How to Speak Good Negro Slang
Constructed by Dave Jerrido (DMJ102@PSUVM)

         A IGHT:  pronounced /ah ight/; shortened form of 'all right'.

      AIN'T DOWN WITH:  use when referring to a situation you don't
                                                 particularly like.
                                  Example:  "I ain't down with this idea!"

       BET:  reactionary response to an event that is totally unexpected
                                    but greatly appreciated.
                        Example:  "Class is cancelled today?  Bet!"

   BO':  pronounced /boah/; a male friend--usually, but not always, of the
                                         same peer group.

           BOOGER:  a really disgustingly ugly and hideous female.

            BREAK:  use when referring to departure from a place.
                    Example:  "I have to leave now; it's time to break."

        BUGGING:  (1) acting silly or foolish.  (2) asking someone to do
                                      something silly or foolish.

                         CAP:  to punch someone in the face.

                               CHILL:  calm down, relax.

       CHUMPIE:  something that causes happiness, joy, or excitement.
                  Example:  "That was a good movie; it was the chumpie."

     COLD-BLOODED:  describes actions done or people who do things
                                                without heart.
                       Example:  "That teacher gaves us 4 asssignments to do
                                          in one night; that's cold-blooded!"

      CRACK ON:  when a male attempts to get to know a female of his
                     your own peer group with the intentions of ultimately
                        having a relationship with that person because of
                             her personality, not material possessions.
                Example:  "He's had his eyes on that girl for two weeks now;
                                       I think he's trying to crack on her."

    CRIB:  one's own dwelling place (house, apartment, dorm room, etc.)

                             CUZ:  synonym for HOLMES.

          DEAD:  when a certain event was not worthwhile to attend.
                       Example:  "That concert was dead last night!"

                         DECENT:  adjective for CHUMPIE.
                        Example:  "That movie last night was decent."

           DEF:  synonym for DECENT used with stronger emphasis.

            DIS:  (1) to put down someone in public to the extent that
                                 it makes that person feel bad.
         (2) to deliberately break an appointment or date without consenting
                                         the second party.
           Example:  "I waited for this guy at the restaurant for 45 minutes
                                  and he didn't show up; he dissed me!"

DOGGING:  (1) synonym for HOUSING.  (2) obtaining maximum sexual pleasure
                                from a member of the opposite sex.
               Example:  "You should have seen that guy last night.  He was
                                 touching her breasts and feeling her ass; he
                                                 was dogging her!"

                   DUCK:  a snob; a conceited, stuck-up female.

                            DYING:  laughing hysterically.

     FAIR ONE:  a planned fight that is preceded by a verbal argument.
                      Example:  "That's enough talk, man!  We can have a
                                            fair one in the parking lot!"

                 FOR REAL:  truth; talking in a serious manner.

   FREAK:  an extremely beautiful, good-looking female--usually, but not
                          always, a member of your own peer group.

       FRESH:  new; original; usually used when referring to clothing.

                   FRONT:  talking nonsense; all talk, no action.
                   Example:  "He doesn't know what he's talking about;
                                                  he's fronting!"

                   GEIZE:  driving or running extrememly fast.

             GET BACK:  alternative for saying, 'I'll see you later.'
                             Example:  "I'll get back with you later."

        GET BUSY:  becoming active directly from a state of stability.
                       Example:  "I'm not in any activities here; it's time
                                                     to get busy."

HOLMES:  generic term used when referring to a male whose name is unknown
                                Example:  "What's up, holmes?!"

HOOK-UP:  ability to get proper connections with certain people or things
               Example:  "The guy next door has a sattelite dish and a VCR;
                                            he's got all the hook-ups."

   HOUSING:  in sports:  totally dominating another person or team for a
                            specific moment or for a duration of time.
                 Example:  "Our volleyball team is housing those guys!  The
                                                    score is 14-3."

                 HYPE:  uptight; upset; jittery; worried; nervous.

                          ILLING:  synonym for BUGGING.

                           JAWN:  synonym for CHUMPIE.

                             JAM:  alternative for 'party'.

              KICK:  (1) to have a strong smell, usually a foul odor.
                         (2) to do something that causes excitement.
             Example:  "Those girls was kicking it at the dance last night."

                     KICK GAME:  synonym for CRACK ON.

     LATE:  not catching the punch line of a joke until at least 5 minutes
                                      after the joke was told.

         LIVE:  when a certain event was really worthwhile to attend.
                         Example:  "That party was live last night!"

    LUNCH:  procrastinate; not taking advantage of a given opportunity.

  NO JOKE:  taking all matters as seriously as possible when dealing with
                                           a certain subject.
                Example:  "This guy has been studying every night since he's
                             been here; he ain't no joke with his schoolwork!"

                     OCK:  rarely used synonym for HOLMES.

       ON TIME:  when events seem to fall in just as the right moments.
               Example:  "That cancelled class was right on time; now I can
                                             go to that party tonight!"

          PLAY OUT:  to use so much that it will eventually fade out.
                          Example:  "Are you listening to Curtis Blow?
                                                  He's played out!"

                         POSSE:  one's own circle of friends.

                  PSYCHE:  alternative for saying, 'just kidding'.

                  PUMP UP:  to make livlier; to fill with energy.

                             PUSH:  synonym for BREAK.

             RIDE:  a specific means of transportation, usually one's
                                          own automobile.

    RIDE A JOCK:  when a female attempts to get to know a male of her
                          own peer group with the intentions of ultimately
                        having a relationship with that person because of his
                               personality, not his material possessions.

  RUNNING IT:  in music:  playing a song over and over again to the point
                                      of getting tired of hearing it.
                        Example:  "That's the 6th time I've heard that song
                                             today; they're running it!"

                     RUSH:  to gang up on a particular person.

SELL OUT:  not capitalizing on a golden opportunity; result of LUNCHING.
               Example:  "Our football team had the ball 1st and Goal on the
                                  3 yard line.  They used all 4 downs and still
                                           didn't score; they sold out!"

SKEEZER: a person, usually a female, who attempts to have a relationship
                with a member of the opposite sex only for his/her material
                     possessions to make an impression on other people.
                  Example:  "That girl wants to crack on that guy with the
                                       IROC-Z; I think she's a skeezer!"

                    SLICE:  rarely used synonym for HOLMES.

           SLIDE:  to hit someone with enough velocity that they fall
                                            to the ground.

             SOFT:  (1) partially or totally intoxicated; drunk; high.
                          (2) weak, timid, not able to defend oneself.

                   SQUAD:  in sports: one's own group or team.
                 Example:  "My squad is gonna win this volleyball game!"

   SUCKER:  one who perpetrates; someone who has a lack of knowledge
                                         on certain subjects.
              Example:  "Look, sucker, you've messed with me long enough!
                                     Get out of my face before I cap you!"

        TAKE OUT:  causing upbeatness; bringing humor to someone.
                  Example:  "That girl takes me out with that wild hairdo."

THOROUGH:  (1) synonym for DECENT used when referring to a person.
                            (2) attempting to 'get smart' with someone.

         TRIP:  one that causes upbeatness; brings humor to someone.
                  Example:  "That girl has a funny hairdo; she's a trip."

                        TRIPPING:  synonym for BUGGING.

                        WHAMMY:  synonym for BOOGER.

      WOOF:  when a hairdo is very tacky.  (can also be used as a verb)

                   WORD:  having the final say in an argument.

  Y'ALL:  contraction for 'you all'; always used when talking to more than
                                one person; alternative for 'yuns'.