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Last Updated: April 9th, 2000

Atention All Church Members

On Saturday, April 15th at 10:00 AM or Sunday, April 16 at 6:00 PM, your family will have the opportunity to create a "Family Tile" as a memento for our church's 125th Anniversary. This is an all age activity and no talent is needed. When they are finished the tiles will be displayed in the church for our Anniversary Celebration.

Easter Breakfast

The Community Life Council will be sponsoring an Easter Breakfast on Sunday April 23rd, at 8:30 AM. A delicious breakfast has been planned. Please sign up on the Bulletin Board. After breakfast we will join for Easter Sunday worship in the Sancutary.

125th Anniversary Dinner/Concert

Tickets for the 125th Anniversary Candlelight Dinner Concert are $9.00 per person and are available in the Fellowship Hall. The date of the event is May 8th and should be an exciting event for adult church members that are both new to our church family and those that have been members for years.

Community-Wide Good Friday Service

The service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church on Friday, April 21st at 7:30 pm. Trinity Church is located on Fulton St. People of all dominations are welcome.

Easter Flowers

Those that wish to purchase flowers for Easter in memory of those that have passed on to the glory of God, may do so in the Fellowship Hall that next couple of weeks. Lilies are $11.00, tulips and daffodils are each $10.00. The flowers always look beautiful in our sanctuary for Easter.

Women of the Church

Mark your calendar and plan to attend the Grandmother/Mother/Daughter/Sister/Aunt/Niece/Friend Dinner which has been set for May 11. The Community Life Council invites all women that are near and dear to your heart to attend. More information is coming.

Treats Needed

The Easter Egg and Holy Treasure Hunt need treats. The Outreach Committee is putting this event on again this year on Saturday, April 22 at 11:00 AM. They are in need of homemade cookies for the event. See Barb Struik or Lyde Veenstra if you can help.

Men's Softball

All men interested in playing slow pitch softball should see Mike Vander Ploeg for more information. Or visit the Rec Center's website at

Brook Cherith Trip

This is a celebration for 5th to 9th graders to wrap up the year. The event is being planned by Phil and Judy Admirall along with Pastor Kent. The dates of the trip are Friday June 2nd through Saturday, June 3rd. The cost is $10.00 per person, please sign up on the hallway bulletin board. This should be a great way for the children of the church to grow in their walk with God.

Summer Programs

The following dates should be put on your calendar as soon as possible. July 31st through August 3rd is the date of our annual Sports Camp. While Vacation Bible School will take place the next week, August 7th through the 10th. More details will follow on the website.
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