Changing Ways Changing Dreams
"Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself.
You have enough to worry about today!
Matthew 5:34

The ideas contained in this website are not new.
Some are as old as the book of Revelation itself.
I neither take credit for these interpretations nor do I expect any.
The whole intent and purpose of this website is to
Expound, Interpret, Analyze and Comment upon
what has already been written and said about the book of Revelation,
not to mention the book itself. Any credits necessary will be given to the just scholars that have worked so tirelessly on this subject. As someone famous once said, and I paraphrase,
"I see what I see, because I stand on the shoulders of giants."
So with the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the Love of Christ,
I attempt what the fictional scholar "Tsion Ben-Judah", from the book series "Left Behind"(By Tim Lahay and Jerry Jenkins) has done with his fictional audience.
I hope that the message contained herein will lead brothers and sisters the world over
to the love and joy and truth that is found only in the matchless name of Christ.