Rex T. Rola's Homepage

a.ka. Sophie's Lover's Den

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Rex T. Rola, a.k.a Sophie's Lover is a Philosophy Instructor and the Student Organizing and Formation Program Officer at the Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City, Philippines. His range of interests is rather broad-- including many areas in what the Germans classify as Naturwissenschaften: astronomy, physics and biology; and Geisteswissenschaften: anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, economics, and political science. He is partial, though, with Social Philosophy, Economics, History and Sociology. He is currently immersed in Critical Social Theory, esp. the Frankfurt School version. All these, though, for the love of Sophie.

Will you join me in my infinite quest for glimpses of my beloved Sophie? You are most welcome to share ideas by sending and critiquing papers. See you soon!

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Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living. . . . [So], know thyself!" But, the nearest route to oneself is through the other. Therefore, know the other!

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