
often, we can look around us and see a whole new lesson being shown perfectly
to us. As I stood looking at a perfect rose yesterday, the impact
hit, of the importance of this lesson in our daily lives.
see a rose first beginning as a tiny bud. Through nurturance of the
mother plant, that bud grows moment by moment. It eventually reaches
a point where it swells and grows beyond the limitations of the outer body
of green that sheaths it's true colors. As it bursts forth from the
outer shell of green, a tiny tip emerges and a new birth has begun.
Little by little, that rose will grow to the point that that outer shell
can no longer contain it.....the bud has just emerged from the womb.
Just when we think there couldn't be a more beautiful sight, a petal slowly
unfurls.We have the opportunity to explore that petal's velvet texture,
heavenly scent, every curve, every groove, every beautiful aspect of its
creation, ect....if we choose to do so.

petals can be seen as our daily experiences, choices, aspects of life.
As each petal opens, we can explore all aspects of that petal/experience,
all the while, another petal begins to emerge and makes it's presence known.
If we take notice of our lives,we can see that through primal trust, more
'petals' will always continue to emerge for our growth process. The
petals that continue to unfold on a rose are a promise of this natural

trust is making choices with no guarantees, knowing that everything required
along our journey will always be divinely provided. Primal trust implies
surrendering to the will of the REAL I, letting go of how our little 'i'
wants to take control of the outcome of our daily processes. It means
deeply trusting the nurturing processes that are at work within our present
unfolding experiences.

perfect rose cannot be forced to fully open. It's a process that
must be allowed to unfold gradually and naturally. To try to force
a petal to open can result in torn edges and does more harm to the rose
than good. A petal will naturally unfold when it has gained the inner
strength to have the ability to overcome the conditions that surround it.
This reminds me of how we are provided with experiences that we may feel
we're not ready for. If we practice deep introspection, we will see
that we wouldn't have pulled this experience forth if we hadn't attained
the inner strength to apply the nurturance gained through the unfoldment
of that experience. If we look carefully at a fully bloomed
rose, we will see that every petal is connected to the center...the heart
of the rose....where the true nectar lies. Without this connection,
that petal could not exist.

Trust is a natural part of being directly
connected to the source of all creation...the heart of ALL That IS.
Trusting, however, does not mean acting blindly without awareness or waiting
without action; it means moving forward with awareness and learning from
our journey of experience. It takes both the feminine nurturance of the
mother plant and the masculine force of the sun to bring that rose into
it's full awakening.

we, as a rose, experience that perfect opening, we will soon find that
when the petals fade away, the next step of the process is for a seed pod
to develop from the center of its Being. This seed pod holds the
promise of yet another new plant bearing more roses, with even more petals
along our neverending journey.
can be a reminder to us all that from a stem of thorns, a body of exquisite,
gentle beauty can emerge.

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