~~~The Light of the ONE~~~
to my 'Home'...
Here we will be speaking of a place that lies deep within us all...
A place of FONT>
Please note: This is not the whole of the Truth, but can be a perspective to go by in finding/remembering more of our own Truth.
The Path
There is a point along the Spiritual Inner Journey, where all paths merge into One. This worn path is illumined by those who have tread it before us. Each one has had a hand in clearing the obstacles they encountered so that you and I would have a smoother journey.
They each worked, ever so diligently, having the awareness and foresight to remove what may be as an obstacle to us...even if it was not an obstacle to them. When we come to a fork in the road, and know not which road to take, the Ancients have left subtle 'markers' for us to see...IF we are aware and awakened enough to notice.
I dedicate this site to all those who have
walked this path before me, clearing it as they went, so that I would have a smoother,
well-worn, illumined road to follow. May I too, be instrumental in even more clearing
and smoothing, for those who are yet to come.
Nature's Treasures : Insightful 'messages' learned from Nature and Her inhabitants.
The Light Within and Beyond
: A place to look within ourselves for the Light of greater Truths
The Angelic Kingdom : COMING SOON!!!
Reflections of the Infinite
: A small view of the larger picture.
Beyond Time and Space
: Analogies of Awakening Light
Contemplative Poetry : Come ride the waves of the Poetic Muse
Links to other Inspiring Sites
: a place to connect with others and their pages of inspiring words.
This page created and maintained by:
Karen Johnston