Welcome to Michele's Art and Literature Page
These are some links
that I personally enjoy.
If you have any personal favorites
please let me know.
Take a ride on The Rail
This is Junction 2701
on The Writers Journey
Authors and Poets
The William Blake Archive
"A hypermedia archive sponsored by the Library of Congress
and supported by the Getty Grant Program,
the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
at the University of Virginia,
Sun Microsystems, and Inso Corporation.
With additional support from the Paul Mellon Centre
for Studies in British Art and the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill."

The University of Florida's Ernest Hemingway Home Page
Quotes from Ernest Hemingway and his work.
There are some things which cannot
be learned quickly, and time, which
is all we have, must be paid heavily
for their acquiring. They are the very
simplest things, and because it takes
a man's life to know them the little
new that each man gets from life is
very costly and the only heritage he
has to leave.
-- Ernest Hemingway

James Kavanaugh, an American Writer and Poet.
This page has his collected works,
poem of the week and ordering information
A Friendship Like Ours
A friendship like ours is without pretense or barriers,
Where no word is without consequence, no pain without compassion,
When time means nothing and distance is as insignificant as astral travel,
Where a single word can sometimes say all there is to say,
And love grows organically each passing day,
Where misunderstandings are impossible and words have no currency,
Where a chance meeting is enough to last a lifetime,
And heart speaks to heart in a single contact.
I have known good and gentle men and women for a lifetime,
Have been bound to them by blood and debt and every circumstance,
Even lashed together by work and space and passionate concern,
Yet few of these could invade the privacy of my inner being
No matter their power or brilliance, beauty or wealth.
But you were destined to reside there, my friend,
by an eternal edict,
Because even before we met, You were already there!
-James Kavanaugh
The Folk Art & Craft Exchange,
home of my good friend Cecil I. Dobbs,
and some great art work from around the world.

What happened today in Literary History?
Click here to see!
Native American Authors
Philip Jaeger's Home Page,
A great artist! Have you got your P.J.'s?
You can even see a picture of me on his C2 page.
Great contests and more...
Kinaca, Artisan of Cherokee Ancestry,
my friend Lyn Z. Page, a great artist

Dana Letsom, a wonderful artist with a great home page.

My guest book!
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site is owned by
Michele Brown.

Russian Periodicals Online -
Click here!
This page was last updated on February 25th, 2000