Wilmington, North Carloina, has a very rich history involving blacks. Many little-known that we found pointed out the importance blacks have had in all of New Hanover County. Black Bricklayers built Water Street as well as other streets downtown. They also did the masonry in Thalien Hall on Third Street. Black artisans also designed the beautiful architechture of the interior of Thalien Hall.
Blacks in Wilmington owned and operated many businesses as well (see the "1897 City Directory of Colored Persons") prior to the riot of 1898. There were shoemakers, carpenters, grocers, funeral directors, plumbers, restaurant owners and tailors -- just to name a few. Blacks always outnumbered white in New Hanover County before the 1898 riot (see "Events: Riots" in the outline).
there was a significant decline in the number of black-owned businesses after 1898. However, many prominent figures have made themselves known locally, nationally and internationally. Minne Evans, Benny Hill, Catherine Moore, Michael Jordan, Jacqueline Morris-Goodson and Dr. James Shober are just a handful of influential blacks from this area.
Our mission in this project was to tie famous people, places and events together as well as highlight interesting facts. We felt that it was necessary to mention the positive and the negative aspects of the history in order to get the broad view of it. We hope that our audience finds it informative and helpful.