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The Daily Gospel of Jesus Christ

Image of Christ

Pursue Jesus until He catches you!

Pax et bonum!!!/Peace and all good!!!

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam / For the greater glory of God! Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Please tell your friends about this page. They may not have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is truly Good News!

Pray for the Chinese! The Lord's Prayer in Chinese  Graphics Intensive

If you want to send a prayer to be placed in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (an ancient practice of the Hebrew faith) try this link: Send a prayer to Jerusalem! The prayer will be printed (NOT READ), and tucked in the recesses of the Wailing Wall.

Chip is now undergoing a series of new treatments with his clinic. Click to visit his clinic's site. Also, please take a look at John's Lighthouse and Saver Page. Thanks, and keep him in your prayers!

Please pray for the health of my brother, "Chip" - George McF. Mood, III. He has been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Also, please pray for all the other victims of this disease. Pray also for all the doctors who are searching for a cure.

"Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words." St.Francis of Assisi

Read the GospelThe Canticle of Brother SunFind Links!Find Books!

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To read the Gospel for today, , click the graphic.

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For more information about the Roman Catholic Church write to: Catholic Information Service: Knights of Columbus P.O. Box 1971 New Haven Conn. USA 06521

See also the Web Site of:

The Knights of Columbus Supreme Council

The Church at San Damiano is in need of restoration. This is the Church which St. Francis rebuilt by hand, stone by stone. Look at the facts, and see if you can help somehow at:

A Letter to the Friends of San Damiano

Find explanations of the various branches of the Franciscan Family

The Franciscan Home page!

I am a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order, check our pages at:

Secular Franciscan Order (SFO).

Also check

The Franciscan Intro Page

Visit one of the finest sites on the web at:

Mother Angelica's Pages!

The Daughters of Saint Paul now have a Web Site.Visit it soon! It will be a pleasant surprise!

The Daughters of St. Paul:

There are MANY Pauline Web Sites, with much to offer. Try the Daughters'

"Saint-a-Day" Link!

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For even more really great reading, try these fine shops:

Columbia, SC (USA)

Columbia, SC (USA)

Charleston, SC (USA)

The Catholic Shoppe

St. Francis Catholic Shop

St. Paul Book & Media Center

(803) 799-6655 voice 254-6268 fax

(803) 561-9733 or toll free (800) 561-9730 (Coming soon - EMAIL!)

(803) 577-0175

3127 Millwood Ave.

2800 Bush River Road

243 King St.

Columbia, South Carolina 29205

Columbia, South Carolina 29210

Charleston, South Carolina 29401

Two Blocks from S.C.E.T.V.

Near Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church

One block north of Market Street

Give my regards to Kent

Say "Hello!" from me to Barbara!

Tell the Sisters of The Daughters of St. Paul I said "Hi!"

Thanks Barbara!

Please call or write them for their catalogs if you wish. Let them know where you heard of them, it helps!

I can't decide which of these shops I like best, so I shop all three. All carry books, tapes, CD's, and can order computer software.

None of these firms pays anything to be listed here.

And now a sound (46K)you might be familiar with!

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See John's place!

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To the top of the page!

Any suggestions, comments or criticisms (hopefully constructive) please E-mail me at:

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Last Updated: August 27, 1998 at 19:32:00 UTC. by John T. Mood, SFO

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Copyright ©1995-1998 John T. Mood, SFO All Rights Reserved.

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