~~~The Labyrinth of Life~~~
In the many previous lifetimes that we have incarnated, we have studied many cultures, religions, and traditions. In each one, we were taught to heed the voice of the Elders, the inner voice within ourselves, and to seek the light of truth within our hearts. We learned in many incarnations to fast, pray, and meditate. We have studied and followed those from the East, the South, the West, and the North. We have learned and lived the various teachings provided in Egypt, Tibet, India, the Americas, and as far back as Atlantis and Lemuria. In each lifetime, we dedicated ourselves to the teachings.
As these teachings merged in our cellular memory, they are now beginning to emerge in our consciousness as 'remembrance'. Look at the background on this page, use it as an example of the many rooms, many teachings, we have experienced. Notice that each one, opens to another. There are walls that seem to separate each from the other, yet there are doorways that help them all to blend. We can begin to realize they are a foundation upon which to build. The basis of each teaching provides a golden thread...how we choose to weave those threads into the tapestry of our lives, will determine how strong and solid that foundation will be. We can begin to see how each thread is a piece of truth.
We can weave these threads into creative manifestation in our daily lives. To study various teachings is beneficial, yet we still do not have a true solid foundation if we only carry the knowledge, as loose threads. To strengthen the foundation, we must APPLY what we have learned, weaving it into our daily lives, in all our relations, in all situations.
Application of the knowledge provides the experience.....experience provides the knowingness. Without the experience, we only carry loose threads. There are many forms of knowledge at our fingertips, but we gain 'knowingness' only through experience.
All that we have ever
done and experienced up to now, have been for this moment.
As has been through many incarnations, we have used a framework - - books, symbols, myths, ect. - - as tools. Yet, we were always taught to remember that these are but a small fraction of what is available AND that we, ourselves, are the true tool with which to build upon the foundation.
The days of Gurus and following others is becoming a thing of the past. I once read somewhere, "Do not follow me, walk beside me."
Each one of us must find our own note, our own tone, in the Divine Symphony of the Song of ONE.
We walk daily, moment by moment, through a labyrinth of a hall of mirrors. We are constantly surrounded by mirrors. These mirrors are other people, events, situations. ect. They merely reflect what IS, whether truth, beauty, or illusion. When you look into a reflection in one of these mirrors, do you react? Or do you respond? Think about this, as it does hold a vital difference in meaning.
YOU are the key that turns mirrors into windows. Then you can see THROUGH the mirror into the greater reality.
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This page created and maintained by Karen: