Andrew's Web-o-rama

Well, my shameless drive towards self-promotion finally made me make a web page. Well, actually, I'm basically stealing Adam's ideas about how a home page should look, so it's only appropriate that I have a link to Adam's Home Page, which is excellent and very funny.

I'm a junior at Newman Smith High School, but I can't help that. I hope to go to Emory or The University of Chicago, but that will have to wait for another year. I debate in high school, and most of my friends either are debaters or at least should be. But whatever. As soon as possible, I plan to get Adam and I's pages moved into a nice and comfy place at Internet Texoma, which is the best ever ISP (and my dad owns it).  
(Eventual) Links to cool WWW sites:
Pleeeeease email me, I promise I'll write back... 
  Free Web space provided by GeoCities.

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