Hello, and welcome to My Guestbook for My site.

Please remember that I have no control over the links that people place here. I am not in any way endorsing any links placed here. So be warned, I have no control over where they go, and I assume no responsibility.

Pat a.k.a. Black.

thank you

dude, again - 07/07/99 22:50:52
Yep, Geocities most definately sucks now. Thanks alot you idiots. Allowing Yahoo to screw everyone over. Ta taa.

dude - 07/07/99 22:49:28
My Email:forget_it@never_mind.com
Favorite Comedic Actor: nope
Favorite Comedic Author: uh uh
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: nyet
Favorite Funny Food: nada
Favorite Cartoon: not there
Favorite Fav.: Uhm, nah. I don't think that I'll answer that one.
ha ha ha ha Geocities sucks now that Yahoo! has bought it out. whoopie!!

dude - 07/07/99 22:49:17
My Email:forget_it@never_mind.com
Favorite Comedic Actor: nope
Favorite Comedic Author: uh uh
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: nyet
Favorite Funny Food: nada
Favorite Cartoon: not there
Favorite Fav.: Uhm, nah. I don't think that I'll answer that one.
ha ha ha ha Geocities sucks now that Yahoo! has bought it out. whoopie!!

10/26/98 11:26:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit MeComments:
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
My Email: Email Me


Cindy - 09/25/98 06:28:23
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy


Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 08:13:04
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!


Terri or Mama T. - 06/12/98 18:08:32
My Email:tw04stu@semovm.semo.edu
Favorite Comedic Actor: Jimmy Stewart
Favorite Comedic Author: Max Lucado
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: Mother Teresa said, "We cannot do great deeds, but we can do small
Favorite Funny Food: Tapioca and Pineapple
Favorite Cartoon: Bambi
Favorite Fav.: sky, clouds and sunsets and sunrises!
Mother Teresa said, "We cannot do great deeds, but we can do small deeds with great love." That's it! What good are tireless efforts fuelled by personal ambition or a willingness to serve rooted in a desire to rule? If you're not kind, what does it all mean? Listen . . . "If I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, I would still be worth nothing at all without love." (1 Cor 13:2)


I have not visited this site in a while. I know that this site is for generally everyone.
Ted Loso - 04/07/98 00:44:52
My URL:http://www.intrnet.net/~tloso
My Email:tloso@intrnet.net
Favorite Cartoon: Wile E. Coyote
Great Page.....You have outstanding ability......


Jade Pup/Silver Fox/Sidhe/aliceunderground...is that enough? - 01/19/98 20:23:07
My Email:aliceunderground@hotmail.com
Favorite Comedic Actor: uuummm.....uuummm...that guy i like...you know, he's really funny
Favorite Comedic Author: Robert Asprin
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: My mother
Favorite Funny Food: Qumquats
Favorite Cartoon: Tenchi Muyo/Lum/Ranma 1/2....awww...come on...it's too hard to pick only ONE
I likey...I likey! You need more anime things, i loved the sketch, and i'd like to see more. The Kat who catches the :3)~

Tammany - 01/03/98 22:50:48
My URL:/SouthBeach/Lights/7910
My Email:tammany@hotmail.com
Favorite Comedic Actor: Robin Williams
Favorite Comedic Author: hhhmmm..tough choice
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote.: too many to name
Favorite Funny Food: corn
Favorite Cartoon: Wallace and Gromitt if that counts
Favorite Fav.: life
Kewl will look forward to coming back again as you construct it!! Signed a physco blonde muwhahahhaha hehehe


Tammany is a really cool person. She likes dogs and cookie eating dragons. A nicely done professional page.
Maarten - 09/26/97 09:53:56
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Towers/1763/index.html
My Email:maartendaam@hotmail.com


Ok, I'll admit it. The only reason that I keep this page linked is becuase I'm such a Blues Brothers fan.
SURGE150 - 08/28/97 02:19:51 GMT
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/u/r/surge150.html
My Email: maryj@thebest.net
Favorite Comedic Actor: Mike Miers
Favorite Comedic Author: None
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : Got me
Favorite Funny Food: Cheese?
Favorite Cartoon: South Park
Favorite Fav.: ??????
Like the page. Not much to it yet i'm going to add a top 10 to mine. Feel free to use any of my pics.(I took them from another page.


This page no longer seems to be in existence. Therefore the hot link has been removed.
Tammany - 07/09/97 02:07:52 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/7910
My Email:tammany@hotmail.com
Fav rite Comedic Actor: Howie Mandell or Carrottop
Favorite Comedic Author: ???
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : Shaekspere
Favorite Funny Food: lego like candy
Favorite Cartoon: too many.. gargoyles br>
Love the page!! please write soon okay!! Here's a cyber cookies to hold you over!!

stu22 - 07/01/97 20:52:12 GMT
My URL:http://zzz.stu22.net
My Email:stu22@maxinet.com
Favorite Comedic Actor: john candy/pee wee (there's too man !)
Favorite Comedic Author: jonathon winters...stories for the wierd...
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : Shane Macgowan
Favorite Funny Food: squirt with cashews in it...mmmm
Favorite Cartoon: withou a doubt, bugs rules!
Favorite Fav.: RC cola, VW buses, rain, steve buscemi
hi pat!! your page is cool...sorry, but i had a little trouble narrowing things down on those questions...ill keep checking back at your page...got it bookmarked! im gonna have to get my page up... see ya in yahoo soon i hope...stu22

Pat - 06/27/97 20:22:46 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/forum/7618
My Email:blackwolf-1@geocities.com
Favor te Comedic Actor: john belushi
Favorite Comedic Author: james Thurbur
Favorite person who spoke your favorite quote. : alan alda
Favorite Funny Food: carrots
Favorite Cartoon: Hillbilly Blue
Favorite Fav.: /b> cartoons
ok. So like it's my own web page, my own guest book. Is it a crime to be the first person to sign my own guest book. I want to test it. Besides I can take it out later. After I figure out how to download all guestbook information into a database.

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The last time that Pat has been here to work on this page, and offering updates of any kind on the links that have been (or have not been) provided for you was : 12/1/1998