Raphael's Angels
-It is very important to pray for
others, because when you pray for
someone, an angel
goes and sits on
the shoulder of that person.
-The Virgin Mary
to the children of Medjugorje
Welcome to my angels home
This page is dedicated in loving memory of

Diana Kujawa, 6/26/38 - 6/21/95.
She was the Angel of
Our Lady Queen of Angels High School Seminary
Mission Hills, CA
and loved by all who knew her.
She is sorely missed.
Be not afraid to have
in your house,
for some thereby have
angels unawares.
-Heb. 13:2

Michael the Archangel
Michael, "he who is like God", is also called the Angel of Deliverance.
His precepts are protection, faith, will of God, power, omnipotence
of God and perfection. He is the commander of God's angel armies.
His feast day is September 29th.
Web Sites Featuring Michael
Lots of information on the Archangel Michael
Religious Icons from Russia featuring the Archangel Michael
Different views on the Archangel Michael
Archangel St Michael
St. Michael, the Archangel - Catholic Saints On-Line
St. Michael the Archangel - Including Prayers to St. Michael
Angelic Insights
Angel Times
An Angel a Day
Clara's Story
Dena's Angels
The Seraphim
Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels

St. Christopher
Catholic On-Line - Whatever Happened to St. Christopher?
A Woodcut of St. Christopher
St. Christopher - Patron St. of St. Christopher School, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Saint Christopher Patron Saint of Travellers
Catholic Encyclopedia: Christopher, Saint
St. Christopher was demoted but remains a Saint
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This page last updated on January 21st, 2002