Partially Known Relatives and Friends

Uncle Ephriam - Permelia


Jane also mentions an Uncle Ephraim and a Permelia. The 1860 Census for Nelson lists an Ephraim Prichard, a 70 year old farmer originally from Massachusetts. There are a number of younger Prichards who could well be grandchildren. It may be that Ephraim was "great-uncle" Ephraim, father of Uncle John Prichard. One of the younger Prichard's listed is Permelia, age 24 doing housework in the residence. This is probably the Permelia mentioned in the diaries but it is hard to tell if she is a daughter of Aunt Polly or of one of Uncle John's brothers.

Thomas relatives

Jane's mother was Mary C. Thomas, daughter of Seth and Susanna Cosset Thomas who settled in Liverpool. Mary had two brothers, Seth and John. I believe that her references to an Uncle Seth and an Uncle John probably refer to these men.

Uncle Seth Thomas was born in 1807, probably in Connecticut, and married Clarissa Welton in Medina County on 2 May 1833. He apparently had a son, Seth, who married Nancy Hamilton in Mediana County on 16 August 1857.

John Thomas was born in 1809, probably in Connecticut.

Sherman W. Thomas married Elizabeth Moore in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on 10 November 1855. These would be the Sherm and Libbie Jane mentions in 1861.

The Fred Thomas Jane mentions in 1858 I believe to be Frederick J. Thomas who married Jane L. Sturgez in Medina County, Ohio on 20 March 1851.

Whether or not Sherman and Fred were related to either Seth or John is not known.

Last revised: 26 October 1997


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