
"So the married woman is seldom met with, who, in the very obedience of married life, hath no thought save how to please God, by adorning herself, not with plaited hair, or gold and pearls and costly attire, (6) but as becometh women making profession of piety, through a good conversation. "

--Saint Augustine, The Good of Marriage, 5th century

But we read "that the flesh is weak;" and hence we soothe ourselves in some cases. Yet we read, too, that "the spirit is strong;" for each clause occurs in one and the same sentence. Flesh is an earthly, spirit a heavenly, material. Why, then, do we, too prone to self-excuse, put forward (in our defence) the weak part of us, but not look at the strong? Why should not the earthly yield to the heavenly? If the spirit is stronger than the flesh, because it is withal of nobler origin, it is our own fault if we follow the weaker.

--Tertullian, To His wife, 3rd century

"Sometimes the mother must be able to decide that the fetus, in its full humanity, must die. But it is never right or necessary to minimize the value of lives involved."

--Naomi Wolf, "Re-thinking Pro-Choice Rhetoric. Our Bodies, Our Souls" The New Republic, October 16, 1995

(Go figger)

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."

--Theodore Roosevelt

"We have not lost faith, but we have transfered it from God to the medical profession."

--George Bernard Shaw

"Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity."

--St. Augustine.

"Heaven will be inhabited by every man who has heaven in his soul."

--Henry Ward Beecher

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