"La gauche dit a sa maniere la meme chose que le pape, mais elle combat le liberalisme en epousant ses prejuges: a savoir, le primat absolu de l'individualisme au detriment des valeurs de solidarite. Faute d'etre capable de proposer aux hommes une communaute de destin, nous nous resignons a laisser prevaloir des communautes d'origines ou de situation qui s'appellent races, ethnies, moeurs, formidable regression, dont nous sortirons vaincus."

(Loose translation)

"The left, in its own way, says the same thing as the pope, but it combats liberalism by espousing its prejudices, i.e. the primacy of individualism to the detriment of values of solidarity. Unable to propose a community of destiny, we resign ourselves to allow to prevail communities of origins or situations with the names of races, ethnic groups, mores; this is a great regression, from which we will emerge vanquished."

--Jacques Julliard, Le nouvel observateur , 22 August 1996, p. 21
(Sorry if the translation is poor)


"The newborn infant is utterly helpless. Though it has the potential for becoming human, it is not yet human."

--Marlene Mackie, Gender Relations in Canada: Further Explorations, (1991 ed.), p.75.

(The Ed.: That was my sociology of gender textbook, btw. I wonder at what point she considers a born baby a human being?)


"Language shapes people's thought patterns on which they bare many of their actions. Activities can take on a very different appearance, depending on what they are called. Euphemistic language thus provides a convenient device for masking reprehensible activities or even conferring a respectable status upon them. Through convoluted verbiage, destructive conduct is made benign and those who engage in it are relieved of a sense of personal agency."

-- Professor Alan Bandura, "Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action" in Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development, Volume 1: Theory,William M Kurtines and Jacob L. Gewirtz, eds.


"The Truth is out there."

--The X-Files


"When mystery no longer counts, politics must be converted to religion."

--Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, "Relativism: The Central Problem for Faith Today".


"A shared morality, of course, is vital to the humane functioning of society."

-- Professor Alan Bandura, "Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action" in *Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development, Volume 1: Theory, William M Kurtines and Jacob L. Gewirtz, eds.


"But where did He sleep? On the cross. When he slept on the cross, he bore a sign...he fulfilled what had been signified in Adam: When Adam was asleep, a rib was drawn from him, and Eve was created; so also when the Lord slept on the cross, his side was transfixed with a spear, and the sacraments flowed forth, whence the Church was born. The Church, the Lord`s Bride, was created from his side, as Eve was created from his side no otherwise than while sleeping, so the Church was created from his side no otherwise than while dying."

--St. Augustine, Exegesis on Psalm 127


"I hope do no one injustice when I say many of our prayers are founded upon this sentence: 'Lord, when you have removed my cross, then I will become your disciple.'"

--Father Slavko, missionary for Our Lady of Medjugorje


"To become a Catholic is not to leave off thinking, but to learn how to think."

--G.K. Chesterton, The Catholic Church and Conversion .


"There are two kinds of people in the world: the conscious dogmatists and the unconscious dogmatists. I have always found myself that the unconscious dogmatists were by far the most dogmatic."

--G.K. Chesterton, Generally Speaking.


"Instead if the liberty of dogma, you have the tyranny of taste."

--G.K. Chesterton, The Miscellany of Men . *********************************************************************

"The poet enters himself in order to create. The contemplative enters into God in order to be created."

--Thomas Merton, Seeds of Contemplation.


"How many there must be who have smothered the first sparks of contemplation by piling wood on the before it was well lit."

--Thomas Merton, Seeds of Contemplation.


"I thought that continence was a matter of our own strength, and I knew that I had not the strength: for in my utter foolishness I did not know the word of Your Scripture that none be continent unless You give it."

--St. Augustine, Confessions, 6, II.


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