady I connected with when I started on the computer, a couple years ago. Anyhow, what I'm looking for is the beautiful website I'd had b/4 about CRYSTAL TEARS. It was a beautiful picture of our Saviour shedding tears on the earth----and then the poem, Crystal Tears. Guess I could e-mail Mamom, too. I just happened to have your page bookmarked, and tho't you might be able to help me out. Really appreciate it. Your website is ju t outstanding. All I do is e-mail on my computer. Great instrument for staying in touch with family in Wisconsin. Tx for any help you can give me.

05/23/99 02:55:26
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Sacramento State: California Country: USA
Age: 16 Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes

This is a nice homepage you have. Always stay in touch with Jesus!

05/23/99 02:52:19
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Sacramento State: California Country: USA
Age: 16 Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes

This is a nice homepage you have. Keep it up! Always stay in touch with Jesus!

05/10/99 17:14:50
Name: Kristie (If_There_Be_Thorns) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Wichita Falls State: Texas Country: USA
Age: 18 Is Christ your personal Savior?: Yes

COOL PAGE! *really really likes it!!*

04/17/99 06:29:25
Name: Sandy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Baxter State: TENN Country: U.S.A.
Age: 58 Did you like my pages?: you bet i did


04/17/99 04:50:14
Name: Blake S [Cambridge 21] My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me State: FL
Age: 21 Did you like my pages?: Yes, of course

Hello, just thought I'd drop by and take a look at your page. So far i've enjoyed it, especially the poems and prophecies page, though I have plenty left to go through. Well, keep up the good work, I've already booked marked it. See ya in Christian Chat< >
03/28/99 06:30:13
Name: Melissa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Surrey State: BC Country: Canada
Age: 16 Did you like my pages?: yes

Cool page if you want I could send you some of my poetry aswell!

02/03/99 02:13:32
My URL: Visit Me


11/13/98 14:52:56
Name: Pete Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Garland State: Texas Country: U.S.A.
Age: 38 Did you like my pages?: Yes, very much!

Hello, Well may the Lord bless for your great work! This is a great page, from what I've seen so far! I am a work right now, so I'll have to "bookmark" this spot and come back to it later. You'll definately be hearing from me again! I also firmly believe we are in the last days, and the rapture could take place at any time! I'll write you again later...but keep up the good work, and try to stay in prayer more than ever!!! Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ, Pete Kelly

10/26/98 11:28:24
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

10/09/98 13:12:26
Name: Jeremy Appleyard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Ottawa State: Ontario... not a state! Country: The one God made to show the world what "beautiful" means.
Age: 19 Did you like my pages?: Amen!

Howdy Vince, I figured it'd been a while since I last perused through here. Gotta say I liked it as much as I did the first time (that's a lot!). And lookie, I made I banner!

Jeremy Appleyard's Homepage

10/03/98 21:03:23
Name: ME2 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: somewhere State: The Great State of IN Country: U.S.A.
Age: 17 Did you like my pages?: yes

The Lord thanks you for this wonderful page. You are a blessing. Hope to see you around in CC chat

10/01/98 18:55:28
Name: Brent McCoy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Kokomo State: IN Country: usa
Age: 35 Did you like my pages?: YES


10/01/98 03:49:17
Name: Jen Ellenburg My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Clemson State: SC Country: US
Age: 20 Did you like my pages?: yes

What is with all these questions? Well i have recently realized i do NOT have your email address and i had some stuff i wanted to email me ya. Hope yer doin' well! Godspeed Jen

09/26/98 17:38:10
Name: Kobus Posthumus My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Witbank Country: South Africa Age: 37
Did you like my pages?: It was a honour to visit your pages

Your pages are a real inspiration ... May God Bless you , and may your work always bring GLORY and HONOR to HIS NAME ..OUR GOD and SAVIOUR

09/18/98 17:56:55
Name: susieblue My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me State: md
Age: 44 Did you like my pages?: yes

I believe that, yes, in the coming days God's people will need to support one another more than ever, starting in our neighborhoods and outward. I wish you well on your plans for a farm. You may want to check out some of the Christian YK2 sites as there are others looking to find a group together to purchase property and begin a self-contained community. Perhaps you can find someone there. God Bless.

09/14/98 16:23:41
Name: Lizard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Kokomo State: Indiana Country: U.S. of A.
Age: Older than dirt Did you like my pages?: Praise God

Praise God I met a wonderful brother such as yourself. I enjoy our fellowship and am low in spirit when I don't hear from ya in a while. Please drop in and share God's blessings with us. May He bless you and yours richly.

09/10/98 16:58:18
Name: BERNIE(ANOINED1) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 40 Did you like my pages?: LOVE THEM!


08/05/98 04:42:54
Name: InEy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Herron State: Michigan Country: USA
Age: old Did you like my pages?: very much

Vincere I wish I was as talented as you, but alas the Lord just blessed me with the gift of love. I love your page and have missed you in CC. God Bless and remember Jesus loves you and so do I

07/04/98 23:59:52
Name: Angela *Xeentar* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Eugene State: Oregon Country: USA
Age: 17 Did you like my pages?: Oh yeah! *S*

Beautiful. Cool kool kewl. Great. Excellent. Very stong and influentual. Remember teh sweet name Jesus...

06/09/98 14:30:39
Name: Eliud Gonzalez My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Ocala State: FL Country: USA
Age: 41 Did you like my pages?: very much

Brother Vincere you are doing a great job as always.Hope i could do the same :) God Bless

06/04/98 04:48:08
Name: Tailormaid My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me State: Florida
Country: USA


05/25/98 18:27:45
Name: Jen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you like my pages?: yes!

wow, you sound like one on fire for god man! God bless you richly as you proclaim His coming! Nice site! Jen † (friend of heavenbound)

05/22/98 17:23:07
Name: Jenny Bristow My URL: Visit Me City: Carencro
State: La Country: USA Age: 16
Did you like my pages?: yes

I only have one thing to say.....

05/12/98 19:04:11
Name: jill weyhe My URL: Visit Me City: Seaford
State: DE Country: America Age: 26
Did you like my pages?: Great testimony!!!!


05/05/98 03:34:06
Name: matt weyhe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: millville State: pa Country: usofa
Age: 18 Did you like my pages?: neato - impressed by your christian stand


04/19/98 21:08:12
Name: Jeremy Appleyard (Hieremias) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Renfrew (City? There's a stretch...) State: Ontario Country: Canada! God's country. :)
Age: 18 now, that'll change soon Did you like my pages?: AMEN!

Man, Vince, those poems are powerful. You have a gift there (I'm sure you already know that!). Now, come visit my page! :)

04/18/98 06:16:27
Name: Lynette My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Sunnyvale State: Calif. Country: USA
Did you like my pages?: Yes

Keep up the great witness. Stop in and see me

04/03/98 04:53:54
Name: Mamom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Reading State: Pennsylvania Country: U.S.A.
Age: 63 Did you like my pages?: yuppers

Hello Vince, I'm signing again, Just wanted to let you know I added your page to my new page of links. God Bless Ya. Love Mamom

03/14/98 07:36:29
Name: KATIE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Victoria, State: British Columbia Country: Canada
Age: Over the hill!! Did you like my pages?: yes

Vince, you have got a wonderful webpage here. A pleasure to be here. May the Lord bless you as you spread His Word. *S*

03/12/98 03:46:51
Name: Teresa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: Idaho Country: USA Age: HEY!
Did you like my pages?: Love your pages!

Hey Vincere! Had to come see the latest on your pages. You do such fantastic work. I need to view the rest later when I have more time though. What a talented guy! Plus, so full of God's love and grace. Take care Vincere! Teresa (Katt)

03/07/98 17:02:34
Name: AMS My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Plainview State: Tx. Country: USA
Age: 29 Did you like my pages?: they are wondwerful

You are doing an awesome job keep up the good work for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

03/07/98 05:58:43
Name: Pookie's Mom My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you like my pages?: You bet!!

Thanks Vince for your kindness and happy welcome when I see you, really appreciate it!

03/07/98 02:17:11
Name: Zo
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Great page!

03/06/98 06:05:38
Name: Ollie Geiser My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: St Louis State: MIssouri Country: USA
Age: 52


03/02/98 08:12:56
Name: Buford My URL: Visit Me City: Athens
State: Tn. Country: usa Age: 32
Did you like my pages?: VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!

Thank you for you help Vincere To bad we were disconnected. When I returned u had already left. A fond farewell my new friend...God bless you and yours Buford and family. :-)

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