Musings of a Music Teacher

First I guess I should tell those of you who happen to stumble on this page a little about myself. I am a 30 year old man who just happens to be a high school band director near Corpus Christi, TX. I'd put a picture of myself on here, but I don't have one scanned in and I wouldn't want to scare you out of here anyway. I have 2 passions in my life and they are (listed in order of importance) my wife, and my job. To find out more about why I love my job so much, click on the button below and go to my philosophy of education page.

The vision of loveliness that you are looking at is (in my opinon) the most wonderful woman in the world. She is my wife of 5 years although we have been together for a little more than 8 years. I love her beyond my ability to describe! The name on the icon is her handle in The TikiBar This is the chat room in which we can most often be found. If we are there, look for us in the bar. I'll look like this if I am there:

or like this:

Here are a few links that I like!

My lovely wife's page....check it out....OR ELSE! *GRIN*

For my philosphies about education, click the button.

A friend's page with lots of cool links.

A page of links that I put together for a friend's class. It's all links to pages about Ancient Greece. Be careful! You MIGHT just learn something interesting!

A great source of links for Music Educators.

Drum Corps...need I say more?

This is my favorite corps official homepage: Phantom Regiment's Homepage.

A page with some great artwork by a wonderful artist.

This is another page of great art work with some really CUTE pictures! *grin*

Dilbert is my favorite comic strip currently in print. If you missed one of his strips in the last month, go check it out in the archive on Dilbert's homepage!

The perfect way to say "I love you" to that special person....just as long as that person has a sense of humor!

If that person doesn't have a sense of humor, say it with virtual flowers!

Another great sight to send a humorous greeting to a friend!

Looking for a special little gift to send to someone online? If you can't find it here, it probably can't be found. This is a VERY extensive listing of a lot of sites that will send a variety of virtual "stuff" for you.

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