~~~Who are You?~~~

The Observer or the Observed?

The Dreamer or the Dream?

The Microcosm or the Macrocosm?

The Infinite Intelligence speaks to us constantly through many Ancient Texts, Mother Nature, Insightful Encounters, and an Infinite array of various methods. We may not truly SEE the knowledge being shared...until we awaken evermore to the True Essence of our Divine Self.

Ancient texts, Nature, and so on, hold multidimensional information that can be assimilated into various levels of our Consciousness. Upon awakening in Inner Consciousness, many messages previously 'hidden' by the blinders of sleep, are then realized. Inner Consciousness unfolds...as the petals of a rose or lotus...to reveal the Heart...the One Source. As each petal gently unfolds, we can embrace that petal in all its wholeness...exploring every aspect of that petal...as the next petal begins to make its emergence known.

The invisible part of us that is always wih us...the mind, soul, and Spirit...often tends to be ignored because we have been conditioned to utilize and depend upon our physical senses of sight, touch, taste, sound and scent. Through discipline, we can master the mind and its thoughts, moving to a state of 'one-pointedness' or concentration. As we begin this process of discipline, we begin to SEE in ways we didn't consciously perceive before. Our perception of Life and our part in it begins to reflect a view of the bigger picture and preconceived accepted truths, become uncertain. Those conditioned truths suddenly lack a sense of closure and we consciously begin on our journey of unfolding our Inner Consciousness.

After a while, we begin to sense that all we have learned/remembered thus far, is but a tiny cell in the vastness of the Infinite Body of Intelligence. When this insight is fully realized, we are forever willing to be in a state of 'not-knowing'. The state of 'not-knowing', opens us to stand as a student of the Infinite... then we are willing to sit at the feet of the Master. As an open chalice, we remain only partially full...leaving room for ever more knowledge to flow into that chalice. Without discipline, we can find ourselves in a state of being in which our chalice is so full of what we do know,that there's no room left for what we don't know.

Yet, it is our responsibility to assist others who ask for that assistance as they continue on their inner journey, by sharing what we have learned through our experiences. This sharing process makes even more room in the chalice for the Infinite Intelligence to pour living waters into its eternal cup...thus insuring a continuous flow...a matrix within the scale of polarity of 'teacher/student'. We all stand as students of one another AND as teachers for one another.

We all have the inner ability ...through commitment...to the unfolding awakening process...to gain mastery over our thoughts. As mastery begins to manifest (even in the most subtle of ways), we move into new levels of awareness...taking us to a position of BEING the Observer, as our world begins to fall into perfect Divine Order.

All things manifest, began as a thought...all actions and all words spoken, began as a thought. Therefore, are we...not only the Dream, but also the Dreamer...not only the Observer, but also the Observed...not only the Microcosm, but also the Macrocosm.

How many times do we find ourselves focused on the destination...instead of the journey? Just suppose that the journey IS the destination.

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