Hello, and welcome to My Guestbook for My site.Please remember that I have no control over the links that people place here. I am not in any way endorsing any links placed here. So be warned, I have no control over where they go, and I assume no responsibility.
dude, again - 07/07/99 22:50:52 | Comments: Yep, Geocities most definately sucks now. Thanks alot you idiots. Allowing Yahoo to screw everyone over. Ta taa. |
dude - 07/07/99 22:49:28 My Email:forget_it@never_mind.com Favorite Comedic Actor: nope Favorite Comedic Author: uh uh Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: nyet Favorite Funny Food: nada Favorite Cartoon: not there Favorite Fav.: Uhm, nah. I don't think that I'll answer that one. | Comments: ha ha ha ha Geocities sucks now that Yahoo! has bought it out. whoopie!! |
dude - 07/07/99 22:49:17 My Email:forget_it@never_mind.com Favorite Comedic Actor: nope Favorite Comedic Author: uh uh Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: nyet Favorite Funny Food: nada Favorite Cartoon: not there Favorite Fav.: Uhm, nah. I don't think that I'll answer that one. | Comments: ha ha ha ha Geocities sucks now that Yahoo! has bought it out. whoopie!! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me | Comments: Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook |
My Email: Email Me | ||
Cindy - 09/25/98 06:28:23 My URL:CENSORED My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Terri or Mama T. - 06/12/98 18:08:32 My Email:tw04stu@semovm.semo.edu Favorite Comedic Actor: Jimmy Stewart Favorite Comedic Author: Max Lucado Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: Mother Teresa said, "We cannot do great deeds, but we can do small Favorite Funny Food: Tapioca and Pineapple Favorite Cartoon: Bambi Favorite Fav.: sky, clouds and sunsets and sunrises! | Comments: Mother Teresa said, "We cannot do great deeds, but we can do small deeds with great love." That's it! What good are tireless efforts fuelled by personal ambition or a willingness to serve rooted in a desire to rule? If you're not kind, what does it all mean? Listen . . . "If I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, I would still be worth nothing at all without love." (1 Cor 13:2) |
I have not visited this site in a while. I know that this site is for generally everyone.
Ted Loso - 04/07/98 00:44:52 My URL:http://www.intrnet.net/~tloso My Email:tloso@intrnet.net Favorite Cartoon: Wile E. Coyote | Comments: Great Page.....You have outstanding ability...... |
Jade Pup/Silver Fox/Sidhe/aliceunderground...is that enough? - 01/19/98 20:23:07 My Email:aliceunderground@hotmail.com Favorite Comedic Actor: uuummm.....uuummm...that guy i like...you know, he's really funny Favorite Comedic Author: Robert Asprin Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: My mother Favorite Funny Food: Qumquats Favorite Cartoon: Tenchi Muyo/Lum/Ranma 1/2....awww...come on...it's too hard to pick only ONE | Comments: I likey...I likey! You need more anime things, i loved the sketch, and i'd like to see more. The Kat who catches the :3)~ |
Tammany - 01/03/98 22:50:48 My URL:/SouthBeach/Lights/7910 My Email:tammany@hotmail.com Favorite Comedic Actor: Robin Williams Favorite Comedic Author: hhhmmm..tough choice Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: too many to name Favorite Funny Food: corn Favorite Cartoon: Wallace and Gromitt if that counts Favorite Fav.: life | Comments: Kewl will look forward to coming back again as you construct it!! Signed a physco blonde muwhahahhaha hehehe |
Tammany is a really cool person. She likes dogs and cookie eating dragons. A nicely done professional page.
Maarten - 09/26/97 09:53:56 My URL:/SunsetStrip/Towers/1763/index.html My Email:maartendaam@hotmail.com | Comments: Censored |
Ok, I'll admit it. The only reason that I keep this page linked is becuase I'm such a Blues Brothers fan.
SURGE150 - 08/28/97 02:19:51 GMT My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/u/r/surge150.html My Email: maryj@thebest.net Favorite Comedic Actor: Mike Miers Favorite Comedic Author: None Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : Got me Favorite Funny Food: Cheese? Favorite Cartoon: South Park Favorite Fav.: ?????? |
Comments: Like the page. Not much to it yet i'm going to add a top 10 to mine. Feel free to use any of my pics.(I took them from another page. |
This page no longer seems to be in existence. Therefore the hot link has been removed.
Tammany - 07/09/97 02:07:52 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/7910 My Email:tammany@hotmail.com Fav rite Comedic Actor: Howie Mandell or Carrottop Favorite Comedic Author: ??? Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : Shaekspere Favorite Funny Food: lego like candy Favorite Cartoon: too many.. gargoyles br> | Comments: Love the page!! please write soon okay!! Here's a cyber cookies to hold you over!! |
stu22 - 07/01/97 20:52:12 GMT My URL:http://zzz.stu22.net My Email:stu22@maxinet.com Favorite Comedic Actor: john candy/pee wee (there's too man !) Favorite Comedic Author: jonathon winters...stories for the wierd... Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : Shane Macgowan Favorite Funny Food: squirt with cashews in it...mmmm Favorite Cartoon: withou a doubt, bugs rules! Favorite Fav.: RC cola, VW buses, rain, steve buscemi | Comments: hi pat!! your page is cool...sorry, but i had a little trouble narrowing things down on those questions...ill keep checking back at your page...got it bookmarked! im gonna have to get my page up... see ya in yahoo soon i hope...stu22 |
Pat - 06/27/97 20:22:46 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/forum/7618 My Email:blackwolf-1@geocities.com Favor te Comedic Actor: john belushi Favorite Comedic Author: james Thurbur Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : alan alda Favorite Funny Food: carrots Favorite Cartoon: Hillbilly Blue Favorite Fav.: /b> cartoons | Comments: ok. So like it's my own web page, my own guest book. Is it a crime to be the first person to sign my own guest book. I want to test it. Besides I can take it out later. After I figure out how to download all guestbook information into a database. |