
Author or co-author of some 20 papers published in professional journals, including:

Author or co-author of some 25 papers presented at congresses, symposia, and international meetings:

Author of more than 150 technical reports from various projects. Some examples are given below.

More recent technical reports are from Afghanistan (2005), Bahrain, Libya, Palestine, the Dominican Republic (2002), Abu Dhabi Emirate, Jordan, Jamaica (GWIS of Rio Minho and Black River basins, Math. Model of Essex Valley Karstic Limestone System), Macedonia (2006, Ground water monitoring system in Gevgelia Plain and around Dojran Lake), Bulgaria (2007, Baseline Analyses Report, Dobrudja/Dobrogea).

Author of User Manual for the United Nations Ground Water software, version one and version two (Ground Water for Windows), and various training tutorials and course notes.

Writer of the "Regional Programme for Development and Utilization of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer." CEDARE (Cairo) and IFAD/UN (Rome), September 1995.

Various reports on modeling ground water flow and solute transport. Among others: