DarkNight - 09/01/00 10:05:25
My URL:http://DarkNight


HAHAHAHA You have been hacked

. <xmtp><br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>Amin Fatah</b> - 10/20/99 15:33:49<br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:spdi@msn.com">spdi@msn.com</a><br><P><b>Comments:</b><br> I read your piece about Kifri and enjoyed every word of it. I was born in Kifri and my whole family and their roots are from this little town. I wished I was there for one more time. Thank you for the beautiful piece about a liitle town that is so dear to my heart. Best regards, Amin Fatah spdi@msn.com<br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>Bakhtyar ALJAF</b> - 07/13/99 14:14:18<br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:aljaf@worldmailer.com">aljaf@worldmailer.com</a><br><P><b>Comments:</b><br> الاستاذ انور قرأت خواطركم عن مدينة كفري حيث قضيت فيها بعض سنوات طفولتي مثلكم اتمنى لكم التوفيق مع موفور الصحة اخوكم: الصحفي بختيار الجاف لوبليانا-جمهورية سلوفينيا<br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b></b> - 07/13/99 14:11:45<br> <P><b>Comments:</b><br> <br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>aljaf</b> - 07/13/99 14:09:01<br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:aljaf@worldmailer.com">aljaf@worldmailer.com</a><br><P><b>Comments:</b><br> <br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>10/26/98 11:17:04</b><br> <table> <tr><td><b>Name:</b> Bad Bunny</td> <td><b>My URL:</b> <a href="http://members.tripod.com/~mrxtc/index.html">Visit Me</a></td> </tr> <tr><td><b>My Email:</b> <a href="mailto:badbunnnny@bigfoot.com">Email Me</a></td> </tr> <tr></tr> </table><p> <b>Comments:</b><br> Just surfing Thanks<p> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>Laura</b> - 10/13/98 01:19:49<br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:muewsette@hotmail.com">muewsette@hotmail.com</a><br><P><b>Comments:</b><br> In the name of Allah, most compassionate, most merciful. Praise Him. Asalaam Alykum, Thank you for making the plight of Iraqi refugees clear and readable. You are very eloquent in your words and I enjoyed your poetry to the utmost. Sincerely, Laura<br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><table cellspacing=10><tr><td> <b>Cindy</b> - 09/25/98 06:18:51<br> <b>My URL:</b><a href="http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy">http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy</a><br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:cinth@usa.net">cinth@usa.net</a><br> <b>comment:</b> Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy<br> </td><td valign=top><b>Comments:</b><br> </td></tr></table><br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>Kara Townsend</b> - 06/27/98 04:37:40<br> <b>My URL:</b><a href="http://www.dynamicSex.com">http://www.dynamicSex.com</a><br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:dwebmistress@yahoo.com">dwebmistress@yahoo.com</a><br><P><b>Comments:</b><br> Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :) <img src=http://www.dynamicsex.com/dot.gif width=1 height=1><br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- REMOTE ADDR: --><b>Anwar Al-Ghassani</b> - 05/26/98 01:14:38<br> <b>My URL:</b><a href="/Athens/Forum/6672">http://www.Geocities.com/Athens/Forum/6672</a><br> <b>My Email:</b><a href="mailto:alghassa@sol.racsa.co.cr">alghassa@sol.racsa.co.cr</a><br><P><b>Comments:</b><br> This is to test the guestbook. Anwar Al-Ghassani<br> <IMG SRC="/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1> <br> <!-- END_ENTRIES --> <center> <a href="/Athens/Forum/6672/">My Home Page</a> | <a href="/Athens/Forum/">Visit Athens/Forum</a> | <a href="">Explore GeoCities</a> | <a href="/BHI/freehp.html">Get your own free homepage</a></CENTER> </body> </HTML>