Welcome to MGS Homepage. I am grateful to Pn. Wong Koon Yoke, and the Internet Committee for building and maintaining this website. To the many past students of the school who will occasionally visit this site, here’s hoping that the memories this site engenders will be happy ones and that you will e-mail us your impressions.
I take great pride in announcing that our new Multipurpose Block now named Trinity Hall has been completed. It blends well with the existing building and it looks great. The school is very grateful for the support given by girls, teachers, parents and the Board of Governors, Old Girls’ Association and the public towards making the new building a reality.
On 14th April 2000, there will be a dedication service for the Trinity Hall and it will be conducted by Bishop Dr.Peter Chio Sing Ching, Resident Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia. Later, there will be an official opening of the hall by Dato’ Ong Ka Chuan DPMP., PMP. Perak State Executive Councillor.
At the beginning of the year the PMR results were announced. With a total percentage pass at 93.6%. the school showed an improvement of 4.2%. My thanks and congratulations to the teachers, the parents and the wonderful girls of MGS Ipoh.
Recently the school took part in many co curricular activities.
Once again MGS showed it superiorty in the Rotary Interschool debate by emerging as champion for 3 successive years.
Our school’s swimming team continued to outshine other schools by emerging as the champion school in the Perak Closed Swimming Championship.
To all the MGS students success whether in academic or in co curricular activities does not come easy. It involves a lot of time. Time away from all the pleasurable pursuits like video watching, shopping , playing games etc etc . Your time must be devoted to
do meaningful things that will help you achieve success. I am sure
you can rise up above every difficulty and achieve anything you set your mind to. Work hard , do your best and God will give you strength.
Mrs Lily Chin
SMK Perempuan Methodist, Ipoh.
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Last Update : 31 March 2000
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