
Please note: The following is an analogy of the Awakening Process. In Truth, we cannot personify the Infinite Intelligence, as personification would be in itself, finite.

The term "God" has been used here...you can just as easily use the terms 'Source', 'Creator', 'All-That-Is', or whatever term you use as an attempt to describe that Isness. Utilize your own term of understanding wherever applicable.

...and the children arose to meet their unified selves, now at One with all creation. All the worlds within worlds suddenly became consciously known and All-That-Is became a conscious reality in the hearts and minds of all forms of Life.

'Tis the season to rejoice, for the blanket of material illusion is being lifted by those children who are awakening to the true Divine Nature of their Essence-Self. Those who are currently stirring restlessly beneath the illusion's blanketing effect are seeking to be freed from its binding, sometimes stifling heaviness. They SHALL BE FREE.

As each begins to emerge from their deep slumber of forgetfulness, they fully remember the material dream. The dream that had previously made up their material world. A world that merged with the dreams of others to fulfill the collective dream of illusion.

Rubbing the sleep from their eyes, they groggily awaken into the true state of their vitality. They remember everything about their innate abilities of God-consciousness... their true Essence.

They suddenly noticed they were surrounded by others who had also awakened. Everyone was merging together into a unity of Wholeness. Sons/Suns moving toward an even greater, brighter Sun. The closer they moved into its Light, the brighter It became, as the Light of the Illumined Souls became One with this ever growing vastness of Universal Conscious Light.

The disciples became the Masters and the Masters became the disciples. As all moved into Oneness, all moved into new levels/states of learning. The beginning merged with the end...the end merged with the beginning, forming the Eternal Wholeness.

The spiraling staircase of evolution carried ALL into new, higher planes of Beingness. Infinite realms still lay yet untouched by anyone other than God Himself...the Master Creator of Life...the continuously evolving Source that creates new levels to experience so as to know more about Himself and His endless possibilities. Infinite primordial possibilities to explore.

We had watched as He created this world. We watched as it became filled with Life, with a heartbeat that beat in perfect unison with the pulsing heartbeat of the Eternal OM.

He sent forth rays containing forms that would make this planet able to sustain other lifeforms. New plant life would bring forth fruits to be injested as a food source.

Gentle breezes made up of the Breath of this gentle Beingness, blew to remind ALL of His all-encompassing Presence. He told us this would help to remind us of the lightness of Spirit, and then He caressed our hearts with the loving breeze of moving Spirit.

Water was added, a sun, a moon and stars. These stars being a reminder of all the individual Lights that would temporarily be in embodiment on this planet.

We watched as this planet evolved into a breathtakingly beautiful world. Then He said, "It is finished." Now it was time to determine who would volunteer to accept embodiment and who would stay in Spirit to assist the others. We were told that we would be going through a veil of forgetfulness. It was necessary to fulfill the Divine Plan that would be unfolding.

God assured us that we would always be in His heart, regardless of the illusion of this world. Then He drew our attention to two fish that were submerged in the depths of an ocean. He said, "Listen." One fish was asking another a question, "Where is this ocean you keep talking about?"

Go said, "Just as this lifeform is blinded by all that surrounds it, you too, will be blinded by the illusion that you are separate from me. Yet, I will be all around and through you throughout this existence. I will never leave you. That could not BE, for you are all extensions of myself...my creations of the expressions of Spirit. You will always be submerged in my Essence just as this little one is submerged in the ocean."

"Your mission is to remember who you are, what you have learned and accomplished prior to this embodiment, and that you have done this so many times before. When you awaken and release the illusion, you will return here, in this level of consciousness, in all your Beingness...joining those higher aspects of your unified selves. Remember, remember, remember, dear Ones."

Play with the dream, dance upon the stars that I have given Thee for touch stones, stepping stones. Play with the illusion. When you lay your bodies down to rest at night, you will return to your Essence. Some will remember this upon awakening in the morn and some will not. These excursions will help to make this experience more bearable and will also serve to help you to remember."

Now, as we were spiraling within that Omnipresent Awareness, rejoined after Mastering that illusional world, we were again at One in consciousness. The experiences and lessons learned would help us in evolving in other worlds.

"Where do we go from here?" we asked. The Almighty's reply was a gentle sigh. A sigh that breathed Life into a whole new creation, a new world with new lifeforms. As has always been, His Holy Presence permeated throughout this existence.

Then He turned to gaze upon the world that He had created with but a single sigh, and He said, "We will call this one planet Earth. Walk with me here, just as you have so devotedly walked upon so many other worlds in other realms and dimensions. You have helped to bring so many back into the waking state of Oneness. You have all the abilities to accomplish this here also."

"When you are uncertain, Come unto me and I will give you rest. The air you breathe will be of my own Breath. You are to be in this world, but not of it. Now go, walk as mighty beacons of Light. As a lighthouse beacon guides sailors home, you too, will be guiding others Home...to the consciousness of the Omnipresent Life and Light of Love."

"You have done this many times. Each one has helped the collective group of our Oneness to evolve, to explore, and to come into greater levels of awareness. You are conscious expressions of Myself. I AM that I AM and I AM always with you. Remember, remember, remember dear Ones."

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth....."

(Genesis: Ch.1; verse 1)

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