As I write this it has been almost 5 full days since Princess Di was so brutally ripped from our hearts and I still cannot cry. I feel like I've lost a dear friend, and I am just numb.
While our stations in life were worlds apart, the paths of our lives ran parallel paths. I too married a man, many years my senior, who as it turned out did not love me and could not understand me or even accept the person I have always been.
During the years that followed, with all their betaryal, pain and outright psycological warfare, I continued to follow the news of the events in Diana's life. While she battled bulemia and depression, I was fighting depression and panic disorder. And while my station precluded my (now ex)husband's deisre that I remove my, by then, inconvienent presence and ceace to be an obstacle to his adulterous whim, from being plastered all over the tabloids, I cringed for Diana when her misfortune was. Through it all Diana has always been there. Her image, on the TV, seemed to speak to my heart reasuring me that I am not the only woman to experience that kind of hell; That at least one other person on the planet could easily understand what I was going through; I was not alone. She also proved, with her actions and words, that it is possible to rise above all the ugliness and meaness and boldly answer it with truth and love. I have often looked to her courageous example and drawn strength and inspiration from it. And recently, just as I started taking my first tentative steps back into the social fray, she seemed to have found love and happiness at last.
The best way I can think of to honor her memory in the months and years to come, is to take her example as a challenge to do what we can to make this world a brighter, more caring place for everyone.
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