In its usual upright position (one point uppermost), the pentagram is
an ancient symbol of protection from evil. Also called 'the endless knot'
(in its interlaced form), the pentagram was often displayed on doors,
windows, and hearths of houses throughout pre-Christian Europe. It can be
traced back to Egyptian and Sumerian cultures, and has even been found on
Native American medicine tools. Sometimes mistakenly confused with the
Star of David, or hexagram (a six-pointed star emblematic of Judaism), the
pentagram is sometimes called the Star of Solomon, especially by
ceremonial magicians.
To many, the lower four points represent the classical elements of
earth, air, fire, and water, while the fifth point, surmounting the
others, represents spirit, the fifth element or quintessence. Thus, the
pentagram symbolizes the four elements of the material world connected
with, but ruled by, the spirit. When the pentagram is placed within a
circle (symbol of unity and wholeness), it stresses our connection with
the universe as a whole.
Another interpretation is that there is not one point upward -- but
three! In numerology, three is the number of harmony, best expressed in
the classical formula: thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. In other
words, it is the middle point that harmonizes the opposing outer points.
The Celtic love of triads (the most common form of their 'wisdom
literature') has its roots in this model. The upper three points are thus
placed above the lower two points, which represents dualistic opposites
that cannot be integrated or harmonized (seeing everything in black and
Yet another interpretation of the upright pentagram is that it
symbolizes the most common view of deity in Witchcraft. The upper three
points represent the Goddess in her threefold aspect of Maiden, Mother,
and Crone. The lower two points represent her consort God, in his twin
aspects of God of Light and God of Darkness. However, in all these
interpretations, it is important to remember that all the points are
connected -- each an aspect of the other, all part of the same whole.
But when the pentagram is inverted, so is its meaning. Thus, an
inverted pentagram may represent the physical world (four material
elements) in domination of the world of spirit (the fifth element). (This
may be why Satanists and other 'demonistic' groups use this symbol.) With
two points uppermost, it may also express a Neo-Platonic dualism (the old
'war in heaven', good vs. evil theme) -- as opposed to the Pagan monistic
view of reality ('the Force') seen in the single point upward. The most
common exception to this rule is that some traditions of Witchcraft
(chiefly British) employ the inverted pentagram as a POSITIVE symbol of
advanced degree. In this case, the two points uppermost represent the
horns of light, symbol of 'the Horned God', consort to the Great Goddess
(like the Greek god Pan).
The word 'pentacle', sometimes mistakenly substituted for pentagram,
really refers to a shallow dish (usually inscribed with a pentagram) and
used as an altar tool by modern Witches, serving a purpose similar to the
'patten' at a Roman Catholic Mass.
Common variations of this tool include a dish of earth, a disk of copper,
a dish of silver, or a disk of wax.
The suit of pentacles (or 'coins') in the Tarot deck, the Stone of Fal
(coronation stone of kings) in ancient Ireland, the sangreal of the Holy
Grail processions, and the 'Universal Man' of Leonardo da Vinci, are all
related to the pentagram, stressing its ties to the earth and nature,
making it a symbol par excellence of an earth or nature religion. The
five points also represent the five physical senses and allude to
approaching the spiritual realm THROUGH the sensual -- in fact, the
meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in Tarot. In numerology, 5 is the number
of sexuality, combining the feminine 2 with the masculine 3. Thus, the
pentagram also represents the opposite of asceticism.
But wherever the pentagram is displayed, one message is clear: evil
has no power there.
Document Copyright © 1988, 2002 by Mike Nichols
HTML coding by: Mike Nichols © 1998
This document can be re-published only as long as no
information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or
used without cost to others.
Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Mike Nichols.
Revised: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 c.e.