Alexandra's Family Tree House
Western North Carolina Cemeteries and More!
Home  Cemeteries  Bibles  Surnames  Archives  Legend  Memories
Warning - We are in the process of moving from Geocities to RootsQuest.
Reason - I hate the ads and you can get genealogy pages at RootsQuest at cost
This involves moving 284 pages and changing all the links.
Our new address is:

Hi, I'm Alex.  I am Three years old.  I am climbing my family tree.  I'm related to at least half the county at least once.  I'm trying to sort out how.  You may notice a little help from MomMy.  She is focusing her research on Local cemeteries in an effort to place a name with each grave.

This is a work in Progress.  It will take several Years to complete all the surveys.  There is a built in bias for cemeteries in Transylvania County since we live here.  If you have any special requests let us know and we'll try to move that cemetery up on the priority list.  Please provide as much info as you can to help us find it.

pardon the deletion of information about folks who are still living.  Unfortunately, there are bad people who surf the net and do bad things with genealogical information.

Main Rooms
Surname Index
Index to each surname including spelling variations.  Each name links to an index for that surname.  In the individual surname index, everyone is listed alphabetically by first name so you don't have to guess which spelling they used.  Information about birth and Death dates is also given to help you sort folks out. You may even find some basic family history here as well as a link to family group information

Cemetery Index
links to index for each county.  Under each county find a list of cemeteries and basic information such as earliest death date, number of graves, and primary surnames found in the cemetery.

My collection of Bible records

transcribed records on-line

Meaning behind the flowers, abbreviations,  and all those little slashes by the place names.

 Alex's Memory Book
The lives of the people buried in our cemeteries are far more than two dates and a name.  Instead of a traditional guest book, here is a chance for you to share your memories or research about  someone in your family who has PasseD away.  And if You know who is buried in an "Unmarked" Grave, please share it here so their memory will be recorded somewhere and not forgotten.

Other Decorations:
About My Family
Alex's Ancestors
Research Procedures and Documentation Notes
Library page - Books used for research
Cemetery Research Kit - For safe, Low impact,  High info surveys
Alex's Awards & Mommy's memberships
An explanation of why I hate Broderbund
Why are we doing this?

ALEXTREE Click here to subscribe (
Send the word "subscribe" (no quotes) and nothing else
A mailing list for anyone with an interest in the cemeteries of Western North Carolina. Areas of discussion will include page updates, local cemetery news and announcements, and preservation strategies.

for more info about Western North Carolina
MomMy is Coordinator for Transylvania County, NC
Donations Welcome!
Please send copies of Bible records and other documents and information to help me learn about my family.   As for money - Please contribute to the ongoing maintenance and restoration needs of your family cemeteries.
Final Note:
Alexandra's Family Tree House is not associated with any government Agency or Genealogical organization.  This is just kin folks swapping tales.
The Tree House was planted October 31, 1997
Comments, Questions, Million Dollar Football Contracts?   Alexandra Raxter, PO Box 418, Rosman, NC 28772
copyright 1997, 1998  Linda Hoxit Raxter - permission given for personal use only
This means don't post info to the World Family Tree/Family Tree Maker User Site (Broderbund's bank account)
It's rude to sell your relatives
   You are the  Visitor to this Site.  Click here for credits
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