Kenny's new scanner asks the age old question- Does pork come from porcupines?

1980 flyer
north carolina flyer

guess who
El Papa
Todd "Dirk Bill" Edmondson and pal
Dirk Bill

Michael and Chris's project
Lets Go Satan

They preach, around to hate why? SINK of KITCHEN, because bible his each tolerance special to this God superior of pagination of control, that coils, compassion, etc., his revenge, which they hate, that, being calculates the rage that defends the dispersion of etc. two, upperist the bucket there. Maudlin, pooh kissy, good golly, sensible feely feely the porcupines of the s-society that hopes to streetcar to hell. If you say it, he must hear wanted, ace well, if to be oídole he were to be had. If he hears must, you, elementary, this God of people, that goes away towards a their possibilities of the sky, he is, which they lack, repent was, around to have to be oídole, you are you you have and the sulfide, that that predicación, little dark-brown of fires. If it fit the necessity of the bucket for hearing for also is, the bucket declaration/agreement was that he only another French porcupine.
The King
Kenny's Hot Rod

ticket to paradise
When Hough Was King
Why you preach hatred? Because the bible preaches hatred. For each a verse on the mercy of the God, the lover, the compassion, the etc., are two verses on his vengeance, hatred, rage, etc. Maudlin, kissy-pooh, feel-good, delicate-feely preachers of the today society are cursing this nation and this world to hell. They are saying to him what you wish to hear rather that what you need to hear. What you need to hear you are that the God hates people, and that their occasions to go to the sky are nonexisting, unless you repent. What you need to hear you are a little fire and sulfur that preaches, like preached Jesus. What you do not need to hear is that you are just acceptable the way that you are, and the valued God each one without the anomaly. Wake up and you smell sulfur of the fire that is overlapping in its feet. He does not listen to heretical money-money-grubbing who is stopped in the front of its church. The God listens.
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