Greetings Everyone to Midipiper's MP3's!

Finally!! I'm sorry it's been so long between updates. I've been extremely busy lately and haven't been able to spend as much time on this site. Thank's to all for the wonderful comments and e-mails! It's encouraging to know that our experiment with digital bagpipe tune creation is appreciated. Please click the Archive button below to find more tunes!

Just a reminder!

The tunes listed on this site are created digitally on a computer by myself or The Sottish Jedi from Bagpipes At Best. They are NOT actual pipes! Several folks have reminded me of that! */;-)

"Left Click" a tune if your browser supports playing MP3's direct. Depending on your connection speed, you may need to pause or stop your player temporarily to allow the tune to download a bit before listening.

"Right Click" a tune and "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" to download the tune to your computer.

Barren Rocks Of Aden
Cockney Jocks, The
Flett From Flotta
Flowers Of The Forest
Going Home
A Hundred Pipers

If there is a tune listed on Bagpipes At Best which you wish to see offered here as an MP3, please enter the title in this form. But first, please take a moment to check out the Archives page and see if your request may already be listed.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. Please take the time to leave your comments (a.k.a. Sign My Guestbook), and view the comments of others.
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Bagpipe Web Directory hits since 01/01/2000 Last updated 11/19/00

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